
How to Remove Negative Energy From Your Home the Easy Way

If you need tips to remove negative energy from your home, we’ve got 21 easy ways to make your home the positive reservoir you need it to be. Read on!

Denise Everheart
calm and serene atmosphere

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We’ve all been there! A space we live in, work at, or are just passing through has a funky vibe. But when we have to spend time, again and again, being in that negative energy, something needs to shift! The easier and faster that shift can happen the better. 

Here’s what you need to know to take your environment from negative energy to positive energy!

Everything is energy

spiritual awareness
Albert Einstein said it best, “Everything is energy, and that’s all there is to it.” And energy vibrates. Rocks vibrate. Stars vibrate. Thoughts vibrate. Some vibrations have positive energy, and some have negative energies. 

Some vibrations you have no control over. But where you can affect energies and vibrations, you can make a difference in the quality of your life at home and elsewhere. Let’s get to work to remove negative energy from your home!

Clear negative energy instantly

open front door
First things first, OPEN A WINDOW. Allowing fresh air to flood a space gives negative energy an exit. It is also a great way to increase subtle life energy, prana or qi (chi) which is present in higher amounts in fresh air. 

Higher prana levels are associated with more positive energy and emotions. Airing out any space on a regular basis helps prevent a build-up of stagnant energy.

While you’re at the window, pull back those curtains and blinds and let in the sun’s rays. Natural light truly dispels darkness!

Eyes. Ears. Nose. Spirit.

Your senses constantly communicate with your mind and emotions. We pick up subtle information through seeing, hearing, smelling, and of course our sixth sense too.  Here’s a look at how to get rid of negative energy using these four senses.


radiating rainbow light
Crystal prisms

Hanging crystal prisms from any window that receives sunlight will disperse rainbow-colored light creating an uplifting visual experience.


Clutter is really just an invitation for stagnant energy to take up residence. Taking time to tidy every area of your home will prevent negative energy from getting stuck. It is also important to remove dust from your home regularly. Cleanliness is next to godliness!

Vastu (Indian Feng Shui)

Vastu Shastra, based on ancient Vedic wisdom, reduces the environmental stress that causes life to be a struggle. Vastu uses principles of architectural design and spatial arrangement, incorporating geometric patterns, symmetry, and directional alignments. Using vastu guidelines, you can shift your furniture placement and shift the bad energy in your home.


Tibetan singing bowl
Sound bowls

Tibetan singing bowls are known for creating a calm and serene atmosphere. They can be made of copper, bronze, or a mix of metals. A modern take on singing bowls uses pure quartz to make singing bowls with unique healing qualities. Sound bowls are also used to facilitate spiritual and meditation practice.

Bells and wind chimes

The sounds of bells and wind chimes invoke a peaceful joy. Hanging wind chimes on the exterior of your home spreads good energy.

Sanskrit singing

Instrumental music

Music, especially ambient instrumental music, can have a significant impact on your living space. Negative vibes can dissipate rather quickly with the right sound waves. Check out this article with three excellent examples of meditation music for a peaceful environment.

Sanskrit singing 

The ancient language of Sanskrit is a pure language that vibrationally connects name and form. A Sanskrit word that translates to love or protection literally radiates that energy. 

Singing or chanting bhajans (songs) in Sanskrit is a spiritual and meditation practice that increases positive energies. Bad energy ceases to exist in a space where Sanskrit singing is happening. 


burn incense

Diffusers are an easy way to use natural fragrances without creating any smoke. There are four types of diffusers- nebulizing, ultrasonic, heat, and evaporative. Add a little orange essential oil or other refreshing essential oils, and positive vibes will surround your space. You can also use organic essential oil spray directly in any area of your living space. 


If you don’t mind a little fragrant smoke, you can burn incense and immerse yourself in a serene atmosphere. Myrrh incense in particular has a spiritually uplifting vibration and resonates with the crown chakra

Fresh lemon slices

No need to buy a fancy diffuser and essential oils if you simmer fresh lemon slices in water on your stovetop. The refreshing scent is invigorating and uplifting.

Sixth sense

intuition process
Our sixth sense is what we use when our antenna picks up negative vibes. It is also connected to our intuition and can guide us. 

To strengthen our sixth sense we can use meditation practices like SKY Breath Meditation. One advantage of having a strong intuitive faculty is that you can detect negative energy before it accumulates.

Auspicious energies


When you think of camphor, you probably remember the Vicks ointment your mom rubbed on your chest when you had a cold. Camphor is also an air purifier when burned, like during Vedic ceremonies. 

You can find camphor tablets at your local Indian grocery store. Be careful, just a small piece of camphor can create a large flame. 


A popular Native American technique, smudging, burns small bundles of dried sage. This fragrant smoke is known for its purifying and cleansing of places and people with negative thoughts. 

Palo santo 

This wild, native tree lives in South American countries and has a light, fresh, earthy, minty aroma. Palo santo clears bad energy, and is available in stick form (for smudging) as well as an essential oil.

Vedic fire ceremony

Vedic ceremonies 

Pujas (ceremonies) and homas (fire rituals) are powerful means for clearing away negativity and increasing positive vibes exponentially. Chanted in Sanskrit, and using elements like burning camphor, these ceremonies are the ultimate in generating auspicious energy. 

Contact your local Hindu temple for more information on how a Vedic priest can perform a ceremony in your home.


Have you ever walked into the home of a long-term meditator, or a meditation retreat? Nothing but good vibes! The environment is so chill that you start feeling calm too! Meditation clears negativity from your mind and the world around you.

The kitchen sink

 healing crystals and palo santo stick
House plants 

Some house plants are especially good at improving air quality and removing toxins. They can also have a positive impact on your mind and emotions. Try snake plants, spider plants, and aloe vera plants for the most benefits.


Healing crystals have long been favored for their various beneficial vibrational properties. Try using black obsidian, black tourmaline, selenite, amethyst, and clear quartz.

personal altar


Salt is a miracle mineral! To eliminate negative energies you can dissolve sea salt in a spray bottle filled with water and mist the air. You can include a small dish of salt on your personal altar. And also use a Himalayan salt lamp anywhere good vibes are wanted.

Personal altars

Vastu experts, Michael and Robin Mastro, give a detailed description of how to create your own personal altar in their book, Altars of Power and Grace: Create the Life you Desire, and Achieve Harmony, Health, Fulfillment, and Prosperity with Personal Altars Based on Vastu Shastra.

Long-term remedy

SKY Breath Meditation
SKY Breath Meditation as a daily practice ensures that both your mind and your home radiate with positive energies. SKY reduces stress hormones and negative emotions, and increases optimism and joy. Some of the other benefits include greater mental focus, enhanced deep sleep, and so much more. 

To get a taste of what SKY can do for you (and your home!), I invite you to the next free breath and meditation session online. Click the image below and reserve your spot; you’ll be glad you did!

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