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  1. If every wish gets fulfilled at a particular time as per the will of God, what is the necessity of prayer?

    Well, prayer is not something that you impose on yourself or anyone else. Prayer is a natural call for help, or a natural expression of gratefulness. Prayer can happen only on two occasions:1. When you are desperately in need of something then you ...
  2. You have said that like rhythm in nature, our thoughts and emotions also have a rhythm. Please explain.

    I want you to take a look at your own emotion and the time scales. See how you felt last year at the same time? What were your feelings and thoughts during Christmas time or Diwali time? Just analyze, you will see that the pattern is happening year afte ...
  3. I want to be 'Sthita Pragna' not get drifted by cravings and aversions. What should I do?

    The moment you recognize that there is craving and aversion, I am getting disturbed by it and I don't want to be disturbed by it, you are already on track. See, when a person wakes up from sleep, only then he realizes, "Oh, I was sleeping!" In ...
  4. It is said in Yoga Vashishta that one of the four gatekeepers to liberation is satsang (the company of truth). Please elaborate.

    Yes, one of the four gatekeepers to enlightenment is satsang, which means having the right company because it is a good company that uplifts you. How do you realize what is a good company? Just sit with someone and talk to them for over 30 minut ...
  5. What is Pitru Dosha, how does it affect our daily life and how do we correct it?

    Pitru Dosha comes out of torturing the parents or ancestors. If children torture the parents and do not understand them, then that is called Pitru Dosha. The parents have brought you up with so much love, taking pain they have given you a good li ...
  6. If every wish gets fulfilled at a particular time as per the will of God, what is the necessity of prayer?

    Well, prayer is not something that you impose on yourself or anyone else. Prayer is a natural call for help, or a natural expression of gratefulness. Prayer can happen only on two occasions:1. When you are desperately in need of something then you ...
  7. You have said that like rhythm in nature, our thoughts and emotions also have a rhythm. Please explain.

    I want you to take a look at your own emotion and the time scales. See how you felt last year at the same time? What were your feelings and thoughts during Christmas time or Diwali time? Just analyze, you will see that the pattern is happening year afte ...
  8. I want to be 'Sthita Pragna' not get drifted by cravings and aversions. What should I do?

    The moment you recognize that there is craving and aversion, I am getting disturbed by it and I don't want to be disturbed by it, you are already on track. See, when a person wakes up from sleep, only then he realizes, "Oh, I was sleeping!" In ...
  9. How To Create A Life Of True Fulfilment

    The seed becomes a tree and then the tree becomes a seed. So the fulfillment of the seed is in becoming a seed again. Unless the seed becomes a tree, and tree bears fruit, the seed is not complete and the cycle is not complete. From a seed to a seed is th ...
  10. Any Time Can Be A Good Time

    How to balance excellence and dispassion? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Whenever you are out of balance, it pinches you. Listen to the pinch, that's all. If you have too much passion and no dispassion, you will lose night's sleep. When you cannot do anything, you ...