Spirituality | The Art Of Living South Africa
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<% } %> <% if(layout == "column_based_three_horizontal_courses"){ %> <% } %><% if(layout == "events_carousel"){ %> <% } %> <% if(layout == "white_square_with_opacity"){ %> <% } %><% if(layout == "u2"){ %>
<% } if(layout == "white_square_with_opacity"){ %>
<% _.each( rows, function( row ){ %> <% var programPath = row.link.replace("www.artofliving.org/", ""); %>
<% var recur_check = ""; if ( row.recur_event_display ){ recur_check = checkForDayNames(row, "recur_date"); if(recur_check == ""){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.recur_event_display, "true"); } } else { if ( row.formatted_date ){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.formatted_date); } } if(recur_check == ""){ if(row.iso_start_date){ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.iso_start_date, row.iso_end_date); }else{ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.start_date, row.end_date); } row.formatted_date = recur_check; } %> <%= recur_check %> <% if ( row.weekend_timings || row.weekday_timings ){ %>
<% if ( row.weekend_timings && row.weekend_timings != "NULL" ){ %> <%= row.weekend_timings %> <% } else if ( row.weekday_timings && row.weekday_timings != "NULL" ) { %> <%= row.weekday_timings %> <% } %>
<% } %>
<% reglink = "https://my.artofliving.org/" %>
<% if ( row.is_online_event != undefined && row.is_online_event == 1 ){ %> <%= Drupal.t("Online") %> <% } %> <% if ( row.is_online_event != undefined && row.is_online_event == 1 && hide_address_online != 1){ %> , <% } %> <% if ( hide_address_online != 1 ){ %> <%= row.address %> <% } %>
<% if(row.ctype == "762239" || row.ctype == "55116"){%>
<% if(typeof row.register_title != "undefined" && row.register_title != ""){ %><%= row.register_title %><% } else{ %>Register Now<% } %> <% }else{ %>
<% if(typeof row.register_title != "undefined" && row.register_title != ""){ %><%= row.register_title %><% } else{ %>Register Now<% } %> <%}%>
<% }); %>
<% } if(layout == "three_horizontal_courses" || layout == "column_based_three_horizontal_courses"){ %> <% if(layout == "three_horizontal_courses"){ var layout_class = "three_horizontal_courses_owl"; }else{ var layout_class = "column_based_three_horizontal_courses_owl"; } %>
<% _.each( rows, function( row ){ %> <% var programPath = row.link.replace("www.artofliving.org/", ""); %>
<% }); %>
<% } if(layout == "search_tok_courses"){ %>
PROGRAM DAY ADDRESS CONTACT <% _.each( rows, function( row ){ %> <% var programPath = row.link.replace("www.artofliving.org/", ""); %> <%= row.title %> <% var recur_check = ""; if ( row.recur_event_display ){ recur_check = checkForDayNames(row, "recur_date"); if(recur_check == ""){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.recur_event_display, "true"); } } else { if ( row.formatted_date ){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.formatted_date); } } if(recur_check == ""){ if(row.iso_start_date){ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.iso_start_date, row.iso_end_date); }else{ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.start_date, row.end_date); } row.formatted_date = recur_check; } %> <%= recur_check %> <% if ( row.recur_event_display ){ %> <% if ( row.weekend_timings && row.weekend_timings != "NULL" ){ %> <%= row.weekend_timings %> <% } else if ( row.weekday_timings && row.weekday_timings !="NULL" ) { %> <%= row.weekday_timings %> <% } %>
