
Wake Up Easier: Top 10 Tips to Start Your Day Fresh

Do you often feel tired and wish you could be more energetic in the morning? Read on for 10 tips on how to wake up easier and feel better naturally.

Sejal Shah

Why am I always tired in the morning?

Do you find yourself waking up in the morning with low energy?

Are you stressed out by the thoughts of your to-do list as soon as you wake up?

Do you hit the snooze button on the alarm clock rather than wake up?

Do you wish that you had more energy to cope with the day?

Do you reach out for your coffee first thing in the morning or just go back to sleep?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it may be helpful to take a look at your energy levels.

Let's talk about energy

Before we get into why you don’t have much energy in the morning, let’s look at what energy actually is!

Energy is at the root of life. And the more energy we have, the easier it is to wake up. More energy also leads to more positivity and enjoyment of life. When our energy levels are low, we can feel down and sluggish. And when they're high, we are ready to take on the world.

In yoga, it is said that we exist in an ocean of life-force energy. This life-force energy is called prana. It is this energy that powers the vital processes that keep the body alive. It is this energy that makes us able to move and breathe. It is this energy that affects the way we perceive, think, and act.

How to wake up easier without the caffeine jitters?

To get their morning boost, many people turn to coffee or energy drinks as soon as they wake up.

But according to Time Magazine, drinking coffee before 9:30 a.m. can actually create more stress. And you definitely don’t want that. Cortisol—the stress hormone—is naturally highest during the early morning hours. This peak of cortisol is what triggers the end of our sleep cycle and alerts us to wake up in the first place.

The thing with coffee is that the caffeine creates an extra spike of cortisol on top of that. This double dose can trigger an unnecessary stress response, which in turn creates a cycle of further stress and anxiety. By timing your morning cup of joe in the right way, you can prevent this response. The best time to drink coffee is after 9:30 a.m. when cortisol levels are lower. That way, you’ll get the focus you’re looking for with fewer jitters or anxiety.

Luckily, coffee is not the only way to get energy. There are many healthy alternatives you can look to for an energy boost. Here are ten ways you can wake up in the morning full of energy (even without coffee!).

1) Adjust your alarm clock to wake up before 6 am

Tired of feeling the need to hit the snooze button or go back to sleep? Here's a surprising way to feel less sleepy by waking up earlier. This technique comes from Ayurveda, an ancient science of well-being and healthy living. It uses the body’s innate wisdom to balance and heal itself. Ayurveda recommends following our body’s natural circadian rhythm. Here is an illustration of the body clock according to Ayurveda.

Ayurveda's understanding of the body clock is all about timing. Ayurveda is not about whether you're clocking 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night. But it is rather what time you're going to sleep and when you wake up. According to Ayurveda, the best time to wake up is before sunrise. It is at this time that you can begin to synchronize yourself to the rhythm of the day and of nature.

In Ayurveda, the last phase of our 24-hour body clock—2 to 6 am—is associated with lightness, movement, and activity. These qualities are actually essential ingredients to achievement in life. If we get up during the hours when the body is naturally more prone to movement and activity, we will naturally feel more energetic. And the rest of our day will take on some of the flavors of these qualities. Activities will be more effortless, and work will be more productive. It's not surprising that many people report that they feel more creative and clear during the early morning hours.

In comparison, the period between 6 to 10 am is associated with heavy, slow, and steady qualities. By getting up before this heavy period, you'll avoid feeling so heavy in the morning.

Some recent studies have also found a link between productivity and sleep patterns. They concluded that early risers tend to do better. Of course, waking up early also adds up an hour more to your daily schedule, which counts for a lot in this busy world! More time can mean more productivity, too. Apart from that, early risers tend to go to bed early. This habit alone is great for your health.

2) Open up the blinds and let the light in

Exposure to morning light keeps your body in sync with its natural circadian rhythms. Your brain reacts to light by making you more stimulated and aware. So it is good to open up your blinds or curtains and let in some natural light when you wake up. Bright light early in the morning can also help shift your circadian rhythm to sleep and wake up earlier.

3) Splash cold water on your face and take a shower

Wake up your body and give your brain a boost of energy with a splash of cold water. If this is uncomfortable for you, start with warm water. Then move to cold water as you become accustomed to it.

According to one study, cold water is invigorating. It also activates brown fat, which can help burn more calories, growth hormone, and androgens to help start your day.

4) Drink plenty of water

Consider replacing your morning cup of coffee with a glass or two of water when you wake up. Even mild dehydration can make you feel tired, fatigued, and in a bad mood. So make sure you drink some room temperature or warm water first thing in the morning. This will help keep your body energized and functioning smoothly throughout the day. Bonus tip? Add a dash of lime juice or apple cider vinegar for a quick, cleansing pick-me-up.

5) Stretch and get into a flow

After a night of sleep, a quick stretching routine gets your blood flowing and helps you feel more alert. This can be as simple as a few minutes of yoga or some simple stretches. You can even try a few rounds of sun salutations, a traditional full-body flow for enlivening the system in the morning.

6) Boost your energy with your hands

Reflexology understands that the feet and hands are connected to specific organs and systems in the body. Similarly, in yoga, certain body postures and hand positions stimulate different parts of the body. This is one such hand position, or mudra, for energy. To do this, place the tips of the ring finger and the little finger at the tip of the thumb. Keep the other two fingers stretched without any tension.

Holding this mudra with light gentle breathing for a couple of minutes helps activate dormant energy in the body. Apart from sleep or waking, you can also use it when you feel drained and need an extra boost of energy.

7) Try bellows breathing

At the Art of Living, we practice a breathing technique called bellows breath, affectionately referred to as "Coffee Breath” or “Yogic Coffee”. This technique gives you a boost of energy and focus (and no caffeine jitters!). You can learn this breathing technique on the SKY Breath Meditation course along with another power technique called Sudarshan Kriya.

8) Go for a morning walk or outdoor light exercises

Exercise is a great all-natural energy booster. Walking especially can have rejuvenating effects on both the mind and the body. A brisk morning stroll can charge up your energy quickly. Take a walk around the block, in the backyard, or in the community garden. Enjoy and appreciate the natural surroundings and the vibrancy of your neighborhood.

9) Create a good sleep routine

Your bedtime routine and your morning routine have a profound effect on the quality of your sleep. They can also impact your daytime energy and productivity. There are a handful of best practices for proper sleep hygiene. These include:

  • turn off screens and say no to blue light at least two hours before bedtime

  • have a regular sleep schedule: go to bed around the same time each night

  • create a clean and comfortable sleeping environment

  • avoid snoozing your alarm clock

  • stick to the same wake-up time each morning, even on weekends

10) Meditate

Spend a few moments breathing nice and deep, and follow it up with a morning meditation. SKY Breath Meditation has been shown to improve the quality of sleep by increasing the amount of time spent in deep rest. SKY is one of the best ways to energize your body and calm your mind in the morning before a busy day.

If you are struggling with waking up in the morning, give SKY a try. You may even start to notice the difference within a week's time. If you want to experience a taste of meditation, you can join a free introductory session, where a live instructor can answer all your questions.

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Ready to give it a shot?

Not everyone will naturally feel like a morning person. But these tips can help you get the extra dose of the vital energy that you need in the morning. If you are a night owl who wakes up at 9 am, don't try to force yourself to wake up at 5 am right away! But by incorporating these tips, you can gradually wake up easier and more energized.

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