
Experience and Expression: Use Yoga for Body and Mind, Inside and Out

By Sriram Sarvotham┃Posted: May 08, 2019

The word “experience” is used in different ways, but let’s consider the following definition: the process of perceiving events and the way we allow ourselves to be as we perceive them. For example, two people can encounter almost identical events, yet they can experience them very differently. How one chooses to experience a challenging project at work can be different for different people. Some people may use the project as an opportunity to be in a space of creativity and enthusiasm, while others may use the same situation to be in a place of stress and frustration. Even the same person may experience similar events in different ways at different times in life.

Whereas experience is how we allow the outside (events, people, places) to affect our state of being, expression is how we use our actions, speech and thoughts to affect the outside. The 3 modes, namely actions, speech, and thoughts, aren’t the only ways to express; in fact, our mere presence is a form of expression; our state of being can communicate (radiate) very powerfully!

Although experience and expression depict seemingly opposite flows of energy, they’re intimately related. For example, our best outputs, be them artistic expressions or scientific contributions, emerge when we’re experiencing a state of harmony, not when we’re stressed. As an Electrical Engineer, I like to think of it in the following way: our mind is an antenna that acts as both transmitter and receiver. We use the antenna as a receiver when we experience signals/stimulus from outside; we use the same antenna as a transmitter, when we express signals/stimulus to the outside.

A remarkable property of antennas is captured by the reciprocity theorem, which says that the antenna characteristics are essentially the same for transmitting and receiving electromagnetic energy. (If you’re eager for more technical insights, see this, this and this!)

Viewed from this perspective, our state of being (experience) and the quality of our expressions (thoughts/words/actions/presence) are intimately related. As Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar points out, one who is happy and in harmony can never intend or cause harm to others. On the other hand, someone who inflicts harm and misery can’t do so without experiencing distress; one can express actions that perpetuate misery only when experiencing a similar vibration inside. In Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s words, inside every culprit is a victim crying for help.

One can’t uplift another without being in harmony within. When we perform our actions from a space of negative energy (fear, worry, stress, anxiety), it’s unlikely that our actions bring sustained peace. We’ve all had this experience. For instance, we regret most of the words & actions we express when we’re angry. On the other hand, when we find ways to appreciate and uplift others, there’s no way we can remain in a negative space inside; the actions are bound to uplift our own being. Indeed, this is the basis of Karma Yoga, uplifting oneself by uplifting others.

Based on this wisdom, we recognize the value of maintaining purity in our inner space. This is exactly what we achieve from practicing yoga. We tune the “antenna,” namely the instruments of mind and body, so that we experience and express harmony. Not only do we feel wonderful after a yoga session, we also benefit others by offering them the best version of us!

This article was originally published on Sriram’s Blog and is re-posted here with the author’s permission.

Shriram Sarvotham, a yoga teacher since 1991, holds a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Rice University, Houston, TX. He works in the tech industry in Silicon Valley California.


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