<% } %> <% if ( hide_address_online != 1 ){ %> <%= row.address %> <% } %> <% if (row.register_url == "" && row.course_fee == 0 && row.early_course_fee == 0 && row.recur_event_display == "") { if(rsvp_nid){ var save_seat_url = "../webform-ajax/"+rsvp_nid+"?course_nid="+row.id; %> Save My Seat <% } }else if(Drupal.settings.aol.country == "in"){ %> <% var sub_url = ""; var reg_url = ""; var reg_title = "Interested"; if(row.sao_id && row.register_url == ""){ if (row.sao_type == 0) { sub_url = "india-course-registration"; }else if (row.sao_type == 1) { sub_url = "india-event-registration"; } } if (row.register_url != "" && row.register_url.indexOf("sendemailtoteacher") != -1) { sub_url = "india-registration"; reg_title = "Register Now"; } if(row.register_url.indexOf("www.") != -1 && row.register_url.indexOf("artofliving") == -1){ if(sub_url){ reg_url = sub_url+"/"+row.sao_id; }else{ reg_url = row.register_url; reg_title = "Register Now"; } }else{ reg_url = row.register_url; reg_title = "Interested"; } if(reg_url){ %> <%= reg_title %> <% } } else if (row.register_url) { %> <% if (row.sao_type == 1) { %> <% if (row.info_for_group_required == 1 && (row.max_tickets != 0 || row.max_tickets != 1)) { %> <% if(row.is_paid == true && row.register_url){ %> Register Now <% }else if(row.max_tickets > 1 && row.info_for_group_required == 1 && row.register_url){ %> Register Now <% }else { %> <% if(rsvp_nid){ var save_seat_url = "../webform-ajax/"+rsvp_nid+"?course_nid="+row.id; } %> Save My Seat <% } %> <% }else if (row.course_fee != 0) { %> Register Now <% } %> <% }else if (row.register_url) { %> <% if(row.ctype == "762239" || row.ctype == "55116"){%> <% if(typeof row.register_title != "undefined" && row.register_title != ""){ %><%= row.register_title %><% } else{ %>Register Now<% } %> <% }else{ %> Register Now <%}%> <% } %> <% } %> <% }); %>
<% } if(layout == "u2_register"){ %>
<% _.each( rows, function( row ){ %>
" class="upcoming-city"><%= row.address %>
<% var recur_check = ""; if ( row.recur_event_display ){ recur_check = checkForDayNames(row, "recur_date"); if(recur_check == ""){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.recur_event_display, "true"); } } else if ( row.combined_date ){ recur_check = row.combined_date; } else { if ( row.formatted_date ){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.formatted_date); } } if(recur_check == ""){ if(row.iso_start_date){ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.iso_start_date, row.iso_end_date); }else{ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.start_date, row.end_date); } row.formatted_date = recur_check; } %> <%= recur_check %>
<%= row.title %>
<% }); %>
<% }if(layout == "minimal_overlay_slider"){ %>
<% _.each( rows, function( row ){ %>
<% var recur_check = ""; if ( row.recur_event_display ){ recur_check = checkForDayNames(row, "recur_date"); if(recur_check == ""){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.recur_event_display, "true"); } } else { if ( row.formatted_date ){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.formatted_date); } } if(recur_check == ""){ if(row.iso_start_date){ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.iso_start_date, row.iso_end_date); }else{ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.start_date, row.end_date); } row.formatted_date = recur_check; } %> <%= recur_check %>
<% if(row.address){ %>
<% if ( hide_address_online != 1 ){ %> <%= row.address %> <% } %>
<% }if((row.teachers !== null) || row.email || (row.phones !== null)){ %>
<% var count = 1; if(row.teachers !== null){ %> Teacher: <% _.each( row.teachers, function( teacher ){ %> <% if(count != 1 && teacher !== ""){ %> & <% } %> <%= teacher %> <% count++; }); %> <% }if(row.email || (row.phones !== null)){ %> Contact: <%= row.email %> <% if(row.phones !== null){ count = 1; _.each( row.phones, function( phone ){ %> , <%= phone %> <% count++; }); } %> <% } %> <% } %>
