You may never lie awake for hours after reading this Insomniac's tips
Did you know?
9% of people in the US and 13% of people in Canada over the age of 15 have insomnia.
The Center For Disease Control and Prevention’s studies in 2016 show that 50 to 70 million adults display some form of sleeping disorder, with men reporting a higher rate of insomnia than women.
The underlying causes include stress, anxiety, chronic pain and more.
23% of people who reported their lives as “stressful” suffered from insomnia – about double the people who reported “little or no” stress.I fell victim to insomnia in 2011 due to nasal allergies and cervical issues, and suffered with it until 2016. Every night I tossed and turned till 3.00 a.m, my mind racing non-stop, eyes burning and twitching! I had to live on just three to four hours of sleep a night.
Chronic insomnia was like a dark cloud that enveloped all aspects of my life and made me tired, restless and fidgety. People started to think of me as a lazy and angry person.
It is easy to fall prey to anti-depressants, drugs, or alcohol to treat insomnia, but natural remedies can stave off insomnia more effectively.
Despite seeking medical help to regulate my pains and allergies, I’ve equipped myself with these natural remedies, which come in handy every time insomnia flares up.
5 Natural Remedies for Insomnia
1 Meditation
Modern lifestyle is replete with distractions that aggravate stress and leaves little room for ourselves. In my experience, regardless of the underlying medical reasons for insomnia, meditation is beneficial to develop inner calm. At first it was pretty challenging for me to go from restless to calm, but eventually that little effort in sitting still made me more centered. In a few months I was practicing guided meditations along with Sudarshan Kriya - a powerful breathing technique taught by Art of Living, which became a catalyst in my overcoming insomnia.
2 A Warm cup of milk
Studies show milk contains an amino acid called tryptophan, as well as melatonin, a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle. Having a warm cup of milk an hour before bedtime helps in drifting off to sleep more easily. I spice up mine with a dash of turmeric, nutmeg and cinnamon powder when I’m bored with plain milk. For lactose intolerant people and vegans, almond or coconut milk can be substituted for dairy milk.
3 Avoid caffeine after 12.00 p.m
To compensate for the tremendous loss of sleep at nighttime, it is natural to crave a caffeine boost to feel more awake during the day. However, excess caffeine increases irritability and triggers the sleepless cycle again. One key remedy to ease or cure insomnia is to limit or stop caffeine intake after 12.00 p.m. As a healthier alternative, I switched to herbal teas like chamomile or peppermint.
Some research shows, chamomile tea like warm milk is known to increase the levels of serotonin and melatonin in your body, which can efficiently combat stress and worry. It can also help people suffering from chronic restlessness.
4 Yoga
Any form of exercise produces endorphins, a natural pain and stress fighter. Some gentle yoga stretches can act as a natural pain reliever and simple stress buster. I’ve established a daily routine of 40-45 minutes for yoga either early or late evening and include fish pose, bridge pose, supine spinal twist, butterfly pose, child pose and neck rotations that reduce stiffness in my back and shoulders instantly and promote more restful sleep.
5 Stay away from gadgets at bedtime
Though electronic gadgets are a great invention, they are not anyone’s best buddy at bedtime. The blue light emitted by screens on phones, computers, tablets, and television reduces melatonin production and makes it hard for the brain to relax. To get a better night’s sleep, avoid watching television in bed or looking at screens 30 minutes prior to bedtime. If possible free your bedroom of technology or keep the gadgets a good distance away from the bed.
These generic remedies are easy to follow and include in the daily routine. But to cure chronic insomnia it is essential to seek professional help along with these tips, to sleep well and be well!
How to cure insomnia?
These generic remedies are easy to follow and include in the daily routine. After following these tips, if you still experience chronic insomnia please seek professional help.