What Sri Sri said today archive

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  1. The Best Form of Donation

    What is donation? To give people what they need is donation, not what you feel like giving. If you donate clothes to somebody who already has many clothes, it is of no use. Instead, give clothes to people who need clothes. Similarly, giving food to somebo ...
  2. Why Vegetarianism Is Preferred in Spirituality

    There are many benefits to being a vegetarian. If you run a search on Google, you will find plenty of research available on this topic. Otherwise, the world would not take to it so promptly. A few decades ago, vegetarian food was not available in Berlin a ...
  3. How To Develop Virtues

    You Are the Source of All Virtues As human beings, we have tremendous qualities and virtues. You don’t have to look for virtues outside – you are the source of all virtues. But in the stress of day-to-day life, these virtues get hidden. A seed has a membr ...
  4. How to Reduce the Wavering of the Mind

    The nature of the mind is to waver, similar to how the nature of water is to flow. Now how do you reduce this wavering nature of the mind? It is through spiritual practices (abhyaasa) and dispassion (vairagya). What is Dispassion? Sometimes, when you are ...
  5. How to Communicate Effectively?

    The king and the astrologer I want to tell you a story! Once, an astrologer went to visit a king. The king showed great reverence to the astrologer, made him sit down and honored him with gifts.The king then showed his palm and the charts to an astrologer ...
  6. How Yoga Can Transform Your Life

    Life always moves towards perfection. Just like how water flows down and fire goes up, the nature of life is to move towards perfection, to move towards something bigger and something higher. Often people say that the mind is wavering, but the mind is not ...
  7. Change the Way You See The World

    “A seeker is one who knows that, intrinsically, every human being is a spark of Divinity, and so they cannot be bad. I tell you, there is no bad human being created by the Creator. Everyone has light in them." Click To Tweet Do you believe in the goodness ...
  8. What is Freedom? What Does It Mean to be Truly Free?

    What is Freedom? It is a natural tendency of every human being to want to be free. Freedom is not luxury, it is a necessity. Not just human beings, but even animals want freedom. Babies want freedom. If you tie a scarf on the neck of a baby, it just wants ...
  9. Is There One God Or Many?

    There is only one God! All religions say that there is only one God. Judaism says there is only one God. Christianity speaks of only one God. Hinduism speaks of only one God. It is said, ‘Ekam Sat Vipra’, there is only one God but manifested in many forms ...
  10. What is Ego?

    What is Ego? If you ask me, I would say, Ego is not being natural, not feeling at home, and not having a sense of belongingness. This is what creates tension and problems within you. It makes you stiff, it makes you suffer and brings tears to your eyes. E ...