<% if(row.register_url){ %>
<% }if(typeof preselected_course_types !== "undefined" && preselected_course_types !== null){ %>
<% } %>
<% }); %>
<% }else if(layout == "calendar_view"){ _.mixin({ get_course_details: function(all_courses, course_date, limit) { var date_courses = ""; if(typeof all_courses[course_date] !== "undefined") date_courses = all_courses[course_date].slice(0, limit); return date_courses; } }); var all_course_dates = []; _.each( rows, function( row ){ var course_dates = []; date_start = new Date(row.start_date); date_start = date_start.getDate(); if(typeof all_course_dates[date_start] === "undefined"){ all_course_dates[date_start] = []; all_course_dates[date_start][0] = row; }else{ date_length = all_course_dates[date_start].length; all_course_dates[date_start][date_length] = row; } }); var current_date = new Date(); current_month = current_date.getMonth(); current_year = current_date.getFullYear(); DaysOfWeek = jQuery.parseJSON(current_lang_days).current_lang_short_days; DaysOfWeek = _.map(DaysOfWeek, function(val, key){ return val; }); Months = jQuery.parseJSON(current_lang_months); Months = _.map(Months, function(val, key){ return val; }); FullMonths = jQuery.parseJSON(current_lang_full_months); FullMonths = _.map(FullMonths, function(val, key){ return val; }); prev_month_flag = true; if(typeof get_month != "undefined"){ if(get_month == 11){ next_month = Months[0]; prev_month = Months[get_month-1]; if(current_month > (get_month-1) && current_year >= get_year) prev_month_flag = false; }else{ next_month = Months[get_month+1]; if(get_month == 0){ prev_month = Months[11]; if(current_year >= get_year) prev_month_flag = false; }else{ prev_month = Months[get_month-1]; if(current_month > (get_month-1) && current_year >= get_year) prev_month_flag = false; } } %>
<% if(prev_month_flag == true){ %>
<%= prev_month %> <% } %>
<%= FullMonths[get_month] + " " + get_year %> <%= next_month %> <% var set_course_date = ""; var d = new Date(); var firstDayOfMonth = new Date(get_year, get_month, 1).getDay(); var lastDateOfMonth = new Date(get_year, get_month+1, 0).getDate(); var lastDayOfLastMonth = get_month == 0 ? new Date(get_year-1, 11, 0).getDate() : new Date(get_year, get_month, 0).getDate(); %>
<% for(var i=0; i < DaysOfWeek.length;i++) { %> <%= DaysOfWeek[i] %> <% } %> <% var i=1; do { var dow = new Date(get_year, get_month, i).getDay(); if ( dow == 0 ) { %> <% }else if ( i == 1 ) { %> <% var k = lastDayOfLastMonth - firstDayOfMonth+1; for(var j=0; j < firstDayOfMonth; j++) { %> <%= k %> <% k++; } } var chk = new Date(); var chkY = chk.getFullYear(); var chkM = chk.getMonth(); current_date_course = ""; course_date_class = ""; var active_class = ""; if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined"){ current_date_course = JSON.stringify(all_course_dates[i]); course_date_class = "course_available"; } if (chkY == get_year && chkM == get_month && i == chk.getDate()) { var today = i; if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined") set_course_date = i; if(course_date_class !== "") active_class = "active"; %> <% } else { if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined" && set_course_date == ""){ set_course_date = i; if((typeof all_course_dates[chk.getDate()] == "undefined" && get_month == current_month) || get_month != current_month) active_class = "active"; } %> <% } if ( dow == 6 ) { %> <% }else if ( i == lastDateOfMonth ) { var k=1; for(dow; dow < 6; dow++) { %> <%= k %> <% k++; } } i++; }while(i <= lastDateOfMonth); %>
<% var get_courses = ""; if(typeof all_course_dates[set_course_date] !== "undefined") get_courses = all_course_dates[set_course_date]; %>
