
Some Exciting New Year’s Resolution Ideas to Steal From Your Dog


By Paige Leigh Reist | Updated on : December 17, 2020

Human beings might have the bigger brains, but there are still so many things we can learn from our dogs: even our plans for New Year’s resolutions!

Like most humans, I’m always looking for ways to improve my life, and always looking around me to see what others are doing right. New Year’s is, of course, one of those calendar-mandated check-in points. I was going through the motions this holiday season, trying to think of what I should work towards in 2021, including looking at the habits of the happiest people I know.

That’s when it hit me. The happiest person I know is my dog.

Okay, okay, I know that she’s not technically a person, but still. She has it goin’ on. She’s got life all figured out. It really got me thinking: what does she know that I don’t?

I sat down with a knowledgeable expert on dog life, my elderly mutt Rumour, and she shared a bit of her infinite wisdom with me to bring you these six canine dogmas (see what I did there?) for a happier, healthier you.

Get really, really, really excited about going outside

Outside is truly the best place. There are exciting smells and sounds, new dogs and people to meet, rivers to swim in and birds to chase around, and warm patches of sunshine to take a nap in. Spending time in nature, exercising, and breathing in all that fresh air isn’t just good for dogs, but for people too. Communing with the natural world does everything from alleviating symptoms of depression to improve our cardiovascular health.

Check-in with your pack

Dogs and people are both pack animals. When we’re feeling isolated and lonely, regardless of our introvert or extrovert leanings, we are more likely to succumb to depression, substance abuse, increased stress and compromised heart health. Spend time with those you love and who love you, even if it means rearranging your schedule to make it a priority. Your brain and body will thank you for it.

Spread love indiscriminately

Dogs have this wonderful ability to love absolutely everyone, regardless of race, gender, age, ability, looks, or personal history. And look what that gets them--a whole bunch of love back. Expand your horizons and practice loving kindness with everyone you meet, and you’ll find that you receive the same kind of acceptance, patience, and joy that you give.

Check out your poop

I’m completely serious! One of the greatest indicators of your health is your digestion and elimination. You might not want to put your nose in it, but keeping track of the quality of your stools can give you great insight into whether your body is thriving on what you’re feeding it, or whether you’re due for a change.​

Practice downward dog

Downward dog is what our puppy pals do when they’re happy, ready to play and feeling great. When you incorporate this playful pose into your yoga routine, whether in your sun salutations or as a part of your flow, you’ll feel invigorated and revitalized due to increased circulation and a nicely-stretched spine.

Catch a quick snooze now and then

As every active dog knows, forty winks in the afternoon can make a huge difference in your day. Whenever you can sneak off to let yourself rest a little! You’ll be more creative, focused, and motivated, and less stressed, when you rejoin the land of the living.

The Art of Living

Now that you have learned great new year’s resolutions from your dog, you are ready to explore the power of your own breath for improving your mind and body wellbeing. Check out Beyond Breath, a free breath and meditation online session to learn all about SKY Breath Meditation and improve your whole year!

Happy New Year, from Rumour and I to you! May your 2021 be full of healthy treats, walks, and playtime.

Paige Leigh Reist is a writer, editor, blogger, and writing instructor.


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