By Denise Everheart | Posted: June 11, 2020
Not everyone has struggled staying at home for the past couple of months, some of us found a new peace and renewed appreciation for some ‘self care’ time, even if we were not quarantining alone. We slept in and caught up on our sleep debt we had been saddled with for way too many years. We ate our first meal of the day with more presence than our usual grab and go lifestyle we were previously barely surviving. And throughout our day we noticed our environment, the people in our lives and our mind in ways we perhaps had never before. All of this has given us a life transforming perspective, a deep peacefulness. But how do we extend, and protect that peacefulness that resulted from staying at home while we plunge into a new normal and busier lives?
All things body
Taking care of ourselves starts with the body. Whether your recent routine included enjoying an online yoga class or trying some other new-to-you fitness program, moving forward we need to make sure we schedule and prioritize physical activities that nurture that sense of peace. Perhaps take a nature walk a few times a week, a little off the beaten path so as to continue social distancing as per official guidelines. You could also consider taking up canoeing, paddleboarding or another solo watersport activity. Nature, and specifically water can regenerate peacefulness while getting some ‘me’ time. And don’t forget dancing! Whether alone, with your partner or your children, dancing is a mix of movement and expression that leads to better health, happiness and inner peace.
Did you jot down all those new healthy recipes you tried or created? Decide now to have more creative meals at home each week. Eating ‘in’ is not only a lot healthier for your body, creating and cooking also feeds the soul! To make things more interesting challenge yourself with an ‘Iron Chef’ scenario with your housemates or friends via Zoom. Your body will thank you!
Save your mind at all costs
During this time of quarantining, record numbers of people have sought out meditation via masterclasses, webinars, apps and other online offerings. Breathing meditation is really at the forefront and is considered the ‘new’ yoga for our times as it unites the mind and body for better physical and mental health. Coronavirus has definitely taught us to value not just having a healthy immune system, but also the importance of having healthy, strong lungs. Sudarshan Kriya, SKY breath meditation, is scientifically proven to enhance immune function, increase well being and life satisfaction, while also strengthening the lungs. In fact, it is possible to release 90% of toxins through the breath, but with our capacity generally being around 30% we are mostly ineffective in this task.
SKY breathing meditation is the biggest tool for gaining more peace in any self-care tool box, true armor for protecting your mind at all costs. For a quick sample experience of the power of breath, sign up for this free online session, Beyond Breath, with a Live Instructor who can guide you and answer any questions you might have.
It’s about time
One thing we have had in abundance, is time. Time to sleep, time to eat mindfully, and time to evaluate our lives up to this moment. For some it is clear what was working for us, and what was not working for us. For others, we are still trying to figure all of this out. Although it is true that we have had more time on our hands, the reality is we have had the same amount of time now, that we have always had. There are 24 hours in a day, in every day, even in the winter! It is our choice, our priority that determines what happens within those 24 hours. A good question to ask ourselves now is, do we lose ourselves in the passing of time just trying to keep up with the busy-ness of life, or do we take the time we need to be peaceful and happy using the tools of self-care?
Perhaps one of the things you took the time to do during this lockdown was to read a good book you have been hoping to read, for far too long. Reading takes time and is one of those pleasures that can relieve stress, keep us informed and also inspired. Scheduling time for reading, meditating, or being in nature might seem an odd thing to schedule, but the peace gained is invaluable and worth the efforts to make it happen.
If you’re looking for an interesting read, check out The Power of Vital Force, Fuel Your Energy, Purpose, And Performance with Ancient Secrets of Breath and Meditation, by Rajshree Patel.
Authentic connection
Did you find yourself reaching out to people you haven’t spoken to in months or even years, while we all were staying at home? Long phone calls catching up and staying in touch across greater distances via Zoom, we found creative ways to overcome separation and increase a surprisingly more authentic connection. Separate, but never really apart, we as human beings have shown we thrive on connection with others. We will always persevere in the face of challenges, but it is a whole lot easier when we connect with others- even virtually.
Who else is in your contact list that you haven’t spoken to in awhile? Prioritize reaching out to those you might not otherwise contact and your peacefulness will multiply. Extending your hand increases your peace, and another’s.
So attending to our body, saving our mind at all costs, using time for what really matters, and connecting authentically, all can go a long way to extending your new found peace. It’s up to you to protect it!
Denise Everheart is a freelance writer, meditation coach and recipe designer. Follow her @everheartstudio4meditation and @celeplateyourlife on Instagram.