Organization Profile ( Art of Living Organization Profile )
The Art of Living Foundation (AOL) is an international non-profit educational, charitable and humanistic organization. It was first established in the United States in 1981. Currently, it has established operation centers in more than 180 countries around the world, and established in India, Germany and Canada. Meditation, providing modern people with retreat and growth, training use.
Public service: Art of Living has engaged in many domestic and foreign public service, such as prison inmate rehabilitation courses, breathing, meditation and laughter workshops, and advocates greening the earth and environmental protection programs (such as the production of environmental enzymes), and participates in post-traumatic Decompression programs (such as China Chuanzhen), etc. Member of International Organizations: Member of United Nations Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), World Health Organization (WHO), and a participating consultant for WHO to formulate a global 21st century health strategy, special consultant of United Nations Economic and Social Organization (ECOSOC) Consultant members, and members of other international organizations.
- Educational work: mainly to teach practical techniques and knowledge to relieve stress and improve the overall health of body, mind and spirit, so as to improve the quality of life of the public, and then live out the wisdom and joy of life.
Education career
The Art of Living Foundation provides educational programs covering stress management, personal growth, physical and mental health, and interpersonal relationships. The most unique aspect of the program is the use of special breathing techniques to assist people in promoting physical, mental and emotional health.
- Widespread benefits have been recognized by the scientific community in India, North America, and the World Health Organization, with research sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health.
- Well-known universities in the United States, Soviet Russia, Germany and India have listed it as an official course.
- The courses promoted, in addition to courses for the general public and regular coaching activities, also include "Self-Management Courses", "Yes! Children's All-round Excellence Training Camp", "Young Leaders Training Courses", "Yes! Youth Vitality Camp" and so on.
Public welfare service: The foundation is engaged in many domestic and foreign public welfare services, a brief excerpt is as follows~
- 监狱新智课程:AOL发展出一套有创意且成果导向的公益方案,有助於受刑人的更生、减少暴力及对药物的依赖,教导他们能够对过去的行为负责并成功 地处理未来需面临的衝突、压力的生命技术。这些方案在印度与美国,与政府单位合作,成果十分丰硕。全球实施国家计有:美国、俄罗斯、荷兰、北欧、巴西、英 国、德国、南非和印度等国家,超过十五万受刑人受益。台湾截至目前为止已有2,000人上过此课程。未来,希冀可结合政府或国内机关团体,进一步发展并扩 大此公益服务。
- 呼吸、静心与欢笑工作坊:特别提供给鳏、寡、孤、独、受虐、受灾户等的弱势族群或机关团体的一种深入自我内在的成长体验课程。
- 创伤後解压方案:为自然灾害与战争受难者所提供的减压复健辅导方案。例如:2008年中国四川大地震的灾民的复健、南亚大海啸的捐款等
- 环保方案:利用厨馀,製作环保酵素
- 应邀免费演讲与体验
- 5H方案:著重於未开发国家的健康(Health)、住屋(Homes)、卫生(Hygiene)、人性价值(Human Values)、差异中的和谐(Harmony in Diversity)等五方面的服务,强化贫困社区在社会及经济上自力更生的能力。除了印度外,尚有中美洲、南非、印尼与尼泊尔等地实施此方案。
- 赤足方案:提供亚洲农村妇女谋生的职业训练
- 一日一美(或欧)元方案:提供印度及乌干达贫童的免费衣食、医疗、与教育计划
国际组织成员:AOL亦是下列各国际组织的会员(Professional Affiliations):
- 联合国:生活的艺术基金会是联合国非政府组织(NGO)经济与社会发展委员会(ECOSOC)的谘询会员,在纽约、日内瓦与维也纳都有公认的代表。
- 世界卫生组织(WHO):为世界卫生组织「发展21世纪全球健康策略」正式的谘询顾问。
- 其他国际组织:
- 日内瓦CONGO会员(联合国经济与社会发展委员会谘询会员大会,日内瓦)
- United Nations Commission on Mental Health and United Nations Commission on Aging, New York
- International Alliance for Healthy Development and Education, Paris
- NGO Health Symposium, Geneva
Some excerpts from International Activities ( before 2007 ):
- In 2006, he led as many as 2.5 million people from more than 152 countries around the world to sit in India to pray for world peace
- 2003 World Congress on Spiritual Revival and Human Values, India
- 2002 United Nations World Economic Forum, New York, USA
- 2002 United Nations World Summit on Safeguarding Development, New York, USA
- 2001 America's Back on Track Campaign: A campaign to get the U.S. economy back on track after 9/11, a trip from New York through 15 cities
- 2001 United Nations Conference on Race and Discrimination, Deben, South Africa
- Reconstruction and Rehabilitation after the 2001 Earthquake: Adoption Village Program, Gujara, India
- 2000 United Nations Millennium Symposium, New York
- 2000 Thirteenth International AIDS Congress, Deben, South Africa
- 1999 Symposium on Human Values, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 1998 World Congress on Conflict Resolution, St. Petersburg, Russia
- 1998 International Symposium on "Human Values and Human Rights", Shgep, Croatia
- 1996 International Congress of the Helsinki Citizens Congress "The Role of Preventive Diplomacy in Conflict Resolution", Armenia
- 1995 United Nations World Social Summit, Copenhagen
- 1995 United Nations World Conference on Women, Beijing Organization Introduction