
Feel the Prana! Activate Your Chakras Using this Hari Om Meditation

By Denise Everheart 

 We are an energy storehouse, but how do we tap that energy? Activate your chakras using this Hari Om meditation and feel your prana rise up!

Whether you are feeling down energetically and want a boost or your meditations have plateaued, a Hari Om meditation is just the ticket for you!

So what is at play when we are feeling stuck energetically? 

Our whole being functions because of the subtle life force energy called prana. Prana flows in our system through nadis (energy channels) and chakras (energy centers). There are thousands of nadis and many chakras in our body. 

You might be surprised to know that a tremendous amount of energy lies within each of us. This latent energy stored at the base of the spine is known as kundalini. How much of the energy flows upward from this energy center depends on the condition of the other chakras and nadis. Hari Om meditation safely helps us in activating these chakras

As with many Sanskrit mantras, the proper pronunciation is important. Hari is pronounced as haa-ree, with a roll of the tongue. Click here to hear how Hari sounds. 

'Hari' means ‘the remover’. ‘Om’ is the primordial cosmic vibration from which sprang the entire cosmos and all creation. ‘Hari Om’ is a universal mantra that contains within itself the cosmic vibration and removes suffering. When one chants Hari, karmas and bad astrological effects are reduced. Pain and suffering are also reduced. 

Energy centers, a.k.a. Chakras

Through Hari Om guided meditation, prana moves from one energy center to the others.

There are seven main subtle energy channels or chakras along the spine to the top of the head. Prana travels upwards and downwards through the chakras. Each chakra has positive energy as well as negative energy manifestations. When prana is going up there are positive expressions. And when prana is going down there are negative expressions.  Here is a quick glance at the seven main chakras.

  1. Mooladhara chakra, the energy center at the base of our spine, manifests as enthusiasm or lack of interest.

  2. Swadhisthana chakra is located behind the genitals, also called the sacral chakra. The energy in this chakra expresses itself either as creativity or interest in sex- procreation.

  3. Manipur chakra is commonly referred to as the naval or solar plexus chakra. The energy in this center manifests as four different emotions: joy, generosity, jealousy, or greed.

  4. Anahata chakra is the heart chakra, in the center of the chest. Three manifestations happen in the heart chakra: love, fear, or hatred.

  5. Vishuddhi chakra is located in the throat area and energy there is expressed as either gratitude or grief.

  6. Ajna chakra is between the eyebrows and is known as the third eye. Alertness, awareness, and anger all get expressed in the eyebrow center.

  7. Sahasrara chakra is the crown chakra, the top of the head. The energy here is expressed as joy or bliss. 

Enjoy this guided meditation of Hari Om mantra chanting with special attention on these seven chakras, by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

After enjoying the Hari Om meditation with our founder Gurudev, please visit The Art of Living Foundation’s website to learn more about the programs millions of people from across the globe have benefitted from. Our premiere program, SKY Breath Meditation uses the power of your own breath for deep meditation with numerous mind-body health benefits.

Want to learn more about SKY? You can select your preferred day and time for a FREE online session, with a trained instructor. You will even learn a breathing technique that you can do on your own! Spoiler alert- the bonus breathing technique’s nickname is Yogic Cappuccino! 

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Watch this 3-minute video to better understand kundalini: Kundalini Beautifully Explained by Gurudev: The Primal Energy Within Us.

Denise Everheart is a freelance writer, breath meditation coach, party planner, and recipe designer. Follow her @everheartstudio4meditation and @celeplateyourlife on Instagram. 

    ART OF LIVING PART I COURSE Discover Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s ancient secret to modern well-being

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