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  1. The Shine In The Sunshine

    Bangalore, India(Below is a continuation of the post The Cause Of All Causes)Lord Krishna is saying here, ‘I observe everything happening in nature with a sense of apathy (or indifference). I am not attached or affected by it, yet everything in the creatio ...
  2. The Cause Of All Causes

    Bangalore, India (Below is a continuation of the post An Astonishing Secret) The next verse is, 'Sarva-bhutani kaunteya prakritim yanti mamikam. Kalpa-ksaye punas tani kalpadau visrjamy-aham'. (9.7)'Prakrtim svam avastabhya visrijami punah punah. Bhuta-gra ...
  3. The True Meaning of Celibacy

    Bangalore, India Gurudev, it is said that Shankaracharya had experienced the pleasures of life by entering into the body of a king. How then could he be considered celibate? Is celibacy (Brahmacharya) of the body or of the mind? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: It is ...
  4. Significance of Janmashtami

    What is Janmashtami? Janmashtami is the day we celebrate the birth of Lord Krishna. Since the last 5100 and odd years, the birth of Krishna is being celebrated. But Krishna says, "I am never born." It is like this – a potter makes a pot and suddenly the s ...
  5. What We Get Through Silence

    Bangalore, India Deep silence and joyful celebrations is what Navratri is all about! It is a time to step out of the worldly things and go into the other world. Gurudev, Dasha Mahavidyas (ten cosmic personalities of Divine Mother) are worshipped in Navratr ...
  6. Sri Sri’s Message on Gandhi Jayanti

    Bangalore, India I want to tell you about my teacher who is still alive, and who has completed 116 years of his life. This gentleman taught Mahatma Gandhi the scripture, Bhagavad Gita, when he came back from South Africa. The Bhagavad Gita often states tha ...
  7. Our True Nature Is Bliss

    Bangalore, India Gurudev, Buddhists say they do not believe in God. Even Lord Buddha said that we must not worship idols. Now He too was an enlightened being, so what did he mean by that? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Lord Buddha never talked about God. He never r ...
  8. The World Is A Reflection Of Our Feelings

    Bangalore, India You know, we all should take this joy and enthusiasm that we have with us to every village and every home in India. In India, cows are worshipped in the form of mother and are called Gomata (Mother). Research has shown that the milk of our ...
  9. Truth Beyond Words

    Bangalore, India “It is all Him; and there is none other”, this is the language of devotees soaked in the love of the Divine. For them, it is God alone everywhere. Nothing exists other than God. It is the way of the devotees. Gurudev, my profession is such ...
  10. Seva is your Nature

    Bangalore, India Gurudev, the desire for Moksha (liberation) is itself a desire itself and is a necessity too. But as long as there are desires, one cannot realize God. Please guide. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: It is very natural to have a desire for liberation. ...