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  1. The Secret of Secrets

    This is continued from the previous Secrets of Meditation post … In Quantum Physics, everything is only atoms, a wave function, just energy. There are striking similarities between Quantum Physics, Vedanta, Yoga and the Art of Meditation. Adi Shankara sai ...
  2. 靜心的提問與古儒吉大師的回覆...1

    問題1: 靜心時,如何讓頭腦裡的聲音安靜下來? 古儒吉: 關於此,有一些你可以做的事。首先是接受它且不要與之抗爭。你對抗它而且覺得不該有雜音,你越是想驅除它,它越緊黏著你。意識或心智的法則是這樣的,抗拒無法消除它,只會使它更強大。所以,首先你必須隨它去(放下)也不要抗拒。第二便是  「靜心的五種途徑」 (補充說明:網站的另一篇文章,介紹除了自然三摩地靜心法外,其他靜心的途徑,例如:瑜珈、呼吸、五官的覺知、情緒及思維)。呼吸有助於消除雜音,適當的食物也會對靜心產生巨大影響。運動、體位法及精微的情緒、良好的理 ...
  3. Understanding Fear

    I was going through the presentation that I was supposed to present to my colleagues that morning. I was not ready. Something inside me was shaking. My palms were sweating; my heart beat was going high as every minute passed. I could not concentrate on wh ...
  4. Tips to Reduce Anger

    Have you noticed that no matter how many times you remind yourself that getting angry is not good, yet when the emotion comes you are unable to control it. All through your childhood you have only learnt that ‘You should not get angry’ but the question re ...
  5. 給年輕人七句靜心金言: 穩坐讓你可以移山

    人的一生中所有的探險,通常都集中在16到25歲這幾年。最重要的是我們學會經得起風浪,勇往直前。做決定、說話及採取行動都比思考的速度來得快,所以一開始就做對是相當重要的。朋友是我們最親近的影響環圈,也是我們喜悅的最大源頭。在這樣的人生階段,靜心可以是我們最強大的盟友。 #1  變成人緣先生/小姐 「我大學時期是一個非常愛挑釁、有暴力傾向的人,常常和人爭吵。我沒有朋友也不知道如何幫助自己。靜心讓我平靜,現在我有很多我關心的朋友,而我再也不會粗暴了。」〜 Rajesh Nair 就本性來說,每一個人都是友善的。 ...
  6. 8 Tips to Get Started with Meditation

    Did you know by spending just a little time preparing for your meditation, you can actually have a deeper experience in meditation? For your ease, the tips given below will help you prepare for your meditation. Once done, click on the guided meditation be ...