
Chakra Meaning: Know the Energy Centers, Base of Spine to Top of Head

Chakras might seem mystical, but they also have a practical side so you can live your best life. Read to understand the meaning and how to balance them.

Denise Everheart
7 chakras

You’ve probably heard the word chakra on a TV show or in a yoga class, maybe from your friend. But perhaps you’re not quite sure what chakra is precisely. Or maybe you have some idea about what a chakra is but need more clarity. Maybe your mind is filled with questions about chakras. Read on to get both clarity and answers to your questions about these fantastic energy centers, plus how to balance your chakras.  

Topics covered: 

The meaning of the word chakra

What does the word “chakra” mean? Chakra is a Sanskrit word from ancient India, meaning wheel or circular. But not just any wheel, a wheel where nerve centers in the physical body converge. On the gross level, a chakra is a nerve bundle of energy. It is believed that the human body has 109 total chakras, but seven main chakras are the most important. 

On the subtle level, chakras are energy centers. All these energy centers are connected through channels, energy pathways through which subtle life force energy flows freely. This subtle energy is called prana or chi (qi).

The location and qualities of the main chakras

seven chakras

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara Chakra) 

Location: Base of the spine

Qualities: When the energy flows upwards, you experience enthusiasm, dynamism, and faith. In the downward flow, you experience inertia, dullness, and the feeling of being stuck. 

To learn more about the root chakra, click here.

2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana Chakra) 

Location: Behind the genitals

Qualities: An upward flow manifests as procreation, creative energy, and sexual energy. When the energy flows down, it manifests and feels like you are uncreative, uninspired, and don’t feel like doing much of anything. 

To learn more about the sacral chakra, click here.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura Chakra) 

Location: Navel region

Qualities: Generosity and joy are experienced when the energy is flowing upwards. The downward flow brings feelings of jealousy and greed. 

To learn more about the solar plexus chakra, click here.

4. Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra)

Location: Heart or chest region

Qualities: There is only one quality when the energy is flowing upwards; it is love. When the energy is flowing downwards, two negative qualities are experienced: fear and hate. 
Interestingly, when there is love, there is no fear. And when there is fear, there is no love. 

To learn more about the heart chakra, click here.

5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha Chakra) 

Location: Throat region

Qualities: The throat chokes with both an upward and downward energy flow. When the energy is flowing up, you feel grateful. A downward flow is felt as grief.

To learn more about the throat chakra, click here. 

6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna Chakra) 

Location: Between the eyebrows

Qualities:  When the energy moves up to the center of the forehead, to the third chakra between the eyebrows, it manifests as awareness or alertness. When the energy flows downward, it manifests as anger. 

To learn more about the third eye chakra, click here.

7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara Chakra) 

Location: Top of the head

Qualities: There is only one quality in the crown chakra; it is bliss. There are no downward energy qualities in the crown of the head.

To learn more about the crown chakra, click here.

What role do chakras play in our well-being?

spiritual energy
How many times have you felt negative emotions, seemingly for no reason? As we have already seen, the downward energy flow in the chakra system brings many negative emotions. We also know that negative emotions can have a tangible impact on the health of our physical body. It only makes sense that taking care of our prana levels in the body would positively impact both mental and physical health. 

Can chakras get blocked?

The sensation of being blocked or the manifestation of negative qualities is actually due to energy flowing in a downward direction; chakras do not get blocked. This is one of the biggest misconceptions perpetuated by Western yogis. This downward flow can make you feel like you are stuck or blocked. But in reality, the energy is still flowing. Otherwise, our bodies would drop us!

What causes chakras to get unbalanced?

Just like when we do not take good care of our physical and mental well-being, we see manifestations of poor health in the mind and body; these same things can cause us to become unbalanced. 

How do we balance our chakras?

SKY Breath Meditation
Meditation, breathwork, and yoga poses are the easiest ways to balance our chakras. But it’s also good to pay attention to our activities, the company we keep, and the food we eat. Anything that can affect us energetically can affect the energy flow in our bodies.

Do this to reverse a downward flow of energy and encourage an upward flow of energy

Everything I know about chakras I learned from meditation master and global humanitarian Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Gurudev’s wisdom and programs have made a significant impact on my life for decades now. Here’s an easy guided meditation specifically for balancing your 7 major chakras. Enjoy!

Maintaining healthy chakras with the Art of Living

The Art of Living Foundation offers numerous programs benefiting your life energy and chakra system. Get started by taking the Art of Living Part 1 course, where you will learn breathing exercises and the powerful and effective SKY Breath Meditation. In addition to increasing prana and maintaining healthy chakras, SKY has also been shown to increase life satisfaction, enhance deep sleep, reduce stress and anxiety, and significantly decrease clinical and non-clinical depression. 

Taking the Art of Living Part 1 course also qualifies you to take the Art of Living Part 2 course, also known as a Silent Retreat. In Part 2, you practice special guided meditations called Hollow and Empty, where your whole nervous system is polished from the inside! It’s my favorite Art of Living program, and I attend at least two every year. After you have taken the Part 2 course, a whole host of courses and programs are available to help you live your best life. You can start your journey today!

To explore guided meditations for each chakra, click here for a FREE 7-day on-demand chakra meditation program. 
secrets of the 7 chakras

ART OF LIVING PART I COURSE Discover Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s ancient secret to modern well-being

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