Be the Change

World Culture Festival: Celebrate at the Cultural Event of a Lifetime

Learn how you can be a part of the largest celebration of diversity in history when the World Culture Festival comes to the USA!

Daniel Kaufman
world culture festival performance

Here’s a question for you. When was the last time you got out and really experienced the world?

I know, things haven’t been easy lately. We’ve all had to manage challenges we never could have imagined just a few years back. But we can see the light at the end of the tunnel now, so it’s time to get out and celebrate.

And what better way to celebrate than at the World Culture Festival (WCF) when it comes to the USA?! 

When I think back to my own experience at the last World Culture Festival event in 2016, I am flooded with the feelings of connectedness, celebration, and joy that WCF brought into my life.

Read on to find out how you can experience the joy of WCF for yourself, and take part in what has been called the largest celebration of diversity in history.

What is the World Culture Festival? 

The World Culture Festival is a global event series, organized by the Art of Living Foundation, that aims to build a more compassionate and harmonious society by bringing the people of the world together in celebration.  

The World Culture Festival USA will feature:

Vibrant performances 

Spectacular music and dance shows from around the globe, showcasing the rich cultural diversity of the USA.

Inspiring health and well-being sessions

Tips and tools for happiness from experts with more than 40 years of experience in the arenas of health and well-being. 

A guided group meditation for peace

Whether you’ve never meditated before, or are a seasoned pro, this easy guided meditation will take you deep into the realms of inner peace and bliss.

International food-trucks 

Delight your palate and indulge in the most delicious world-cuisine from the best food trucks.

My experience at WCF

artists performing on stage at the world culture festival in Delhi, 2016

I was at the last WCF event in New Delhi, India, and I can tell you, it was an experience like no other.

It’s one thing to hear that more than 3 million people were there. But it’s another thing altogether to witness it with your own eyes.

It was a sea of smiling faces stretching out for miles, with their hands raised in celebration.

The performances were electrifying, and took place on a scale I could never have imagined. More than 36,000 performers took to a world-record setting 7-acre stage, and lit up the crowd, showcasing and sharing their own vibrant cultural heritage.

One memory that stands out in particular was when, as the sun was setting, more than 1.5 million people in the crowd lit the flashlights on their phones and waved them around together in unity and celebration.

I could go on and on trying to describe it, but WCF is something that has to be experienced to be understood.

And the good news is… Now, for the first time in its history, WCF is coming to the USA! 

What were the WCFs in the past like?

world culture fest participants celebrating and meditating

Simply put, WCF in 2016 was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. 

I met and made friends with people from all over the world. Tasted dozens of amazing dishes I had never even heard of before. And saw performances that blew my mind (the Shaolin monks’ martial arts performance stands out in my memory to this day). 

It was so refreshing to get together with so many like-minded people in celebration of peace, diversity, and unity. We talked, ate, danced, and laughed together, and many of the connections I made at WCF are still going strong. I can't wait to reunite with the friends I made at the upcoming WCF in the US.

The festival broadened my perspective and lifted my spirit in ways I had never experienced before. 

And I wasn’t the first to have an experience like this at WCF.

stage of the world culture festival in Delhi, India 2016

More than 6 million people from 155 countries came together at the first three World Culture Festival events held in Bangalore in 2006, Berlin in 2011, and New Delhi in 2016. 

These amazing festivals had guest lists that included presidents, prime ministers, diplomats, dignitaries, spiritual leaders, social activists, celebrities, artists, and people of all races, religions, and political stances.

The inaugural installment of the global WCF series was organized by Art of Living in Bangalore, India in 2006, celebrating 25 years of service and spirituality.  

The second WCF event was held at the Olympic Stadium in Berlin, Germany in 2011, bringing people from all over the world together in celebration and unity. 

The third and most recent World Culture Festival event was organized by the Art of Living in New Delhi, India in 2016 to commemorate 35 years of global service.  With millions coming together to celebrate, it was described as a cultural festival of a scale and magnitude never before seen on planet earth. Check out the video below and see for yourself!

WCF coming to the USA

And now, for the first time in history, the World Culture Festival is bringing the celebration to the USA! This time the epic celebration will take place in Washington D.C. on the National Mall. 

Save these dates:

September 29th through October 1st

To learn more about how you can participate, click here

Join us for the World Culture Festival and celebrate at the cultural event of the year!


We invite you to learn more about our pilar program, the SKY Breath Meditation course. Click on the image below to choose a day and time to attend our FREE breath and meditation session. 

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