
Hold Your Wealth in the Palms of Your Hands: Meditation for Abundance

By Sejal Shah | Posted: August 09, 2019

Abundance can be had simply by consciously receiving what already has been given. - Sufi saying.

But for many of us, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence! 

If only I had his brains…

If I were as beautiful as she is...

If only I had his artistic skills and grace…

If only I had her poise and looks…

If I had a car like my neighbor...

We all wish we had something that we don’t have at some point of time in life. That is normal. Yet, have you ever thought that you, already, have everything you need to live a successful, fulfilled and happy life?

Of course, as there are some imperfect moments in life, there are plenty of perfect moments too. Moments when we feel deeply contented and at peace. The question that often racks our mind is how to make those moments everlasting. Well, the answer lies in meditation. It works wonders to appreciate the abundance in life.

What is abundance

What comes to you when you think of abundance? Does it relate to income and wealth? Health? More friends? Career progression and prosperity? Or, is it a feeling of gratitude and love for all that you have in life? Perhaps, it is all these things in some measure.

Abundance is having a sense of plenty and infinite possibilities. It is having faith that I have everything I need and all that I will need will be given to me at the right moment. It is not only believing that ‘good things’ come your way but that things good for you come your way. This attitude is the secret recipe for a fulfilling life.

What is the difference between abundance and prosperity?

Abundance is the quality of your spirit and state of your heart or an attitude of your mind. 

Laurie Buchanan, a holistic health practitioner, and transformational coach explains the difference between abundance and prosperity very beautifully.

Abundance is something that brings a return value to the heart. It benefits your inner self—body, mind, and spirit—with intangible dividends. Examples include love, peace of mind, health, wellness, wisdom, integrity, respect, quality relationships, joy, gratitude, humor, a positive attitude, and contentment—being satisfied. Abundance is inner (spiritual) wealth. 

Prosperity is something that brings a return value to the wallet and/or bank account. It is on the outside of self and has tangible dividends. You can touch it, hold it, drive it, live in it, wear it, swim in it, take it to the bank, or deposit it. Examples include money, jewelry, real estate, cars, boats, recreational vehicles, collections, and investments. Prosperity is material wealth.

Actually Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says, “You don’t have to be very rich to feel the abundance. In fact many rich people don’t feel abundance at all, they feel lack. They are not generous. But poor people are very generous. Don’t imagine a situation where you will become super rich one day and then you will start doing some seva (service). No, nothing like that. You can feel abundance at any point of time. And the moment you start feeling abundance, you will see things will get better!” 

How can you feel abundance?

“When you realize that there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.” ~ Lao Tzu

You don’t need to do anything to feel abundance. You need not accumulate goods or people. In fact, according to the Yoga’s 5th Yama of Aparigraha, sometimes, relinquishing possessions and emotions can lead you to feel abundance.

As the Sufi saying says, you need to experience what is already there. And what is more, there is so much abundance in the cosmos that you may feel overwhelmed by it! That is the power of meditation. For abundance exists all around us. And meditation makes you aware of it.

People with abundant mindset have some beautiful traits like thinking big, openness to change, gratitude and generosity. Here is a wonderful TedEx talk by the Art of Living Faculty, Mona Shah on 5 Secrets to an Abundant Life.

3 ways meditation is helpful for experiencing the abundance

A growing body of research supports the role of meditation in enhancing your mental health. Be it be reducing late-life depression, anxiety, stress, anger, frustration and even fears and phobias.

When all these are dropped, we will naturally be more loving, cheerful and in abundant mindset. Here are some nice tips that can help you with getting started with meditation. 

1) Meditation connects you to the inner space of love and abundance.

Meditation helps you let go of stress and anxiety. When these negative emotions vanish, you will be open to feeling your innate positivity. You are in a space where you can receive the positivity all around. Only when you welcome and encourage good things, will they flow. That is why you can use meditation to feel love and abundance. It creates that space within you.

2) Meditation makes you experience the best feeling in the world

Do you know what the best feeling is in the world? Is it the promotion that you worked so hard? Is it the victory over a rival or yourself? Is it that scrumptious sundae down the road? Is it pride in seeing your child cross a hurdle? Yes, all these things do make you feel good.

But I would narrow down to the feelings of hope and gratitude. “Anything is possible!” is the best feeling in the world coupled with gratitude! And meditation instills these feelings of hope and gratitude in you. The moment you sit, close your eyes and take some deep breaths, your chattering mind begins to calm down and you start feeling peace, hope, and gratefulness.  

3) Meditation produces a shift in your perspective and attitude

“When you feel the abundance in your life, abundance grows. So, walk with the feeling that whatever you need is already with you.” – Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

If you focus on negativity, you will only feel negativity. If you experience, embrace and appreciate positivity, you will feel full of it. So, whatever you focus on, grows. This is true of your actions and even your words.

If you say things like, I have plenty, and I have more than enough, you will experience just that. Meditation is the path to feeling such love and abundance. It makes you shift from a sense of lacking to a sense of I have plenty.

Turns desires into reality

We all have desires. When we set deadlines for those desires to come true, we invite disappointment. Desires do make us happy – up to a point. After that, if we obsess, it sticks to us like a leach and sucks the life out of us. This is because desire can become all-consuming and destructive. And it creates a vicious cycle, as soon as one gets fulfilled, the other one crops up. 

Instead, try this. Dream your dream. And work towards it. Then, surrender the desire. You will be surprised at how quickly things come your way when you don’t seek them. This is precisely where meditation is useful to manifest your desires and feeling abundance in life. It makes you centered and receptive. It broadens your sense of awareness and opens your inner self to all of life and your desires start dissolving in it.

“When everything is in abundance, dispassion happens. And when dispassion is there, everything comes in abundance.” – Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Try this online guided meditations for feeling abundance

Is meditation something new to you? Start with the guided meditation for feeling abundance or try with this Contentment meditation. If you tend to look at a glass as half-empty, you can try out the guided meditation for transforming emotions. This guided meditation is good for feeling gratitude and abundance naturally. All you need are 20 minutes, twice a day!

Time, a scarce commodity, will be in great supply when you meditate! So, do it through guided meditations for feeling gratitude and abundance. Or, do it in groups of your friends or colleagues. It will help you relax, feel positive and feel abundant!

The Sahaj Samadhi Meditation program by The Art of Living Foundation helps you effortlessly connect with your inner self. You feel joyful and relaxed and experience the abundance that is all around!

A previous version of this article was published by Art of Living, India.

“Make your home God's home and there will be light, love and abundance.” - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

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Sejal Shah, E-YRT 500 Sri Sri Yoga Teacher, YACEP, Meditation Teacher, Happiness expert, NYU Post Graduate Medical School approved Yoga-CME retreat facilitator, Mind-Body Wellness Writer, Homeopath


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