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  1. Don't Shy Away From Criticism

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 84 Contd. from knowledge sheet 83   “Tato dwandanabhighataha’’ (II Sūtra 48) tato = then; dwandwa = duality; anabhighataha = rooted out.   “Then, all the duality in you is rooted out.”   It hits the duality in you, all ...
  2. The Importance of Pranayamas

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 85 Contd. from knowledge sheet 84   “Tasminsati shwasaprashwasayorgativicchedaha pranayamaha’’ (II Sutra 49) tasmin = in that state of asana or posture; sati = being; shwasa = inspiratory breath; prashwasa = expiratory ...
  3. Life is Light

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 86 Contd. from knowledge sheet 85   “Tataha ksheyate prakashavaranam’’  (II Sutra 52) tataha = then; ksheyate = broken; prakasha = light; avaransam = curtain.   “Then the curtain surrounding the light is broken.”   Bre ...
  4. Five Modes of Consciousness Arise in Your Self

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 6 Contd. from knowledge sheet 5 Five modes of consciousness arise in your Self. What are they? Pratyakshanumanagamaha pramanani The different kinds of proof the mind requires are the obvious experiential proof, infe ...
  5. Four types of Karma

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 20 Contd. from knowledge sheet 19 There are four types of karmas (actions). Meritful action. Karma that gives you merits. You do good to somebody and they feel good about it and they thank you very much. They thank y ...
  6. 5 Signs of a Disturbed Mind

    "Dukha dourmanasyangamejayatva shwasaprashwasa vikshepasahabhuvaha'' Contd. from knowledge sheet 25 dukha = sorrow; dourmansya = bitterness; angamejayatva = body not listening to you; shwasa = inspiration; prashwasa = expiration; vikshepa = ...
  7. Be Compassionate with Unhappy People

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 29 Contd. from knowledge sheet 28 Now, what about unhappy people? If you are friendly with unhappy people, what happens? You also become unhappy. So he says do not be friendly with unhappy people, but be compassionat ...
  8. Are You Looking For Freedom From Unhappiness?

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra- Knowledge Sheet 33 Contd. from knowledge sheet 32 “Vishok¢ v¢ jyotishmatiÃ’’ vishok¢ = getting rid of unhappiness; v¢ = or; jyotishmatià = the bright effulgent state of the mind “Get rid of unhappiness and at the same time know that ...
  9. Golden Rule in Samadhi: Be Patient yet Dynamic

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 46 Contd. from knowledge sheet 45 (I Sūtra 51) “ Tasyapi nirodhe sarvanirodhannirbejaha samadhihi ’’ tasya = that; api = too; nirodhe = by suppression; sarva = all; nirodhat = due to suppression of; nirbëjaha = seedles ...
  10. The Body is Inside the Mind

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 52 Contd. from knowledge sheet 51 I don’t mean that you always show being wishy-washy. That is also self-deception. You do not have to be so vagary. Some people keep saying, “Everything is nice, everything is nice”. Th ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More