Events on <% if(set_course_date !== ""){ %> <%= set_course_date %> <% } %> <%= FullMonths[get_month] %> <% if(get_courses !== ""){ var count = 1; %> <% _.each( get_courses, function( get_course ){ var image = ""; var thumbnail = ""; if(typeof get_course.image_url != ""){ image = get_course.image_url; image = image.replace("public://", "/sites/unity.artofliving.org/files/styles/blog_promoted_3_box_grid/public/"); thumbnail = image.replace("public://", "/sites/unity.artofliving.org/files/styles/thumbnail/public/"); } %> <% count++; }); %> <% }else{ %> No courses found <% } %> <% } } %><% if(layout == "events_carousel"){ %>
<% _.each( rows, function( row ){ %> <% var programPath = row.link.replace("www.artofliving.org/", ""); %>
<% }); %>
<% } %>'
<% } %> <% if(layout == "column_based_three_horizontal_courses"){ %> <% } %><% if(layout == "events_carousel"){ %> <% } %> <% if(layout == "white_square_with_opacity"){ %> <% } %><% if(layout == "u2"){ %>
<% } if(layout == "white_square_with_opacity"){ %>
<% _.each( rows, function( row ){ %> <% var programPath = row.link.replace("www.artofliving.org/", ""); %>
<% var recur_check = ""; if ( row.recur_event_display ){ recur_check = checkForDayNames(row, "recur_date"); if(recur_check == ""){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.recur_event_display, "true"); } } else { if ( row.formatted_date ){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.formatted_date); } } if(recur_check == ""){ if(row.iso_start_date){ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.iso_start_date, row.iso_end_date); }else{ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.start_date, row.end_date); } row.formatted_date = recur_check; } %> <%= recur_check %> <% if ( row.weekend_timings || row.weekday_timings ){ %>
<% if ( row.weekend_timings && row.weekend_timings != "NULL" ){ %> <%= row.weekend_timings %> <% } else if ( row.weekday_timings && row.weekday_timings != "NULL" ) { %> <%= row.weekday_timings %> <% } %>
<% } %>
<% reglink = "https://my.artofliving.org/" %>
<% if ( row.is_online_event != undefined && row.is_online_event == 1 ){ %> <%= Drupal.t("Online") %> <% } %> <% if ( row.is_online_event != undefined && row.is_online_event == 1 && hide_address_online != 1){ %> , <% } %> <% if ( hide_address_online != 1 ){ %> <%= row.address %> <% } %>
<% if(row.ctype == "762239" || row.ctype == "55116"){%>
<% if(typeof row.register_title != "undefined" && row.register_title != ""){ %><%= row.register_title %><% } else{ %>Register Now<% } %> <% }else{ %>
<% if(typeof row.register_title != "undefined" && row.register_title != ""){ %><%= row.register_title %><% } else{ %>Register Now<% } %> <%}%>
<% }); %>
<% } if(layout == "three_horizontal_courses" || layout == "column_based_three_horizontal_courses"){ %> <% if(layout == "three_horizontal_courses"){ var layout_class = "three_horizontal_courses_owl"; }else{ var layout_class = "column_based_three_horizontal_courses_owl"; } %>
<% _.each( rows, function( row ){ %> <% var programPath = row.link.replace("www.artofliving.org/", ""); %>
<% }); %>
<% } if(layout == "search_tok_courses"){ %>
PROGRAM DAY ADDRESS CONTACT <% _.each( rows, function( row ){ %> <% var programPath = row.link.replace("www.artofliving.org/", ""); %> <%= row.title %> <% var recur_check = ""; if ( row.recur_event_display ){ recur_check = checkForDayNames(row, "recur_date"); if(recur_check == ""){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.recur_event_display, "true"); } } else { if ( row.formatted_date ){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.formatted_date); } } if(recur_check == ""){ if(row.iso_start_date){ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.iso_start_date, row.iso_end_date); }else{ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.start_date, row.end_date); } row.formatted_date = recur_check; } %> <%= recur_check %> <% if ( row.recur_event_display ){ %> <% if ( row.weekend_timings && row.weekend_timings != "NULL" ){ %> <%= row.weekend_timings %> <% } else if ( row.weekday_timings && row.weekday_timings !="NULL" ) { %> <%= row.weekday_timings %> <% } %>
