Meditation for Sleep: Achieve Restful Sleep Effortlessly
Are you tired of being tired? Having difficulty falling asleep? You’re not alone. It is estimated that about a...

Can’t Sleep? Meditation and Ujjayi Breathing Can Help You
By Sejal Shah Difficulty falling asleep and having sleepless nights? Try this Ujjayi breathing (video included)...

11 Effective Yoga Poses for Stress Relief You Can Practice Today
Most US cities have an abundance of yoga studios. Why is yoga...

Corpse Pose: Shavasana Gives Deep Yogic Rest for the Whole Body
Corpse Pose, or Shavasana (Shuh-VAH-SUN-aa), is a restorative...

Yoga Nidra for Deep Sleep: Discover the Benefits Tonight
Deep sleep is the one thing we can all use more of. If we’re...

Mastering Deep Meditation: Effortless Tips to Realize Inner Peace
Ask a child if they want a piece of chocolate or peace of mind, and they will choose a piece of chocolate. Ask...

Overcome Smoking with Yoga
Smoking kills. The cigarette smoke that you inhale carries more than 4000 chemicals, of which at least 250 are...

Yoga Beyond the Body: The Deep Spiritual Significance of Anantasana
By Sejal Shah┃Posted: May 16, 2019 Anantasana is a favorite pose...

Yoga for Sleep: 5 Best Poses for Deep Rest for Body and Mind
The power and importance of sleep can’t be ignored by anyone....

Boost Your Immunity: How Yoga Can Help Fight Colds and Coughs
The most common phenomenon of any seasonal change are the diseases...

Transform Your Body: Yoga Poses for Shedding Love Handles!
Losing weight brings a lot of dedication, commitment, disciplined lifestyle with it. Many of us want to lose weight,...

How Yoga Can Help Ease Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a physical disorder that causes prolonged abdominal pain or discomfort, bloating,...

How To Combat Hyperthyroidism With Yoga
“Ten years ago, I only knew of thyroid disorder through school...