With the ever-increasing stress of the modern world on our shoulders, more and more people are turning to wellness practices like yoga, meditation, and mindfulness. Most people have a general idea about what yoga and meditation are, but when it comes to mindfulness...
Not so much.
You may have heard mindfulness buzzwords like buddha's brain, radical acceptance, and indivisible radiant awareness. But are these mere words, or can mindfulness teachings really improve our lives in meaningful ways and bring lasting peace?
And is there anything beyond mindfulness? The answer could be right under your nose.
Read on to find out more!
What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is defined as a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations.
Mindfulness techniques including mindfulness meditation have been taught by non-dual wisdom traditions like Buddhism for thousands of years. And lately they've come into the mainstream with celebrities, doctors, business leaders all touting their benefits.
What are the benefits of mindfulness?
Some of the benefits of a regular mindfulness practice include:
- Stress relief
- Improved sleep
- Less chronic pain
- Reduced blood pressure
- Improved symptoms of some cardiovascular issues
A direct approach: More than mere words
Regular practice of mindfulness meditation can give you a break from your mental fabrications, bring awakened awareness, and give you a radically different perspective, not to mention all the benefits listed above. But it also has its drawbacks.
Many people find that the mental focus required to sit and stay present is difficult to muster. Because of this, the majority of people who try mindfulness meditation end up quitting before they ever reap the benefits.
So if you've tried mindfulness practices, but couldn't stay consistent with them, you're not alone!
Beyond mindfulness: Discover a realm beyond effort
If you're looking for the easiest way to have the direct experience of inner peace and happiness, along with all the benefits of mindfulness and more, it may be time for you to look beyond mindfulness.
Mindfulness meditation centers around concentration, but this method can actually make meditation and its benefits harder to achieve.
Because meditation can only happen when your mind relaxes. And this is more difficult when you're fighting to focus your attention and be mindful.
So how can you relax your mind and start to enjoy all the benefits of meditation?
The answer is right under your nose. That's right. Your breath.
Yogis have used breathwork for thousands of years to relax the mind and access the deep states of relaxation associated with meditation. It's quite difficult to control the mind with the mind, and that's where mindfulness practices often fall short.
But the breath offers the key to controlling your mind.
Have you ever noticed that every emotional state has a corresponding pattern of breath? Like when you're anxious, you take fast shallow breaths, and when you're relaxed, you breathe slowly and deeply.
Your emotions directly affect your breath, and the reverse is also true. You can directly affect your emotions if you know how to control your breath with breathing techniques. And that is how you can go beyond mindfulness, drop your stress and anxiety, and live a happier, more fulfilling life.
SKY Breath Meditation
Now that you understand the link between the breath and the mind, you're probably wondering what breathing technique you should try. Which is the best technique to help settle the mind down and open the door to inner peace, inner guidance, and all the mental and physical benefits of meditation?
SKY Breath Meditation is one of the most extensively studied breathing practices in the world, with over 100 independent peer-reviewed articles showing a long list of benefits including:
- Greatly reduced stress, anxiety, and depression
- Increased mental focus
- Improved memory
- Higher energy levels
- Enhanced quality of sleep
- Lower blood pressure
- Improved chronic pain
- Better self-confidence and more!
If you're looking to go beyond mindfulness, and to start experiencing some of these benefits for yourself, you can learn more about SKY Breath Meditation by attending a FREE breath and meditation online session. Just click the image below and choose a date and time that work best for you!