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  1. Weekly Wisdom: How to Strengthen Your Aura and Subtle Body

    Often, we think that the mind is inside the body. This is one of the biggest mistakes. It's a wrong notion. We think the mind is inside the body, but it's the other way around. Our body is inside the mind.  The body is inside the mind Our mind i ...
  2. Sean Kelly & Gurudev Discuss Loneliness, Negativity, & Violence

    Podcaster Sean Kelly, from the Digital Social Hour, asks Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar about today’s challenges affecting young people. They discuss everything from social media impacts to being caught up in short-term desires, resulting in more anxiety an ...
  3. Weekly Wisdom: Understanding 2 Types of Yagyas

    Dravya yagya is done with many materials, including 108 different types of herbs, grains, and flowers. That’s being done here in the Ashram.  Sitting together, talking, and sharing a meal is also dravya yagya.  Tapo yagya is forbearance, forbearing; you f ...
  4. Mastering Deep Meditation: Effortless Tips to Realize Inner Peace

    Ask a child if they want a piece of chocolate or peace of mind, and they will choose a piece of chocolate. Ask the same question of an adult, and they will almost always choose peace of mind. But there are those who equate chocolate with peace of mind! 😉 ...
  5. Weekly Wisdom: How to Be Free from Karma

    It's interesting how your relationships happen in families. It's all in the subtle realm first. What appears in the gross realm is only a pre-recorded play. The film has been shot already. Here, it's being projected, and behind that, it’s c ...
  6. The World Culture Festival 2016

    The World Culture Festival (WCF) brought together a multitude of cultures from across the globe to celebrate 35 years of The Art of Living. Over 37,000 artists from around the world performed on the 7-acre stage, exhibiting their talent to echo the messag ...
  7. Gurudev Shares Life-Changing Perspectives with Howie Mandel

    Recently, Gurudev visited Howie Mandel’s podcast, Howie Mandel Does Stuff. Here are some excerpts from their conversation.  Happiness is innate Howie: I'm so excited that you're here today because I have a lot of problems. And I've been rea ...
  8. Weekly Wisdom: The Ultimate Guide to Success in Life

    Recently, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar spoke about finding success in happiness, maintaining enthusiasm, and resisting temptations to take shortcuts to success.  Read more about his prescriptions for success. Is success based on luck? Luck is a gift. It&# ...
  9. Overcome Smoking with Yoga

    Smoking kills. The cigarette smoke that you inhale carries more than 4000 chemicals, of which at least 250 are known to be harmful, and more than 50 are known to cause cancer. According to a fact sheet published by WHO, tobacco kills nearly 6 million peop ...
  10. Gurudev’s New Year Message for 2025

    Gurudev’s New Year Message for 2025  Editor’s note: This is part of the transcript of Gurudev’s message for 2025. Enjoy his relaxed and casual tone as he shares guidance for the coming year.  The time is clicking. The clock is clicking as we say goodbye t ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More