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  1. You have mentioned that the education is essential in order to combat terrorism. Could you please shed light on how we can educate someone who doesn't feel the need of being educated?

    Skill. This is where your skilfulness comes into play. How skilfully you can manoeuvre the situation.Education is not just the technical education. When people say that education is the antidote to terrorism, I don't agree with them because when y ...
  2. If I am suffering from inside, can I still stay happy and keep a smile on my face?

    You know life is like a 'Thali'(plate) in which you have something sweet, something salty, something pungent -- all different tastes are present. Like this, in your life you have little sadness (maybe you have lost something, or lost money), yes that pi ...
  3. I loved your tweet about spontaneity and impulsiveness. Could you also talk about righteousness and 'rightness'

    "Often one confuses spontaneity with impulsiveness. While the former is the secret to success, the latter has only caused disasters. Spontaneity arises out of clarity, intuition & response, impulsiveness is only emotions & reactions.The way t ...
  4. I Am Love And So Are You

    Gurudev, what is Mahakaal? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Kaal means ‘time’ and mahakaal means ‘grand time’. Grand time is that which is beyond all human explanation or comprehension. It is that which creates a want in you and also makes you lose your ground. And ...
  5. Jai Gurudev, am I Arjuna to you, if yes, why don’t you talk to me one to one like Krishna?

    You know whenever I am talking, I am only talking one to one. Others are just sitting around and listening, so remember I am talking just to you and you only. ...
  6. In ‘wonder’, is intellect not active?

    In ‘wonder’ the mind comes to a stand-still, the intellect which poses question comes into exclamation. Exclamation or wonder can happen only through intellect. ...
  7. Whenever I listen to knowledge I sleep. What should I change?

    One devotee asked this question, "How come when I watch any movie or television serial, I am all awake, even if it is in middle of the night. The moment I come for a spiritual discourse, I doze off".You know, the answer is -- because ...
  8. Do you love me?

    I am love, and so are you! love is not an act. In that sense, you are not separate from me, neither are you different from me. What is this silly question: do you love me? Neither I have any choice nor you have any choice. Drop all these silly doubts th ...
  9. In Mahabharata, even Arjuna could not get heaven. How come Kaurava got heaven even after doing wrong things?

    Well, you know, whenever people die they say, "Swargvaas ho gaya", means he has gone to heaven. This is one way to tell that someone has departed from this world. Not that they are all gone to heaven, but it is a term used.'May their sou ...