<% } %> <% if ( hide_address_online != 1 ){ %> <%= row.address %> <% } %> <% if (row.register_url == "" && row.course_fee == 0 && row.early_course_fee == 0 && row.recur_event_display == "") { if(rsvp_nid){ var save_seat_url = "../webform-ajax/"+rsvp_nid+"?course_nid="+row.id; %> Save My Seat <% } }else if(Drupal.settings.aol.country == "in"){ %> <% var sub_url = ""; var reg_url = ""; var reg_title = "Interested"; if(row.sao_id && row.register_url == ""){ if (row.sao_type == 0) { sub_url = "india-course-registration"; }else if (row.sao_type == 1) { sub_url = "india-event-registration"; } } if (row.register_url != "" && row.register_url.indexOf("sendemailtoteacher") != -1) { sub_url = "india-registration"; reg_title = "Register Now"; } if(row.register_url.indexOf("www.") != -1 && row.register_url.indexOf("artofliving") == -1){ if(sub_url){ reg_url = sub_url+"/"+row.sao_id; }else{ reg_url = row.register_url; reg_title = "Register Now"; } }else{ reg_url = row.register_url; reg_title = "Interested"; } if(reg_url){ %> <%= reg_title %> <% } } else if (row.register_url) { %> <% if (row.sao_type == 1) { %> <% if (row.info_for_group_required == 1 && (row.max_tickets != 0 || row.max_tickets != 1)) { %> <% if(row.is_paid == true && row.register_url){ %> Register Now <% }else if(row.max_tickets > 1 && row.info_for_group_required == 1 && row.register_url){ %> Register Now <% }else { %> <% if(rsvp_nid){ var save_seat_url = "../webform-ajax/"+rsvp_nid+"?course_nid="+row.id; } %> Save My Seat <% } %> <% }else if (row.course_fee != 0) { %> Register Now <% } %> <% }else if (row.register_url) { %> <% if(row.ctype == "762239" || row.ctype == "55116"){%> <% if(typeof row.register_title != "undefined" && row.register_title != ""){ %><%= row.register_title %><% } else{ %>Register Now<% } %> <% }else{ %> Register Now <%}%> <% } %> <% } %> <% }); %>
<% } if(layout == "u2_register"){ %>
<% _.each( rows, function( row ){ %>
" class="upcoming-city"><%= row.address %>
<% var recur_check = ""; if ( row.recur_event_display ){ recur_check = checkForDayNames(row, "recur_date"); if(recur_check == ""){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.recur_event_display, "true"); } } else if ( row.combined_date ){ recur_check = row.combined_date; } else { if ( row.formatted_date ){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.formatted_date); } } if(recur_check == ""){ if(row.iso_start_date){ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.iso_start_date, row.iso_end_date); }else{ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.start_date, row.end_date); } row.formatted_date = recur_check; } %> <%= recur_check %>
<%= row.title %>
<% }); %>
<% }if(layout == "minimal_overlay_slider"){ %>
<% _.each( rows, function( row ){ %>
<% var recur_check = ""; if ( row.recur_event_display ){ recur_check = checkForDayNames(row, "recur_date"); if(recur_check == ""){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.recur_event_display, "true"); } } else { if ( row.formatted_date ){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.formatted_date); } } if(recur_check == ""){ if(row.iso_start_date){ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.iso_start_date, row.iso_end_date); }else{ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.start_date, row.end_date); } row.formatted_date = recur_check; } %> <%= recur_check %>
