
A Fountain of Yogis in
the Coast of Oman

The Gulf and Middle East region were inundated by a surge of Yoga during the first half of 2012. With Yogathon 2012, came Kamlesh Barwal (a senior Sri Sri Yoga teacher) who toured the region. Her penultimate stop was in Oman where she conducted the advanced level of Sri Sri Yoga. It was the only residential program in her tour of the region. The program was conducted in a farmhouse in Barka with 30 participants that included people from the United Kingdom, Morocco and Turkey. Their sincere interest in wanting to know more about the yoga postures that they had been doing for so long and to correct and hone them into perfection was taken care of by Kamleshji with a lot of fortitude and love.

The course was indeed complete. The dancing and singing during the evening satsangs (devotional musical gatherings) was so very beautiful. All looked bright and transformed by the yogic cleansing and detox process, yoga and the beautiful meditations that were in plenty during the program.

Everybody was filled with gratitude and infinite joy. Those who missed the program are anxiously awaiting the announcement of the next Sri Sri Yoga Level 2 and those who enjoyed it are eagerly waiting to repeat it. There is, indeed, a yoga fever in Oman!




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