
AOL Yoga Studio: Making Yoga Accessible to Everyone All the Time

Learn how the Art of Living Yoga Studio bridges the gap between online and in-person yoga offerings, and how it can help YOU live your best life!

Daniel Kaufman

Well, it’s been a long time coming. Yoga has been around for thousands of years, and the jury is finally in. Everybody agrees...  

Yoga is good for you. 

The practice of yoga has been shown by hundreds of studies to offer tremendous benefits to your physical, mental, and emotional (not to mention spiritual) health.

So why isn’t yoga a regular part of everyone’s weekly routine?

Well, there are a lot of different answers to that question, but convenience and accessibility are certainly contributing factors.

And in honor of World Yoga Day, we’d love to share how the Art of Living Yoga Studio is tackling these issues and making yoga available to everyone, all the time!

Yoga in the modern world

Nowadays, yoga practitioners have many different ways to practice. 

Some choose to practice at in-person yoga studios. The benefits of this approach include personal guidance from a certified teacher and connection to a community of yogis. 

But there are drawbacks as well. Namely, having to practice at specific times (even if that means battling traffic or other obligations) and traveling to  sometimes inconvenient locations. The cost of membership at many yoga studios is also a prohibitive factor for many people.

Other yogis choose online yoga sessions through YouTube or other platforms. This style of practice offers convenience, and is generally easier on the pocketbook. But all too often that personal touch and guidance from the yoga teacher is missing.

But what if there was a way to get the best of both worlds?

Art of Living Yoga Studio - The profound benefits of yoga made easy

AOL Yoga Studio

The truth is that many people who are interested in practicing yoga, just aren’t practicing right now. For them, the in-person yoga studios are too expensive or inconvenient, and the online options just don’t offer that spark between a teacher and student that has been an integral part of yoga lineages for thousands of years.

Thankfully, the Art of Living Yoga Studio is bridging this gap with a platform that offers flexibility, convenience, and LIVE access to some of the best and most compassionate yoga instructors in the world.

The benefits

The Art of Living Yoga Studio offers a relaxing, holistic, purposeful approach to yoga practice that goes beyond simple poses and postures. Members receive personal care and guidance from the best yogis and instructors, who guide them into profound experiences of yoga, in a simple, fun, and accessible way.

Members experience a beautiful blend of energizing poses, powerful breathing exercises (pranayamas), blissful meditations, and yogic wisdom distilled for everyday living. The connection between members and instructors is emphasized, and members witness profound transformation in their lives.

Check out the video below to hear how AOL Yoga Studio members are benefiting.

With membership to the AOL Yoga Studio, yogis have unlimited access to virtual classes, 50 instructors, and 200 live sessions per month, at a fraction of the cost of most in-person studios.

In this way, AOL Yoga Studio is offering solutions for those who wish to practice yoga with the personal care and attention of in-person classes, but with the ease and convenience of online offerings.

The impact

Since its inception in 2021, nearly 1,000 people have benefited from the amazing classes offered by the Art of Living Yoga Studio. People from all walks of life are reaping the benefits of a regular yoga practice.

Some of the benefits include:

  • Increased strength, balance, and flexibility 
  • Reduced stress, anxiety, and depression
  • Improved mental clarity and focus
  • Better quality sleep
  • Relief of back pain
  • Reduced symptoms of arthritis
  • Increased energy

Experience the benefits for yourself!

If you’re ready to experience the amazing benefits of yoga for yourself, with the care and attention of an in-person studio, from the convenience of your own home, click here to learn more about the Art of Living Yoga Studio. Get your yoga on and live your best life!

Join us on World Yoga Day

World Yoga Day

Amazing things can happen when we come together for peace. Join 10,000 yogis online for a FREE 90-minute special event, and flow through sun salutations at #IStandforPeace. You’ll experience energizing yoga, profound ancient wisdom, and blissful meditation.

Click here to register

Art of Living Part 1 course: Discover Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s ancient secret to modern well-being.

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