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Meditation opens up the smallest atom to the Infinite
Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 39 Contd. from knowledge sheet 38 “ Yathabhimatadhyanadwa ’’ yatha = as per; abhimata = your appeal, choice; dhyanat = by meditation; va = or Many different types of meditations are there. In any one of these meditatio ... -
Yoga Keeps You Going, Even at 50
Recently turned 50, Srinivas Uppaluri is a perfect example of 'age no bar' when it comes to doing what he is passionate about. Then be it his work, a game of golf, daily yoga practice, or regular fitness routine – Srinivas makes sure that he put ... -
A Leaf Out of My Yoga Diary
A 37-year-old, busy, multi-tasking woman’s account of how yoga adds zing to her life Married for 12 blissful years, mother of two energetic children, and a bank manager for eight years, I am Nina Singh: a fun-loving, gregarious woman who loves people, exp ... -
Enlightenment is to realize that this reality itself is a dream
Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 36 Contd. from knowledge sheet 35 “Swapnanidrajnanalambanam va” swapna = dream; nidra = sleep; jnana = knowledge of; alambanam = meditating on, by knowing; va = or “The knowledge of dream or sleep can also awaken you.” ... -
Rhythms of Breath Calm the Mind
Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 32 Contd. from knowledge sheet 31 " Prachchardana vidharanabhyam va pranasya'' prachchardana = by splitting (expulsion); vidharanabhyam = by retention; va = optionally; pranasya = of breath "By spl ... -
Celebrating Motherhood with Yoga
Birth is not only about making babies. It’s about making mothers. Such is the feeling of Meghana Kalta, mother to a beautiful one-year-old daughter named Tarini, which signifies Goddess Durga. Here, Meghana shares with Shradha Sharma her experience of bei ... -
Keep your mind engaged in the thoughts of the enlightened
Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 35 Contd. from knowledge sheet 34 “Vitaragavishayamvachittam’’ vitaraga = beyond cravings; vishayam = objects; va = or; chittam = mind “That mind which is free from craving for objects blossoms fully.”- Patanjali Yoga ... -
Yoga for Pregnant Women
The practice of yoga can help you prepare your mind and body for labor and birth as this helps you focus, concentrate and keep you healthy. Doing Yoga Postures is a gentle way of keeping your body active and supple and minimize common pregnancy symptoms l ... -
Yoga during Pregnancy
This is the period when your body and mind are engaged in the creation of a new life. It can be a unique and valuable experience. Yoga can help you to have an easier, healthier pregnancy and delivery. Practice slowly and gently and the postures and breath ... -
Meditation Influences the Creation
Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 16 Contd. from knowledge sheet 15 "Bhavapratyayo videhaprakrutilayanam" That which is caused by this existence (i.e., you meditating in this level of existence) also influences those who do not have a body ...

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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