Kudos to you for deciding to take a meditation class! Now the next step is finding the best meditation classes for you either online or close to where you live and work. And this guide is here to help. Let’s dive in!
What are you looking for in a meditation class?
Grab some paper and a pen, and let’s create your meditation class wish list. Are you looking for a class where you can meet regularly in a group setting? Or are you looking for meditation techniques that you can practice on your own? Maybe you want both?!
What is your end goal? To manage stress and anxiety, decrease depression, and increase self-compassion and inner peace? Or are you seeking all-around life improvements? How about lowering your blood pressure and improving the quality of your sleep? Maybe you want it all?!
How much time do you want to commit to a meditation class and practice? An hour a week or 10 minutes a day? Deciding how much time you are willing to commit will help you choose the class that is right for you.
After listing what you prefer, add to your list to learn meditation from the right teacher. This is more important than you might first realize. Though teachers have different approaches and different techniques, make sure you are learning from a certified teacher.
Online classes vs in-person classes
With the onset of the pandemic, virtually everything moved online. And considering how much we all need a relaxing way to deal with stress and anxiety, having meditation classes available from the comfort of home can be a lifesaver!
Online meditation classes can provide a convenient way to learn meditation that fits even the most difficult of schedules. Online options include recorded meditations, live guided meditation sessions, and even private lessons.
Even though many people are now returning to working outside of their homes, online meditation classes are not going anywhere. If you have a busy schedule, online classes make a lot of sense. There is no travel time, and you can practice with any group or teacher, regardless of their location. Meditate with a teacher on the other side of the world, in India? Yes, please!
But since we are social beings and generally enjoy the company of others, in-person meditation classes can be wonderful as well. There’s the added benefit of interacting with other students, though one could say that also happens online to a degree.
The bottom line is both online and in-person meditation classes are available. Choose what fits you and your life best!
What kind of meditation practice is the best?
Guided meditation classes are great for beginners, and require no commitment
Mindfulness meditation classes are good if you find mindfulness challenging and need guidance
Mantra-based meditation works well for most people, but requires a commitment to practice regularly (typically 20 minutes twice a day)
Breath meditation works best for all levels, from beginners to experienced meditators (10 minutes once a day)
Start your meditation journey here
So how do you find the peace of mind, body, and heart you're looking for? Guided meditations, more mindfulness, mantra-based meditation, or breath meditation? How about all of the above?
The Art of Living Journey app has all of these and more, including online and in-person classes taught throughout the U.S. And the teachers are all thoroughly trained and certified.
With the “Find a course” feature, you can choose online or in-person classes, and select the dates, times, and instructors that fit you best.
Choose from:
SKY Breath Meditation
Silent Retreats (advanced program)
Sahaj Samadhi Meditation (mantra-based)
Sri Sri Yoga Classes
The app also includes a library of guided meditations, as well as practical wisdom to support your meditation journey.
Attend a free meditation and breath session
I invite you to learn all about SKY Breath Meditation (my personal fave!) at a free online meditation and breath session with a certified instructor. You will also learn an easy breathing exercise, and experience a relaxing guided meditation, all for free!
Just click below to choose the best time for you, and learn about all the amazing benefits you get from the SKY practice!