Rezultati iskanja
Understanding Fear
I was going through the presentation that I was supposed to present to my colleagues that morning. I was not ready. Something inside me was shaking. My palms were sweating; my heart beat was going high as every minute passed. I could not concentrate on wh ... -
Tips to Reduce Anger
Have you noticed that no matter how many times you remind yourself that getting angry is not good, yet when the emotion comes you are unable to control it. All through your childhood you have only learnt that ‘You should not get angry’ but the question re ... -
7 Meditation Mantras for Youth: Sit Still, Move Mountains
All the adventures in a person’s life are normally concentrated in the few years between 16 and about 25.It is imperative that we learn to ride the storms and scale the heights. Choices are made, words are spoken, actions are taken faster than the speed o ... -
8 Tips to Get Started with Meditation
Did you know by spending just a little time preparing for your meditation, you can actually have a deeper experience in meditation? For your ease, the tips given below will help you prepare for your meditation. Once done, click on the guided meditation be ... -
Se pri pouku težko zbereš? Poskusi z meditacijo!
Nekaj kratkih nasvetov za mlade, da bodo z dobrimi ocenami razveselili svoje starše in učitelje. Meditacija je skrivnost do sposobnosti koncentracije pri učenju. Si pri pouku zgodovine. Pred teboj leži odprt učbenik. Gledaš vanj, ne da bi prebral-a bese ... -
Storite to z meditacijo
Zadovoljen poklicni pisatelj: moja produktivnost je bila opredeljena kot število zgodb, ki sem jih napisal v enem tednu in kakovost teh zapisov. Čutil sem, da opravljam dostojno delo, z izpolnjevanjem cilja treh zgodb na teden. Sredi moje "zadovoljn ... -
Kako meditirati na hrupnih mestih?
Zvoki tišine! ‘Želim si, da bi znala meditirati sredi množice,’je rekla Nancy, ko je iskala miren kotiček v svoji hiši, v kateri sta med igro na ves glas kričala njena dva mlajša otroka. Pomagal jima je tudi njihov hišni ljubljenček Deo. ‘Kako naj čez dan ... -
Napravite premor — meditirajte.
‘Naj si malo oddahnem’, kriči naš um, medtem ko želimo dokončati še celo vrsto reči — poslovne sestanke, domače obveznosti. To je nenehni vrtiljak čustev — veselje, skrb, stres. Preden se zavemo, so pred nami nove obveznosti, ki jih moramo opraviti. Preki ...