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  1. What can we do to help the refugees get connected to spirituality when even their basic needs are not met?

    Why only the refugees? Even the slum dwellers are in the same position. See, you cannot go on supplying everybody with everything they need. You do whatever is within your capacity. Along with that, if the refugees are in the violent mode they can creat ...
  2. Gurudev, how to take complete responsibility yet not feel a sense of doership and feel pressured for results?

    Look, forget about doer ship, just do what you have to do. Be a doer and do it, never mind. Don’t keep any split in the mind, just do good work. Even if you say, "I have done this", it’s okay, but first do. The rest we will see lat ...
  3. Gurudev, Monday is for Lord Shiva and Friday is believed to be for Goddess (Devi). What is the relation between time and God?

    All the days are for you and me only (laughter). All the times are for us only. It is a belief that days are associated with planets (Graha), and planets belong to one or the other God (Devta). But you should not worry about these things to ...
  4. Do meditations have effect on the global events? I am concerned about the situation is Kashmir. What can I do to bring peace there?

    Definitely it has an impact. Meditate and have an intention to bring peace there. If a butterfly can flutter its wings in South America and have an impact on the weather in China, you think your thoughts and prayers have no impact? C'mon, wake up! You a ...
  5. Is the bad period over? If yes, what will unfold in the good phase?

    Here in Satsang (where all of you are sitting) it's a good period! See, it's up to you, how you define it. If it is a phase in which whatever you do is not giving any results and things are falling apart, it is an opportunity for you to show your ...
  6. How to balance excellence and dispassion?

    Whenever you are out of balance, it pinches you. Listen to the pinch, that's all. If you have too much passion and no dispassion, you will lose night's sleep. When you cannot do anything, you cannot meditate and passion catches you like a fever, then re ...
  7. Is There Any Right Or Wrong

    I loved your tweet about spontaneity and impulsiveness. Could you also talk about righteousness and 'rightness' Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: "Often one confuses spontaneity with impulsiveness. While the former is the secret to success, the latter has only caused ...
  8. Gurudev could you please speak about the great Jupiter transit that is happening tomorrow.

    This keeps happening every year and planets are changing all the time. You don't have to worry about all of this. Yesterday only I told you that, for a 'sadhak' everyday is a good day; every time is a good time. ...
  9. Gurudev in all these years of teaching, have you seen any difference in people from 30 years ago to now?

    Oh yes! On one level, everything is changing -- people's thinking has changed from place to place and from time to time. Change is a constant thing. At another level there is one thing that is running throughout; that has not changed. A lot has changed ...
  10. Meditation is often called 'Turiya avastha', where wakefulness and rest exist simultaneously. If this state is so efficient, then is it possible to stay in this state for longer period of time and not just during the 20 minutes of meditation?

    You know, you take shower only for ten minutes, but the freshness stays with you the whole day. Meditation is like that. If not the whole day, it stays for at least half a day, till you take the shower again. ...