Women Empowerment

Search results

  1. Reeta Singh- Voice of courage

    “December 11, 2005, Purbi Champaran District, Bitauna Village- at around seven in the evening, around 50-60 naxalities (a Maoist Communist group in India that has been declared as a terrorist organization under the Unlawful Activities {Prevention} Act), b ...
  2. Women Empowerment Program testimonial 1

    WEP Coordinator “Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is my inspiration. Watching him work selflessly, tirelessly, enthusiastically, joyously- working towards making life a celebration on this planet- that is what inspires me to take on the challenges.” ...
  3. Mumbai Police Combat Stress

    Life can be challenging for a police officer in the city that never sleeps. Whether it is dealing with the constant flow of miscreants, or managing the escalating traffic or rehabilitating misguided youth towards a better life, the policeman is always at ...
  4. Spreading Awareness in Kerala

    Spreading Awareness in Kerala The Art of Living has undertaken a campaign to spread awareness about HIV/AIDS and to reduce stigma by putting up posters and door-to-door campaigning. This has reached over 15,000 people in Kerala. "Stigma around the di ...
  5. First Prison Smart Program in Bahrain

    Fourteen women and 28 men underwent the first Prison SMART program held at the Reformation & Rehabilitation Directorate, Kingdom of Bahrain in January 2007. A special six-day Youth Empowerment Seminar (Yes) was also held for juvenile prisoners at the ...
  6. Katrien

    Katrien has dedicated her time to teaching inmates around the world. The techniques taught on the Prison Program have transformed the lives of many, bringing new hope and new life. She shares: "In my first Prison Program in Belgium, now more than one ...
  7. Dafna

    Dafna Paz, Katrien Hertog, and Nouran Gergues, all teachers of The Art of Living, have been conducting trauma relief courses as well as gathering and delivering relief materials in Israel and Palestine. During the civil war in Lebanon in 2006, Dafna co-or ...
  8. Mawahib: Working towards a better Iraq

    The Art of Living began its work in Iraq in 2003 with a focus on bringing relief and peace to people affected by the war. Several teachers from around the world were sent to Iraq in the face of ongoing bombings to conduct trauma care workshops, provide re ...
  9. Deepali Patel unites warring tribes, becomes an ambassador of change

    Civil war, the tension between ethnic groups and poor health care have long plagued Ivory Coast, a country in the African continent. When Deepali Patel, an Art of Living faculty from India and a small team of volunteers began working in this region to res ...
Displaying 31 - 40 of 53