What is Meditation?
Meditation is the delicate art of doing nothing and letting go of all the efforts to relax into your true nature which is love, joy and peace.
Meditation is that which gives you deep rest.
The rest in meditation is deeper than the deepest sleep that you can ever have. When the mind becomes free from agitation, is calm and serene and at peace, meditation happens. The benefits of meditation are manifold. It is an essential practice for mental hygiene. A calm mind, good concentration, clarity of perception, improvement in communication, blossoming of skills and talents, an unshakable inner strength, healing, the ability to connect to an inner source of energy, relaxation, rejuvenation, and good luck are all natural results of meditating regularly. In today's world where stress catches on faster than the eye can see or the mind can perceive, meditation is no more a luxury. It is a necessity. To be unconditionally happy and to have peace of mind, we need to tap into the power of meditation.

7 Mantras de meditación para los jóvenes: Sentarse quieto mueve montañas
Todas las aventuras que una persona puede tener en la vida generalmente están concentradas en unos pocos años,...

Art Excel - Programa para niños
"En este curso he hecho nuevos amigos, hicimos juegos y aprendí yoga y otras técnicas de respiración. La respiración...
Sahaj Samadhi Meditation
This mantra-based meditation technique makes meditation easy. It uses a subtle sound (mantra) that effortlessly allows the conscious mind to settle down, letting go of tension and stress and centering itself in the present moment.
Art of Silence Retreat
Go beyond your usually active mind and experience peace and renewed vitality through uniquely powerful guided meditations, yoga, and an experience of silence.

8 Tips to Get Started with Meditation
Sabías que tomarte unos cuantos minutos para prepararte a meditar...

Curso de El Arte de Vivir (de 18 años en adelante)
Las crecientes tensiones, conflictos y estrés en nuestras ocupaciones...
Guided Meditation
It can be hard to meditate on your own, if you haven't learned a technique or having someone guide you. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of the Art of Living, is an expert at leading people into meditation in an effortless manner, and has done so for millions of people worldwide.
Experience the benefits of meditation starting today with these free online guided meditations >>