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  1. The Art of Living Part 2 Course

    Rest in your Infinite Nature The Art of Living Part 2 Course usually offered in residence and for a minimum of 4 days, provides optimal conditions for going deep within, quieting our mental chatter, and experiencing profound rest and inner silence. This c ...
  2. Art of Living Part 2 Course- Sri Sri

    Why do we Need to Meditate?- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Social:  ...
  3. De Art Of Silence cursus (deel II cursus)

    Delen Delen Een vakantie bij jezelf Een vakantie bij jezelf Verjonging Verjonging De Art of Living cursus (deel II) biedt optimale mogelijkheden om diep naar binnen te gaan, ons mentale gebabbel te verstillen en diepe rust en innerlijke vrede te ervaren. ...
  4. Gevorderdenprogramma's

    Er is een groot aanbod aan cursussen binnen Art of Living. Als richtlijn is er een aanbevolen volgorde waarin je de cursussen het beste kunt doen, maar dit is geen vaste regel. Je kunt altijd met je eigen Art of Living instructeur overleggen wanneer je ee ...
  5. Part II Testimonial 6

    The advanced course, I cannot put in words the sort of experience it was for me. I have always imagined the nature of meditation and the feeling one has when you do this but this was mind blowing. It was an absolutely wonderful experience. ...
  6. Part II Testimonial 4

    Japan 43 years I cannot directly pin point it, but definitely there is a big change from before and after going to the part-2 course. I feel I have become a new person, so I say that the part-2 course has been the starting point of my new self. The new me ...
  7. Part II Testimonial 5

    Fiji I had a great time with the advance course too. I think everyone came out a better person. My personal health seems improved. I am finding that I am more tolerant to my own self these days. This means that I do not indulge in drinking and other bad h ...
  8. Part II Testimonial

    Japan Since taking the Basic course eight years ago, I notice the path given by Gurudev continuing in front of me. From attending three part-2 Courses I can slowly feel the self that is deep within me. ...
  9. Advanced meditation course

    “Every moment doing the advance course was new experience for me, the meditation and most of all the silence, which enjoyed the most.” ...