
21 of The Best Stress Management Activities from ASMR to Yogic Breath

By Denise Everheart

Need help finding fun, effective stress management activities? Here are 21 of the BEST, from ASMR to Yogic Breath. Which ones will surprise you the most?

Stress is inevitable! But stress is also easy to manage if you know what to do. Here are 21 of the very best stress management activities. Which ones will surprise you? What will you try first? Let’s find out!

1. ASMR, autonomous sensory meridian response, coined in 2010, ASMR is a relaxing, often sedative sensation that begins on the scalp and moves down the body. Also known as "brain massage," it's triggered by placid sights and sounds such as whispers, accents, and crackles. This might not seem like a way to manage stress, but millions of people view ASMR YouTube videos on a regular basis. In fact, ASMR is the third most popular search term on YouTube worldwide! 

Activity: If you are having a stressful situation at home with your family, try spending some time whispering. Your stress is sure to be reduced. I have even used this technique with children who can’t seem to settle down and use their inside voices. I start whispering, “I can’t hear you.” And because they can barely hear me, they become quiet and ask, “You can’t hear me?” A few times back and forth, my whispers are met with their whispers. Instant peace and quiet, less stress for you and maybe your kids too!

2. Zen gardens or Japanese rock gardens, large or small, give us a chance to reconnect with nature and a slower pace of life. Often compiled of rocks, water features, moss, pruned trees, and bushes, with gravel or sand raked to represent ripples in water. 

Activity: Make a Mini Zen Garden to use at home or on your desk at work. And for those who love ASMR here is an ASMR Japanese Zen Garden to help reduce your stress without lifting a finger.

3. Ayurvedic cooking, and eating, is a long-term and preventative way to approach managing stress. Ayurveda is an ancient system of natural and holistic medicine that looks to balancing energy and increasing health. Ayurvedic cooking uses specific foods, herbs, and spices according to the season and an individual’s dosha (energetic) constitution to increase health and wellbeing. 

Activity: Take a dosha test to learn more about your primary energy signature and read Ayurveda’s Satisfaction Diet to learn about stress and cravings. You can also take an online culinary retreat to learn more about Ayurvedic cooking.

4. Creativity. It is common knowledge that creative activities can be beneficial in reducing and perhaps even preventing some stresses. Knitting is one such activity that research shows has multiple mental health benefits. You might also find a local painting or meditation group in your area to be an effective stress management tool. One reason creative activities reduce stress is because of the mindfulness that happens. Repetition, like knitting, also gives the opportunity for a calm, meditative state of mind.

Activity: If you don’t want to learn how to knit, try making a cardboard loom for creating simple weavings. This is also wonderful for stressed-out kids and teens.

5. Procreativity. We all breathe. We all eat. And most of us will or have already been physically intimate with another. It is part of what makes us human. And the same energy that feeds creativity is responsible for procreative energy. Whether you experience physical intimacy as a way to make a baby or to connect with a loved one, having sex can be a wonderful way to release stress.

Activity: Get your groove on! : )

6. Social Media Diet. This is something we hear about all the time. The addiction is real! And although we think we are just chilling while we scroll through our favorite online platforms we are actually engaging our minds in a very focused manner and not at all giving us the rejuvenation we are seeking. No rest for the mind whatsoever. 

Activity: The addiction isn’t just visual. If you are scrolling on your phone your finger is repeatedly brushed across the smooth surface of your screen. Get a worry stone to use in place of your phone and help wean yourself off of too much social media indulgence. Your mind will get a break and you will probably sleep better!

7. Make a Joyful Noise. Imagine for a moment feeling stressed and singing at the same time. They just don’t go together! In fact, singing has shown to boost your immune system, release stress, benefit your heart, increase your energy, improve your memory, and fosters clear thinking through correct breathing!

Activity: Sing in the shower, whistle while you work (maybe the 7 dwarfs were on to something!), join your church choir, sing in the car on your commute- just make sure you sing on a regular basis! Drop a beat and sing to your heart’s content. La, la, la, la...

8. Community Service. My plate runneth over is a common feeling when it comes to being stressed! Why would community service be something you would add to your already busy life!?! It’s quite simple- when we stop stressing over our problems and help to reduce the problems of others- we feel better! Not just as an act of generosity, but there is something very real and immediate about serving a hungry person food versus stressing over meeting deadlines.

Activity: Find a platform that makes it easy to volunteer. It might be your church or AARP’s Create the Good, even Meetup has groups like the Good Karma Club where all you have to do is sign up and show up! How easy is that?

9. Aromatherapy and Bubble Baths. These are not new ideas but nonetheless are great go-to’s when your stress level starts to creep up. No science needed here. The proof is in the bubble bath!

Activity: Experiment with different essential oils specific to your Ayurvedic constitution. Pitta- sandalwood and lavender. Vata- cardamom and sandalwood. Kapha- lemon and grapefruit. 

10. Move the Body a.k.a. dance! Though moving the body could be any physical activity, dancing is unique in that it allows for self-expression and incorporates music. It also helps you get out of your head.

Activity: Dance like no one is watching by holding a pajama party of 1, dancing in the dark to whatever music moves you. 

11. Sound Baths, what does that mean? Simply that you are bathed in sound that is soothing to your mind and body. It could include a Tibetan singing bowl, Sanskrit chanting, or ambient instrumental music.

