
Embrace the Spirit of Generosity with these Five Simple Ways to Celebrate National Give Something Away Day

By Paige Reist | Posted: July 14, 2018

Don’t underestimate the power of generosity--it’s good for your health, your relationships, and your worldview, too. Not only do you get the personal satisfaction of a good deed well done, but fostering a global culture of generosity, support, and community starts with the individual. Humanity got where it is because we share information, time, and happiness with each other. Alone, we survive, but together, we thrive.

July 15th is National Give Something Away Day, so we’ve rounded up five simple ways that you can spread generosity--plus, we’ve got a treat for you, too!

1. Volunteer

Giving something away doesn’t have to be about physical items or money. The gift of your skills, knowledge, and talents is something that can make a big difference in your community. Everyone has something to offer! Great at knitting? Teach a class at your local women’s center. Have a way with animals? Sign up to help with training or socialization sessions at the humane society. Offering your expertise, whether professional or personal, is a great way to celebrate Give Something Away Day.

2. Donate old clothing

Something that shelters always need is clothing. Spend a few hours going through your closet and finding items of clothing that you haven’t worn in a while (my personal rule is more than a year!), and take them down to your local donation center. Your closet will feel lighter and more organized, and somewhere, someone will very much appreciate the extra warmth.

3. Support an organization or cause you believe in

Even a donation of a few dollars can make a meaningful difference. Spend some time researching organizations that fight for the causes you believe in, or browse a crowdfunding website like Art of Living has several charitable initiatives, including Gift a Smile, which endeavours to make education accessible for children in rural India.

4. Buy a cup of coffee for the person in line behind you

This is the classic example of a small act of kindness. But it doesn’t have to be coffee! Do something small for a stranger today--give up your seat on the bus, help someone cross the street or carry their groceries, or say a kind word to the clerk at the corner store. You’re sure to put a smile on someone’s face and brighten their day.

5. Give away the gift of your time

One thing that we always seem to be short on in the modern age is time. Today, carve out some quality time with your family, friends, or partner, put away your phone and other distractions, and just listen. Listening is a cornerstone of healthy relationships, and it’s an easy way to let the people you love know that they’re important to you.

At Art of Living, we’re celebrating Give Something Away Day by sharing our passion for yoga with all of you. Sign up for our free Yoga for Beginners e-course and begin to learn easy poses, breathing techniques, and the basics of meditation! Taught by 500-hr certified yoga instructors and chock full of practical tips for your yoga journey, this course is our gift to you.

What are you ready to give away?

Paige Leigh Reist is a lifestyle writer and the blogger behind

Art of Living Part 1 course: Discover Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s ancient secret to modern well-being.

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