~ Online Session Details ~
Ego is limited identity; Love is unlimited expansion,
and therefore, ego & love are always in conflict.
- Narada Bhakti Sutras
The purpose of knowledge is to lead one towards Love...
An ancient, timeless treatise extolling the beauty and virtues of Divine Love and its myriad expressions...
Explore the aphorisms of love & devotion as expounded in the
Narada Bhakti Sutras, brought to our understanding by
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar...
... and experience the essence of Love that is in you, that is you...!!
Video-Commentaries by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on Narada Bhakti Sutras
Dates: 5th Jul to 30 Sep 2021
No. of Sessions: 24
Timings: 8:45 pm to 9.30 pm SGT
Days: Mon & Wed
Fee for Knowledge: SGD 50
Contact: Kavitha (9658 0154)
Please Note:
- Link to the Online session will be sent upon registration
- Twice a week - 45 mins each session
- Any number of people can join from the same device for the same fee
- Each session includes - video-commentary, notes and reciting Sutras.
~ Previous Knowledge Sessions ~
Yogasara Upanishad (Apr 2020)
Incredible treatise of 14 Sutras that unravels the sublime essence of true Yoga to sincere seekers, guiding them on how to lead a Yogic way of life, with a true sense of freedom & peace !!
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's profound and insightful wisdom provides us a pragmatic perspective on the application of this subtle knowledge.
Bhagavad Gita (May-Oct 2020)
Known to be about 5000 years old, The Bhagavad Geeta is one of the most famous scriptures on the philosophy of life. The Divine dialogue in the midst of the battlefield between Lord Krishna and Arjuna gave to the world, timeless wisdom, that is universal in its appeal and relevance.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's lucid and enchanting commentary provides great depth and insight to our understanding of this marvellous scripture.
Yogasara Upanishad (Nov-Dec 2020)
Incredible treatise of 14 Sutras that unravels the sublime essence of true Yoga to sincere seekers, guiding them on how to lead a Yogic way of life, with a true sense of freedom & peace !!
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's profound and insightful wisdom provides us a pragmatic perspective on the application of this subtle knowledge.
Shiva Sutras (Feb-Mar 2021)
The Shiva Sutras is an ancient scripture of 77 timeless aphorisms compiled by Sage Vasugupta, that guides a spiritual seeker on an inward journey of Self-discovery. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's lucid commentary translates this ancient wisdom into a deeply transformative experience of unconditional bliss and blossomed awareness !! Just as it is important to sleep and rest, likewise, it is imperative to take spiritual breaks to nourish your mind and the soul.
The magic of the Shiva Sutras is that each sutra is complete, offering a way to discover our own nature, which is joy, innocence, love...