
Let Love Radiate Throughout Your Life with Meditation for Love

Love is a key part of life. Let your love shine bright and experience deeper connections with others with the help of meditation for love!

Meditation for love

Love is one of the things human beings value and talk about most, so it’s not surprising that it’s the theme of many songs, movies, TV shows, and books. Love influences our decisions and motivates us to choose our course in life, showing just how important it is to most of us. But, have you ever stopped to think about what love is? And why do we yearn for love all our lives?

According to Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, “Love is not an emotion; it is your very existence”.  We keep searching for love from others, despite it being our very existence and what we are made up of. We crave loving relationships, and having them makes us happy. So, why do we allow our happiness to be based on being loved by someone else? Is it because of something we still lack despite being full of love?

These questions bring to mind the words of Gurudev, who says “Like a lit candle can light another candle, only one who has, can give. One who is love can kindle the love.” The point is that we must start with ourselves if we want to be able to give love and be loved by others

Learning to love ourselves and others may seem like a struggle, and that’s where meditation comes into play. It helps us prepare our minds and train us to deal with all the emotions that relationships bring — and to deal with the highs and lows while maintaining fulfilling and harmonious connections. In this article, we’ll cover meditation for love in detail, so keep reading to learn why and how it’s done!

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How meditation for love works

love meditation
Relationships are the product of two people’s actions, so we can’t control all aspects of them. We can’t do much about how the other person acts or what they think about us. Instead of focusing on what we can’t control, meditation for love allows us to have more control over how we treat the other person and respond to their words and actions. 

With regular love meditation practice, we can create the mindset needed for healthy relationships. For example, we may be less reactive in the face of negative thoughts or harsh words, reducing conflicts. A calm mind will help us keep our cool and understand the other person’s point of view. Meditation for love just makes sense! 

Start with the love within

Before we can improve our relationships or share our love with others, it’s important to focus on the love that already exists within us. If we can learn to show ourselves compassion, be gentle, and accept ourselves how we are at the present moment, we will be more likely to show this same understanding toward others. 

Sadly, many of us struggle to love ourselves or show self-compassion due to negative thoughts or low self-esteem. We may be much harsher on ourselves than we would be on someone we love who makes the same mistakes. So, if you find yourself being overly judgmental when you make a mistake or looking down on who you are, meditation for self-love can help. 

This type of meditation is a great way to practice compassion and appreciation not just for yourself but also for your body. It does so much for us every day to keep you healthy. It sounds simple, but once you try it, you’ll realize that taking some time out of your day-to-day routine to reflect on the feelings of love you have for yourself can go a long way. You’ll grow your appreciation for yourself and boost your confidence, helping you let go of negative emotions.  

As the love you have for yourself grows, you’ll find it easier to direct it outwards. This makes it easier to build loving relationships and attract love.

Allow your love to shine

healthy love
Even if you have a healthy sense of self-love, it may be difficult to direct your love outward if you are stressed. The reason is that stress can block us from loving others and showing them the empathy and kindness they deserve. That’s why we tend to overreact or lash out at others when we are stressed. 

We may especially notice trouble in our intimate relationships when we are dealing with intense or ongoing stress. Even if you’ve found your perfect match, you need to manage stress to give your soulmate the true love they desire. 

The bottom line is to let your love blossom, eliminating stress is key. Meditation is a great tool for reducing and managing stress long-term. It helps us let go of worries, disturbances, and stress, resulting in a sense of inner peace. Meanwhile, meditation helps you tap into the love inside you, the love that you are. As a result, meditating can help your love naturally expand and enliven.

Any regular meditation practice can help reduce stress, while others use loving-kindness meditations to help direct love toward ourselves and others. 

Why practice meditation for love

Daily life can get busy, but taking time to practice meditation for love is worth it! There are so many benefits, such as:

Of course, you may experience even more benefits when you practice meditation for love, depending on your circumstances. You won’t know until you try it for yourself!

The power of meditation for love

power of meditation

To understand just how powerful meditation for love can be, here are two real-life examples

Here’s the true story of Ayesha, a 20-year-old girl studying engineering at a reputed college. Ayesha grew up in an environment that provided her with everything she could ever need. And yet, she felt like she was lacking something. Despite having what she needed, she felt lonely and longed to feel loved. Because of this deep unhappiness, she often had difficulty letting others in, and, over time, began to feel depressed.  

Her mother was the one who introduced her to meditation. After learning that meditation leaned toward “being with yourself”, she decided to join the Sahaj Samadhi Meditation Course. After about a month of daily practice, Ayesha shared that she no longer felt so depressed and was having an easier time being loving and friendly to those around her. 

With deep contentment in her heart for all that life had bestowed on her, Ayesha shares, “Meditation filled the lack in my life. Complete with joy and positivity within me, I started to love myself with all imperfections. This gave me the ability to accept everyone around me and to radiate the same in my attitude toward others. My face simply mirrored the emotions I was feeling within — happiness, fulfillment, and love”.

Our second experience is of John, a man in his 50s who decided to join a consultancy firm, simply to kill time. The team he was supposed to work with was primarily comprised of young men and women between 20 and 35 years old. As John humorously puts it, “They were all a bit reserved in their welcome to this new ‘old’ team member. But I had no such reservations”. 

John had a child-like outlook on life. He was young at heart and had a loving nature that made it easy to bring humor into any situation, always leaving people laughing. He had a way of making people feel loved and comfortable around him, and his teammates tended to gravitate toward him.  

Sharing the secret behind his bubbly personality, John says, “I’m a daily meditator and meditation brings that radiance on my face, the love and charm in my presence that attracts people, despite my mature age”.

These two stories convey a single message — meditation has the ability to elicit the joy and love embedded deep within you. When there is inner joy and peace, it gets reflected in the world outside. When these emotions start shining on the surface, you naturally feel like sharing them with everybody around. You become more comfortable with people and vice versa. This is the magic of meditation which only needs to be experienced at a personal level

[“Friendly Advice for a Happy Life” Placeholder]

Spread love in your life with The Art of Living

Art of Living meditation
If you want to improve the quality of your relationships with others, meditation for love is a great way to do so. You’ll strengthen the feelings of love you have toward yourself and others, helping you harmonize relationships and build new ones. If you want to get started, The Art of Living can help! 

We offer meditation courses that help you get started with a practice that works for you. In addition, we have a catalog of full video guided meditations available on our Journey app, which you can use whenever and wherever. No matter which you choose, don’t wait to start unleashing the love that you are!


ART OF LIVING PART I COURSE Discover Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s ancient secret to modern well-being

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