
Monkey Pose: Use This Splits Pose for a Deep Hip Opener

Learn how to practice Monkey Pose properly to avoid injuries. Prep poses, and a breathing exercise are included.

monkey pose ardha hanumanasana

Monkey Pose gets its name from Hindu mythology. Lord Hanuman (the monkey god) leaps from the southern tip of India to the island of Sri Lanka. The mythological leap is captured in the Monkey Pose, which opens the hips and stretches muscles in the groin and hamstring region. Make sure to warm up your legs and hips before doing this challenging pose.

In Sanskrit, Monkey Pose is known as Hanumanasana (Haa-NU-mahn-AHS-anna). Hanuman, refers to Lord Hanuman, and asana, means pose.

Level of difficulty: Intermediate to advanced

practice monkey pose

  • Stretches and strengthens muscles in the hamstrings, thighs, and groin region

  • Improves flexibility in hips, groin, and legs

  • Stimulates abdominal organs

  • Strengthens the quads and hip flexors

  • Stimulates the sacral and root chakras

  • Increases awareness and balance

  • Tones pelvic area

  • Increases resilience and grounds thoughts

Precautions for Monkey Pose


  • Hamstring or groin injury

  • Pregnancy

  • Joint injuries (hips, knees, or ankle)

  • Tailbone injury

Prep poses
downward facing dog pose

Tips for practicing Hanumanasana

breathe deeply

  • Make sure you continue to breathe while holding the posture

  • Do not force your body into a full split, as it might harm your body

  • Respect your body's limits and stretch only to a point of comfort

  • Attend a class with a yoga teacher for extra guidance

Breathing exercise for Monkey Pose 

The best breathing exercise for any yoga posture is victory breath or ocean breath, also known in Sanskrit as Ujjayi breath. This simple-to-learn technique helps you control your breath and maintain an even flow. Watch this video to learn how to practice and add it to your yoga practice the next time you hit the mat. 

Step-by-step instructions for Monkey Pose

Half Monkey Pose

half monkey pose

  1. Start by kneeling on the floor. Keep your legs hip-width apart. The tops of your feet should lay flat on the ground.

  2. Extend your left leg out in front of you, your heel on the ground, and your foot flexed toward you.

  3. Bend the torso forward slightly, supporting your weight on your fingertips.

  4. Slowly straighten the left leg, keeping the knee flexible.

  5. Gently start to slide the left heel forward and the right leg back slightly, taking care not to put pressure on the knee.

  6. Keep the hips level and square with your mat.

  7. Optional: Bring the torso toward the mat while exhaling and lengthening the spine. Continue to breathe!

  8. Slowly bring back the left heel while pressing your fingertips into the floor to come out of Half Monkey Pose. Then, return to the kneeling position.

  9. Take several breaths before following directions using the right leg in front.

Full Monkey Pose

full pose

  1. Start by kneeling on the floor with knees slightly apart. Place your right foot forward and raise the inner sole so that only the outer heel touches the floor.

  2. As you exhale, bend your torso forward and bring your fingertips to the floor.

  3. Slowly move your left knee backward until the front of your foot touches the ground. Simultaneously, slide your right leg forward until it touches the floor completely.

  4. Sliding your left foot backward and right foot forward, come into a splits position.

  5. Your right foot's toes should point skyward, and the front of your left foot should touch the ground.

  6. Raise your arms and join your palms together overhead. Stretch your arms and arch your back slightly.

  7. Stay in this position for a couple of breaths before lowering your arms.

  8. To come out of this posture, shift the weight of your body onto your hands by pressing them on the floor.

  9. Slowly slide your left and right feet back to the initial position before repeating the pose with the left leg in front and the right leg behind.

Monkey Pose modifications and variations

monkey pose with two blocks

To Modify

  • Place a blanket below your knees and ankles to avoid any pain or discomfort

  • Use two blocks to support your arms


  • To increase the challenge while in full Monkey Pose, lift the arms overhead with the palms facing each other. 

Follow-up poses

yoga poses

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SKY Breath Meditation

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