<% if(row.address){ %>
<% if ( hide_address_online != 1 ){ %> <%= row.address %> <% } %>
<% }if((row.teachers !== null) || row.email || (row.phones !== null)){ %>
<% var count = 1; if(row.teachers !== null){ %> Teacher: <% _.each( row.teachers, function( teacher ){ %> <% if(count != 1 && teacher !== ""){ %> & <% } %> <%= teacher %> <% count++; }); %> <% }if(row.email || (row.phones !== null)){ %> Contact: <%= row.email %> <% if(row.phones !== null){ count = 1; _.each( row.phones, function( phone ){ %> , <%= phone %> <% count++; }); } %> <% } %> <% } %>
<% if(row.register_url){ %>
<% }if(typeof preselected_course_types !== "undefined" && preselected_course_types !== null){ %>
<% } %>
<% }); %>
<% }else if(layout == "calendar_view"){ _.mixin({ get_course_details: function(all_courses, course_date, limit) { var date_courses = ""; if(typeof all_courses[course_date] !== "undefined") date_courses = all_courses[course_date].slice(0, limit); return date_courses; } }); var all_course_dates = []; _.each( rows, function( row ){ var course_dates = []; date_start = new Date(row.start_date); date_start = date_start.getDate(); if(typeof all_course_dates[date_start] === "undefined"){ all_course_dates[date_start] = []; all_course_dates[date_start][0] = row; }else{ date_length = all_course_dates[date_start].length; all_course_dates[date_start][date_length] = row; } }); var current_date = new Date(); current_month = current_date.getMonth(); current_year = current_date.getFullYear(); DaysOfWeek = jQuery.parseJSON(current_lang_days).current_lang_short_days; DaysOfWeek = _.map(DaysOfWeek, function(val, key){ return val; }); Months = jQuery.parseJSON(current_lang_months); Months = _.map(Months, function(val, key){ return val; }); FullMonths = jQuery.parseJSON(current_lang_full_months); FullMonths = _.map(FullMonths, function(val, key){ return val; }); prev_month_flag = true; if(typeof get_month != "undefined"){ if(get_month == 11){ next_month = Months[0]; prev_month = Months[get_month-1]; if(current_month > (get_month-1) && current_year >= get_year) prev_month_flag = false; }else{ next_month = Months[get_month+1]; if(get_month == 0){ prev_month = Months[11]; if(current_year >= get_year) prev_month_flag = false; }else{ prev_month = Months[get_month-1]; if(current_month > (get_month-1) && current_year >= get_year) prev_month_flag = false; } } %>
<% if(prev_month_flag == true){ %>
<%= prev_month %> <% } %>
<%= FullMonths[get_month] + " " + get_year %> <%= next_month %> <% var set_course_date = ""; var d = new Date(); var firstDayOfMonth = new Date(get_year, get_month, 1).getDay(); var lastDateOfMonth = new Date(get_year, get_month+1, 0).getDate(); var lastDayOfLastMonth = get_month == 0 ? new Date(get_year-1, 11, 0).getDate() : new Date(get_year, get_month, 0).getDate(); %>
<% for(var i=0; i < DaysOfWeek.length;i++) { %> <%= DaysOfWeek[i] %> <% } %> <% var i=1; do { var dow = new Date(get_year, get_month, i).getDay(); if ( dow == 0 ) { %> <% }else if ( i == 1 ) { %> <% var k = lastDayOfLastMonth - firstDayOfMonth+1; for(var j=0; j < firstDayOfMonth; j++) { %> <%= k %> <% k++; } } var chk = new Date(); var chkY = chk.getFullYear(); var chkM = chk.getMonth(); current_date_course = ""; course_date_class = ""; var active_class = ""; if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined"){ current_date_course = JSON.stringify(all_course_dates[i]); course_date_class = "course_available"; } if (chkY == get_year && chkM == get_month && i == chk.getDate()) { var today = i; if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined") set_course_date = i; if(course_date_class !== "") active_class = "active"; %> <% } else { if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined" && set_course_date == ""){ set_course_date = i; if((typeof all_course_dates[chk.getDate()] == "undefined" && get_month == current_month) || get_month != current_month) active_class = "active"; } %> <% } if ( dow == 6 ) { %> <% }else if ( i == lastDateOfMonth ) { var k=1; for(dow; dow < 6; dow++) { %> <%= k %> <% k++; } } i++; }while(i <= lastDateOfMonth); %>