Activity: Bathe in the ancient sounds from India, Sanskrit and feel rejuvenated. Here’s a favorite, Om Namah Shivaya. You can listen or sing along for an even deeper experience.

12. Walk it off! Have you ever noticed someone stressed and pacing around the room? We all have. We might even be that person! Walking or pacing is just a natural way to release pent-up emotions and energy in the body.

Activity: Make your walking make a bigger difference by walking in nature. Nature has an in-built ability to calm us when we are stressed. You can also turn your walking into a walking meditation with or without a labyrinth.

13. Yoga seems like it’s been around forever! Wait, it has! Literally, yoga is thousands of years old! And yoga knows more about stress relief than any modern-day resource. If the idea of doing yoga scares you a little, there are options that don’t involve putting your ankle behind your ear! 

Activity: Try doing some subtle yoga or chair yoga at the office. Feeling stressed and anxious? Read Yoga for Anxiety: The Top 10 Tips to Deal with Stress and Panic, including postures. Want an online yoga studio you can join from home? Visit the Art of Living Yoga Studio and choose a class at your convenience.   

14. Laugh! That’s the prescription, laughter! Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress. 

Activity: Whatever tickles your funny bone whether it be watching a sitcom like I Love Lucy or Schitt’s Creek, or any funny movie at the theater or home, even a stand-up routine- find some way to laugh wholeheartedly!! 

15. Love. What’s love got to do with stress relief? Do you feel stressed when you are loving what you are doing? Or loving the person you are with? Likely not! Scientists would say it’s because of the ‘love’ hormone. But perhaps it is something even deeper.

Activity: Do something you love. Spend time with loved ones! It could be your partner, a family member, a friend, or even a pet. Or an activity you love. Anything that gets your heart feeling full. Even imagining you're with a loved one or doing something you love can take stress down a notch, so if you can't do it physically, imagining is a great option.

16. Random Acts of Kindness. Just like with community service, random acts of kindness get us out of our own ‘stress’ stories playing in our minds and focus on making a difference in someone else’s life. But unlike community service, random acts of kindness generally take far less time to do, which is great in a time crunch!

Activity: Here’s a chance to be creative! My personal favorite is to purchase a bouquet of flowers and leave a flower on the windshield of various cars parked at a hospital. What kindness ideas can you come up with?

17. Self Massage. The ancient science of Ayurveda recommends daily self-massage, Abhyanga.  Think of this as a gift to yourself, an expression of self-love that also gives many health benefits including stress reduction. 

Activity: Take a dosha test to find out if your primary dosha is Vata (air element- sesame oil), Pitta (fire element- coconut oil), or Kapha (earth element- sunflower oil) so you can choose the right oil for your constitution. Read here to learn how to do an Ayurvedic self-massage.

18. Yoga Nidra, also known as progressive muscle relaxation, works like magic! And it’s super easy to do. Think of it as a guided meditation you do lying down. All you have to do is listen! This is a wonderful stress-reduction technique, especially if you are experiencing sleep issues.

Activity: Read: Yoga Nidra: How It Gives Profound Rest As Deep Sleep in Just Minutes! Guided video included!

19. Meditate. Meditation is really about artfully doing nothing. If you can’t seem to master it on your own (very few can!), there are easy methods to help you attain that blissful state. Guided meditations are great for beginners but so is learning a mantra-based meditation technique like Sahaj Samadhi. Sahaj means effortless and Samadhi means bliss. 

Activity: Need just a little guidance? Read Meditation for Beginners Simplified: Sit Back, Close Your Eyes, Relax!

20. Virtual at-home retreat. What if you could go on the perfect vacation and feel refreshed for months?! But what usually happens when we go on vacation? We come back feeling like we need a vacation from our vacation! Between planning, traveling, itineraries, dealing with people, and all the pitfalls many vacations come with- even if it was fun, we are exhausted! 

Activity: You could try doing an at-home retreat yourself, but if you want an effortless and highly beneficial experience try one that is already structured for you to have the best experience possible. To give yourself the vacation you always wanted but never knew existed, click here.

21. Yogic Breathing is certainly on the cutting edge in all things wellness. Both acute stress and chronic stress don’t stand a chance against the power of your breath! When it comes to deep breathing and any stress management technique, breathwork blows away the competition- pun intended!

Activity: Read 5 Yogic Breathing Exercises Anyone Can Do! And a Bonus Technique Too! And for help with blood pressure using the breath, click here.

Creme de la creme

You may want to try many of these stress management activities but if you want the creme de la creme stress reduction technique that you can rely on for the rest of your life, you want to learn SKY Breath Meditation! SKY has scientifically shown to reduce your cortisol level (stress hormone) by 78%! Popular meditation apps cannot come even close to these results. 

To learn more about SKY Breath Meditation join a free breath and meditation session online called Beyond Breath. You will learn an easy-to-do breathing exercise and enjoy a guided meditation, and get answers to any questions you might have. I don’t know what I would do without my SKY practice! Want to skip the intro and learn SKY now? Click here.

Denise Everheart is a freelance writer, SKY Breath Meditation instructor, party planner, veg chef, and recipe designer. Follow her @everheartstudio4meditation and @celeplateyourlife on Instagram. 

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