
Monkey Pose (Hanumanasana)

Posted: May 2, 2018

Monkey Pose Hanumanasana (Haa-NU-mahn-AHS-anna) — is an intermediate level posture that derives its name from the giant leap made by Lord Hanuman from the southern tip of India to the island of Sri Lanka in the Ramayana. Hanumanasana opens the hips and stretches muscles in the groin and hamstring region. Make sure to say warm yourself up adequately with hip-opening exercises before getting into this pose. Monkey Pose gets its name from the Sanskrit words, Hanuman, meaning Lord Hanuman, and asana, meaning pose.

Level of Difficulty: Intermediate

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Start by kneeling on the floor with knees slightly apart. Place your right foot forward and raise the inner sole so that only the outer heel touches the floor.

  2. As you exhale, bend your torso forward and bring your fingertips to touch the floor.

  3. Slowly, move your left knee backwards until your knee and the front of your foot touch the ground. Simultaneously slide your right leg forward until it touches the floor completely.

  4. Sliding your left foot backward and right foot forward, come into a split position.

  5. The toes of your right foot should be pointing skywards and the front of your left foot should be touching the ground.

  6. Raise your arms and join your palms together overhead. Stretch your arms and arch your back slightly.

  7. Stay in this position for a couple of breaths before lowering your arms.

  8. To come out of this posture, shift the weight of your body onto your hands by pressing them on the floor.

  9. Slowly slide your left and right feet back to the initial position before repeating the pose with the left leg in front and right leg behind.


  • Stretches and strengthens muscles in the hamstrings, thighs and groin region
  • Stimulates and improves the functioning of the abdominal organs
  • Increases flexibility in the hips over time


  • Hamstring or groin injury

Do not force your body into a full split  as it might harm the body. Respect your body's limits and stretch only to a point of comfort .

Modifications and Variations

  • To Modify: Place a blanket below your knees and ankles to avoid any pain or discomfort.

Preparatory Poses and Follow Up Poses

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