<% var get_courses = ""; if(typeof all_course_dates[set_course_date] !== "undefined") get_courses = all_course_dates[set_course_date]; %>
Events on <% if(set_course_date !== ""){ %> <%= set_course_date %> <% } %> <%= FullMonths[get_month] %> <% if(get_courses !== ""){ var count = 1; %> <% _.each( get_courses, function( get_course ){ var image = ""; var thumbnail = ""; if(typeof get_course.image_url != ""){ image = get_course.image_url; image = image.replace("public://", "/sites/unity.artofliving.org/files/styles/blog_promoted_3_box_grid/public/"); thumbnail = image.replace("public://", "/sites/unity.artofliving.org/files/styles/thumbnail/public/"); } %> <% count++; }); %> <% }else{ %> No courses found <% } %> <% } } %><% if(layout == "events_carousel"){ %>
<% _.each( rows, function( row ){ %> <% var programPath = row.link.replace("www.artofliving.org/", ""); %>
<% }); %>
<% } %>'
<% } %> <% if(layout == "column_based_three_horizontal_courses"){ %> <% } %><% if(layout == "events_carousel"){ %> <% } %> <% if(layout == "white_square_with_opacity"){ %> <% } %><% if(layout == "u2"){ %>
<% } if(layout == "white_square_with_opacity"){ %>
<% _.each( rows, function( row ){ %> <% var programPath = row.link.replace("www.artofliving.org/", ""); %>
<% var recur_check = ""; if ( row.recur_event_display ){ recur_check = checkForDayNames(row, "recur_date"); if(recur_check == ""){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.recur_event_display, "true"); } } else { if ( row.formatted_date ){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.formatted_date); } } if(recur_check == ""){ if(row.iso_start_date){ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.iso_start_date, row.iso_end_date); }else{ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.start_date, row.end_date); } row.formatted_date = recur_check; } %> <%= recur_check %> <% if ( row.weekend_timings || row.weekday_timings ){ %>
<% if ( row.weekend_timings && row.weekend_timings != "NULL" ){ %> <%= row.weekend_timings %> <% } else if ( row.weekday_timings && row.weekday_timings != "NULL" ) { %> <%= row.weekday_timings %> <% } %>
<% } %>
<% reglink = "https://my.artofliving.org/" %>
<% if ( row.is_online_event != undefined && row.is_online_event == 1 ){ %> <%= Drupal.t("Online") %> <% } %> <% if ( row.is_online_event != undefined && row.is_online_event == 1 && hide_address_online != 1){ %> , <% } %> <% if ( hide_address_online != 1 ){ %> <%= row.address %> <% } %>
<% if(row.ctype == "762239" || row.ctype == "55116"){%>
<% if(typeof row.register_title != "undefined" && row.register_title != ""){ %><%= row.register_title %><% } else{ %>Register Now<% } %> <% }else{ %>
<% if(typeof row.register_title != "undefined" && row.register_title != ""){ %><%= row.register_title %><% } else{ %>Register Now<% } %> <%}%>
<% }); %>
<% } if(layout == "three_horizontal_courses" || layout == "column_based_three_horizontal_courses"){ %> <% if(layout == "three_horizontal_courses"){ var layout_class = "three_horizontal_courses_owl"; }else{ var layout_class = "column_based_three_horizontal_courses_owl"; } %>
<% _.each( rows, function( row ){ %> <% var programPath = row.link.replace("www.artofliving.org/", ""); %>
