
Tired of Hearing the ‘C’ Word? Escape Covid 19 Fatigue Now

By Denise Everheart | Posted: April 30, 2020

Unless you are living in a cave in the Himalayas, you probably hear, see or even say the word ‘Covid-19’ and ‘Coronavirus’ numerous times throughout the day. With this repetition, we are literally etching stress into our nervous system and constantly affecting our wellbeing.  Here are some simple suggestions for recovering from Covid Fatigue.

  1. Take a media break! This seems obvious, but many of us either feel compelled to ‘know’ what’s happening, or we stumble upon the ‘C” word every time we are surfing the web for where to order needed supplies, or even while spending time connecting with friends and family on social media. The reality is that us watching the news all day, or reading one article after another, all related to the current crisis isn’t going to change anything and in fact does more damage than good to our mental wellbeing. So take a break! You decide how long you want to do a media fast- hours, a day or more? The world will still be there when you come back, only you will be less fatigued.

  2. Know everything changes! It might feel like we are all stuck in a matrix loop repeating the same thing day in and day out, but look at your life in the context of time. You have seen low times and you have seen good times, and everything changed again and again. Sometimes it might be weeks or months before change is noticeable, but it will change. Remembering, ‘this too shall pass’ can give us the strength we need to overcome the fatigue that comes with such big challenges.

  3. Use breathwork to combat stress! You have probably heard the old adage, ‘just take a deep breath’, but you may not know the science that backs up this idea. One simple breathing technique you can use anywhere, anytime, eyes open or closed, is straw breath. Simply breathe in through the nose and exhale through the mouth as if you are breathing out of an invisible straw. This simple technique can quickly lower stress levels and can be done as often and as long as you need to do it. Most experience immediate relief. For a more advanced straw breath experience, sit comfortably with eyes closed and as you breathe in take your attention from your feet to the top of your head, and as you exhale through the invisible straw let your attention naturally drift back down to the feet. You will feel more refreshed and relaxed in no time!

  4. Try out this free master class to learn simple, powerful tools to handle stress in these unusually stressful times.

  1. Find a way to make a difference! Part of the reason we feel Covid Fatigue is because we feel helpless just staying at home. There are many ways you can contribute to caring for and uplifting your neighbors, whether they are next door, down the road or across the globe. If you are busying yourself coloring in an adult coloring book, or doing art projects with your children- consider mailing the works of art to a senior center where residents may not be allowed any visitors. You could order online a myriad of different gift cards to support small local businesses. There is also one charitable effort led by the Art of Living Foundation called Covid 19 Humanitarian Superheroes Fund to aid our medical professionals and frontline workers. All funds collected go directly to these efforts, with no administrative fees. Whatever you can do to make a difference in other’s wellbeing, will make a difference in your wellbeing. 

  2. Count your blessings! Gratitude is the cure for many woes. Before you sleep tonight take a few minutes to mentally list, or jot down, everything that comes to mind that you are grateful for. And as you lay your head on your pillow, imagine a blanket of Grace covering you, having the faith that everything will be ok.

Denise Everheart is a freelance writer, meditation coach and recipe designer. Follow her @everheartstudio4meditation and @celeplateyourlife  on Instagram. 

Art of Living Part 1 course: Discover Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s ancient secret to modern well-being.

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