Dear Gurudev, can you please explain what it means to let go. How do I let go of situations that are currently causing me pain which I have no power to change?
How do you sleep at night? If you don’t let go, can you sleep? No! If you don’t let go of an event or situation, or objects, or anything around, you cannot fall asleep. That is letting go.
Just wake up and see, the world has been like this in the past, and it is going to be there for few more million years. See this all as a dream, let go and relax.
You know, big catastrophes have happened; the two world wars have happened, still the world is continuing today! Like that a little problem here and there happens, and there is a power that takes care of it! You are not going to be here forever. So see life from a broader picture, then you will be able to let go.