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  1. Lose weight with yoga

    Often, we blame our genes for us being on the wrong side of the weighing scale, don't we? But give it a second thought and you will see that a lot is in our hands. This article gives you an insight to weight loss with yoga and is for those who would ...
  2. The self is the centre of the whole creation

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 62 Contd. from knowledge sheet 61 “Prakcshakriycsthitishelam bhutendriyatmakam bhugapavargcrtham drushyam’’. This seen world is illuminating. It conveys you a message.  It gives you an idea of how great the consciousne ...
  3. The Whole World is Here for You to Enjoy

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 61 Contd. from knowledge sheet 60 “ Drashtri durshyayoho samyogo heya hetuhu ’ ’ (II S u tra 17) drashtri = seen; drushyayoho = the seen; samyogaha = becoming one; heya = suffering; hetuhu = the cause “The cause of suf ...
  4. Nothing in this Creation is Devoid of Pain

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 60 Contd. from knowledge sheet 59 Often, those who come to the course do not meditate. They open their eyes, “Is my girlfriend meditating? How is she doing? Is she enjoying the course? I forced her to come to the cours ...
  5. Eliminating the Cause of Pain

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 59 Contd. from knowledge sheet 58 If you look into the pleasure or joy that you get in life from the time of birth, they all come with a tax. You have to pay a tax for that and this tax is sorrow. In the next sutra, Pa ...
  6. Meditation beats boredom

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 58 Contd. from knowledge sheet 57 “ Sati mule tadvipako j a ty ayur bhogaha ” (II S u tra 13) sati = if existing; mule = root; tad = its; vip a ko = ripening; j a ti = the body into which you are born; ayuhu = life-tim ...
  7. A journey within with YOGA NIDRA

    Yoga Nidra or "yogic sleep" is an ancient practice which is little known to common people, but is getting a lot of attention due to its therapeutic effects on mind and body. It was spring of 2008 and I was looking for some refreshing yoga classe ...
  8. Yoga And Time Management

    Does thou  love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff  life  is made of. – Ben Franklin Developing into a fully functional adult, for me, has been nothing short of a great adventure. I had moved halfway around the world from home, far ...
  9. Hip Toning Yoga Asanas

    The hips are taken to task along with the back on those long work hours, this can cause stiffness in the hips. Exercising without proper stretches, body joint problems and back injuries can also cause stiffness in the hips. The stiffness in the hips can r ...
  10. As You Sow, So Shall You Reap

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 57 Contd. from knowledge sheet 56 "Te pratiprasavah heyah sukshmaha" (II Sutra 10) te = these; pratiprasava  = become inactive; heyaha = destroyed; sukshmaha = subtle "When these become inactive and dest ...