MUSCLE TENSION. Just reading these two words can make your muscles tense up! And everyone, at some point in time, has or will deal with tense muscles— it is inevitable. This means we all need to know the best muscle relaxation methods because nobody wants to Google how to relieve muscle tension when you are experiencing muscle tension! Read on to learn how to relax your muscles, melt away your tension, and how to prevent it in the first place!
What causes muscles to become tense?
Straining or injuring yourself can lead to tight muscles, but STRESS is a significant factor in having tense muscles. Too much stress triggers all sorts of hormones, namely cortisol. Did you know that cortisol causes your muscles to tighten and your blood pressure and heart rate to increase? Cortisol can even damage your skeletal muscle. Unfortunately, that same stress can lead to other health problems— depression, anxiety, weight gain, heart disease, intestinal issues, increased risks of diabetes, and so much more.
Maybe your tense muscles are trying to tell you something?!?
Health benefits of muscle relaxation
- Prevents more severe skeletal muscular issues down the road
- An easier time falling asleep
- Pain relief
- Helps reduce anxiety
- Increases mental well-being
What methods help with muscle relaxation?
Surprisingly, there are many ways you can get your muscles to relax and let go—everything from physical activities to self-care methods and, of course, breathing and meditation. Let’s look at the specifics so you can feel relaxed right now.
Physical exercise
If your muscles are not too tight, some physical activities can help loosen them. Certain activities can also help prevent tension in the first place. Remembering to warm up and stretch before being physically active is critical in avoiding tight muscles.
You couldn’t ask for a more gentle exercise for physical relaxation than walking. Add a bit of nature to the mix, and your stress will dissipate quickly.
Muscles are made to move, and dancing is a fun way to get them moving. You don’t have to know choreography or the latest dance trend; just move your body to your favorite music. You know the drill…dance like no one is watching 😉
The beauty of swimming is that you have less gravity and resistance, allowing your muscles to relax while moving.
Tai Chi
This exercise may look like there is little to it, but Tai Chi works your muscles in ways other exercises do not. The added increase in energy flow helps create more flexibility and fluidity in your skeletal-muscular system. Tai chi is also very calming.
Like Tai chi, yoga gives you more flexibility while calming you. Here are some of the best yoga poses for muscle relaxation: cat pose, standing forward bend, pigeon pose, and butterfly pose.
As you end your practice, lay down on your yoga mat, tighten your whole body, and hold your breath for a few seconds. All at once, release, exhale, and relax. Do this three times and continue to rest in the corpse pose. Practice regularly for the maximum benefits.
Self-care methods
Here’s a word that can signal your muscles to relax just by thinking about it! Let’s all say “ahhh’ together! To get the benefits of massage, you can go to a spa, ask a loved one for a massage, or practice self-massage. Either way, your muscles will feel more relaxed!
This method could include soaking in hot or cold water, using water jets to massage the muscles, or temperature regulation alternating cold and heat—for example, ice packs and heating pads or a sauna session and cold showers.
Progressive muscle relaxation
This is one of the more popular methods for muscle relaxation and is usually guided. Typically, during progressive muscle relaxation, you will be instructed to tighten isolated muscle groups briefly, then relax before going on to the next muscle group. If this sounds a bit challenging, and it is for many, try the body scan below.
This ancient science has a fantastic remedy for muscle pain relief that I use and love. My favorite muscle-release formula is an oil that uses Ayurvedic herbs to give excellent results.
Breathing techniques
Diaphragmatic breathing
Another popular method, diaphragm breathing, reduces stress and relaxes muscles. You can learn how to do this breathing technique here.
Other relaxing breathing techniques
Any breathing technique that reduces stress and increases relaxation will also positively affect your muscles.
Meditation methods
Body scan meditation (guided and unguided)
Like progressive relaxation techniques, a body scan uses your attention to body parts, translating into deep relaxation. Our attention has tremendous energy. Consciously and mindfully, take your attention to body parts, starting at the feet and working your way up to the top of the head. It helps the body and mind to consciously relax and heal faster.
Here’s a guided version you can try. Once familiar with the progression, try doing it unguided (self-guided). I sometimes use this method to help me fall asleep.
Mantra-based meditation
Since stress is often the culprit in tension, a mantra-based meditation technique is a good long-term solution to reduce stress overall. This type of meditation reduces cortisol, which leads to your muscles feeling more relaxed.
Breath-based meditation
Similar to mantra-based techniques, breath-based meditation techniques go a long way in preventing issues in the first place. By adding the power of breath with meditation, you will see results more quickly.
Helpful tips for practicing muscle relaxation techniques
Regarding best practices related to muscle relaxation, there are some general tips to improve your results.
When doing progressive muscle relaxation or body scans, always start at the feet and work toward the top of the head.
Wear loose, comfortable clothing unless swimming, in a sauna, or receiving a massage.
Regular practice will give faster results.
Consider a multi-pronged approach for the best results.
Focus on managing stress overall.
Which methods help prevent muscle tension?
While many methods can help avoid tension in the muscles, breathwork and meditation techniques do more to prevent stress from ever taking hold of your muscles.
The best deep relaxation technique
In my humble opinion, and a few hundred million practitioners around the globe, SKY Breath Meditation is by far the most effective relaxation tool. And research can back that up! And research can back that up! More than a relaxation technique, SKY research has shown:
- 60% reduction in serum cortisol levels
- Reduced PTSD
- Significant decrease in clinical/non-clinical depression and anxiety
- Reduced addictive behaviors
- 21% increase in life satisfaction
- Healthier blood pressure
- Better focus and productivity
- Increases brain size
- Improved respiratory function
- Better sleep
- Improved immunity
Clearly, SKY is more than a relaxation technique; SKY is vital for your well-being. You can learn SKY on the Art of Living Part 1 course, in person or online. Register today!
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