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Keep the Faith
Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 17 Contd. from knowledge sheet 16 "Shraddhveerya smrutisamadhiprajnapurvaka itaresham" By faith, by vigor or courage, by memory of having experienced the Self and through the deep state of equanimity, a sta ... -
Freedom from Five Sources of Misery
Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 19 Contd. from knowledge sheet 18 Patanjali, in the next yoga sutra, beautifully analyses the fully blossomed state of consciousness. "Klesha karmavipakashayairaparamrushtaha purushavishesha ëshwaraha" kles ... -
The Seed of All Knowing
Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 21 Contd. from knowledge sheet 20 "Tatra niratishayam sarvagnabëjam" tatra = in Him; niratishayam = special; sarvagna = all knowingness; bejam = seed “In Him exists the seed of all knowingness in a special ... -
When you say Om, the prana is total, complete
Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 22 Contd. from knowledge sheet 21 “Sa esha purveshamapi guruhu kalenanavachchedat’’ saha = that, He; eshaha = this, here; purvesham = of the ancients (of those who lived before); api = too; guruhu = master; kalena = ... -
Om chanting: Clearing obstacles from your path
Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 23 Contd. from knowledge sheet 22 Remembering the Lord with Om "Tajjapastadartha bhavanam" tad = its; japaha = repetition; tad = its; artha = meaning; bhavanam = feeling “When you remember it (the Divine) b ... -
9 Obstacles on the Path
Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 25 Contd. from knowledge sheet 24 Remembering the Lord with Om "Tajjapastadartha bhavanam" tad = its; japaha = repetition; tad = its; artha = meaning; bhavanam = feeling “When you remember it (the Divine) b ... -
Educate and ignore people who do sinful acts
Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 31 Contd. from knowledge sheet 30 Ignore people who do sinful acts- ‘upeksha’. If somebody says some untruth, just brush it off. It is not worth thinking about them. We do the reverse, we do not think about people wh ... -
One-pointed Mind is Joy
Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 27 Contd. from knowledge sheet 26 Now, how to get rid of these obstacles? "Tatpratishedharthamekatattvabhyasaha'' tat = their; pratisheda = prevention; artham = for; eka = one; tattva = principle; abh ... -
Introduction to Yoga with Kamlesh Barwal
Kamlesh Barwal is an International Sri Sri Yoga teacher with The Art of Living. Over the past eleven years, she has travelled worldwide teaching people of all backgrounds, cultures and religions how to effectively manage their mind and emotions, eliminate ... -
5 Reasons Why You Need Yoga Buddies
Face it: as exotic as it sounds to de-stress, relax and keep fit with a regular yoga routine, it is almost as difficult to get the discipline to stick to the practice. Yoga, like any other skill in life, requires hours of sincere lessons, days of unrelent ...

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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