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  1. Protecting Australian wetlands

    Every plant or animal on this planet adds beauty and value to this creation simply by its presence. They are also part of an elaborate eco-system. Each specie is connected to so many others and the endangering of one affects the entire chain. An endangere ...
  2. Ghana village gets eye doctors after 8 years

    After 8 years residents of the little hamlet of Keta got access to eye care. For these 700 Ghanains a one-day eye camp on 15 April 2011 was life transforming. “The people of this region are known to be afflicted by a variety of eye ailments,” says Ruchi G ...
  3. Ved Vignan Maha Vidya Peeth (VVMVP)

    The story of this ‘One School’ has been the inspiration for setting up 425 such schools all over the country—not only in the rural areas but also the interior tribal areas. 53,361 children from economically challenged backgrounds benefit annually. Women’s ...
  4. Ved Vignan Maha Vidya Peeth

    “Basic human values need to be encouraged in the classroom. A child is born with these values and a teacher needs to uncover them.” – Gurudev Over the last three decades, The Art of Living is revolutionizing education in India. Importance has been given t ...
  5. Teaching Communities to be Self Sufficient

    The Beginning The project was started in July 2009, with a target group of unemployed and disadvantaged women with families. Teaching Communities to be Self Sufficient The Home Gardening Project teaches community members to make organic home food gardens ...
  6. Giving Direction to Young Inmates

    “I never felt my breath this light before in my whole life. Today, I am feeling so much peace and silence than I ever felt before.” A young inmate, Tihar Jail, Delhi, India The Art of Living’s Youth Empowerment and Skills (YES!+) program, conducted for ar ...
  7. Youth Leadership Training Program (YLTP)

    55 Youth Travel to the Art of Living International Centre in Bangalore, India for training After Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s meeting with Iraqi Minister of Youth and Sports Jasim Muhammad Jafar in 2007, 55 youth from Baghdad, Basra, Suleimania, Karbala ...
  8. Prisoner rehabilitation in Taiwan

    Since 2004, The Art of Living’s Prison Smart Program has found its roots in five correctional facilities of Taiwan as a way of rehabilitating the inmates. The Tucheng Detention Center offers a five-day course each month with an average of 60 participants ...
  9. The Art of Living Programs at The Dominican Republic's New Model Prisons

     The Art of Living Foundation has recently signed an agreement with the Dominican Republic’s National Penitentiary School, to conduct Stress Management And Rehabilitation Training (SMART) programs at 12 of its New Model Prison campuses. The New Model Pris ...
  10. Prison-Program- Kenya

    Kamiti Prison Program March 2010 we conducted the first Prison SMART course in Kamiti, the maximum security prison in Kenya. Over 100 inmates benefited through the Prison SMART course. This prison has an inmate population of 3000, the largest prison in Ke ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More