
Search results

  1. Hva er Sri Sri-yoga?

    Sri Sri-yoga er en både mild og kraftfull disiplin med elementer fra ulike yoga-retninger, spesielt fra hatha-yoga, der kropp, sinn og pust forenes. Her får du kunnskap og yoga-teknikker på en lett og samtidig grundig måte. Yogaen dekker et bredt spekter, ...
  2. Yoga for mot ryggsmerter

    Most people tend to suffer from lower or upper back pain. Barring a few cases of slipped disk, the majority tend to collect stress and tension, which results in week abdominal muscles and eventually, back pain. Regular yoga practice will go far in relievi ...
  3. Born with yoga

    Mountains tumbling into head stands, suddenly converting into speeding cycles. Bridges collapsing into roaring lions, cocooned caterpillars turning into beautiful butterflies. These are not pictures out of an animated fantasy film, but scenes in your home ...
  4. Yoga in depth

    Have you imagined delving into the depth of your existence? How would it be? Why should one understand the depths of yoga? Our senses have a limited capacity to enjoy, but our mind has an infinite desire for joy. The joy, which comes through the five sens ...
  5. Yoga and spirituality

    Spirituality is a harmonious blend of outer silence and inner celebration and also inner silence and outer celebration. Spirituality is nothing to be afraid of or must not be misunderstood, it’s simply kindling your very natural self, the spirit, energy o ...
  6. Sri Sri-yogaøvelser

    Sri Sri-yogaøvelser Sri Sri-yoga er først og fremst Hatha-yoga kombinert med andre yogaformer som gir full uttelling. I Sri Sri-yoga undervises det i kunnskap og en kombinasjon av effektiv, og samtidig mild serie asanaer /yogastillinger og pranayamaer for ...
  7. Benefits of yoga asanas

    Just as the knowledge of Yoga is vast and deep, so are its benefits. The practice of yoga benefits the body, mind and spirit. Benefits of yoga for the body:  Regular practice of yoga, benefits the body in the following ways: Improves flexibility of muscle ...
  8. Yoga

    Begrepet yoga er avledet fra sanskrits yuj, som betyr union – forening av kropp, sinn og ånd, eller bevissthet. Ordet hatha kommer fra sanskrits ha, som betyr sol, og tha, som betyr måne. Ha viser til solens nadi, altså kanal, (som er pingala), i den fins ...