<% }); %>
<% } if(layout == "search_tok_courses"){ %>
PROGRAM DAY ADDRESS CONTACT <% _.each( rows, function( row ){ %> <% var programPath = row.link.replace("www.artofliving.org/", ""); %> <%= row.title %> <% var recur_check = ""; if ( row.recur_event_display ){ recur_check = checkForDayNames(row, "recur_date"); if(recur_check == ""){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.recur_event_display, "true"); } } else { if ( row.formatted_date ){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.formatted_date); } } if(recur_check == ""){ if(row.iso_start_date){ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.iso_start_date, row.iso_end_date); }else{ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.start_date, row.end_date); } row.formatted_date = recur_check; } %> <%= recur_check %> <% if ( row.recur_event_display ){ %> <% if ( row.weekend_timings && row.weekend_timings != "NULL" ){ %> <%= row.weekend_timings %> <% } else if ( row.weekday_timings && row.weekday_timings !="NULL" ) { %> <%= row.weekday_timings %> <% } %>
<% } %> <% if ( hide_address_online != 1 ){ %> <%= row.address %> <% } %> <% if (row.register_url == "" && row.course_fee == 0 && row.early_course_fee == 0 && row.recur_event_display == "") { if(rsvp_nid){ var save_seat_url = "../webform-ajax/"+rsvp_nid+"?course_nid="+row.id; %> Save My Seat <% } }else if(Drupal.settings.aol.country == "in"){ %> <% var sub_url = ""; var reg_url = ""; var reg_title = "Interested"; if(row.sao_id && row.register_url == ""){ if (row.sao_type == 0) { sub_url = "india-course-registration"; }else if (row.sao_type == 1) { sub_url = "india-event-registration"; } } if (row.register_url != "" && row.register_url.indexOf("sendemailtoteacher") != -1) { sub_url = "india-registration"; reg_title = "Register Now"; } if(row.register_url.indexOf("www.") != -1 && row.register_url.indexOf("artofliving") == -1){ if(sub_url){ reg_url = sub_url+"/"+row.sao_id; }else{ reg_url = row.register_url; reg_title = "Register Now"; } }else{ reg_url = row.register_url; reg_title = "Interested"; } if(reg_url){ %> <%= reg_title %> <% } } else if (row.register_url) { %> <% if (row.sao_type == 1) { %> <% if (row.info_for_group_required == 1 && (row.max_tickets != 0 || row.max_tickets != 1)) { %> <% if(row.is_paid == true && row.register_url){ %> Register Now <% }else if(row.max_tickets > 1 && row.info_for_group_required == 1 && row.register_url){ %> Register Now <% }else { %> <% if(rsvp_nid){ var save_seat_url = "../webform-ajax/"+rsvp_nid+"?course_nid="+row.id; } %> Save My Seat <% } %> <% }else if (row.course_fee != 0) { %> Register Now <% } %> <% }else if (row.register_url) { %> <% if(row.ctype == "762239" || row.ctype == "55116"){%> <% if(typeof row.register_title != "undefined" && row.register_title != ""){ %><%= row.register_title %><% } else{ %>Register Now<% } %> <% }else{ %> Register Now <%}%> <% } %> <% } %> <% }); %>
<% } if(layout == "u2_register"){ %>
<% _.each( rows, function( row ){ %>
" class="upcoming-city"><%= row.address %>
<% var recur_check = ""; if ( row.recur_event_display ){ recur_check = checkForDayNames(row, "recur_date"); if(recur_check == ""){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.recur_event_display, "true"); } } else if ( row.combined_date ){ recur_check = row.combined_date; } else { if ( row.formatted_date ){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.formatted_date); } } if(recur_check == ""){ if(row.iso_start_date){ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.iso_start_date, row.iso_end_date); }else{ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.start_date, row.end_date); } row.formatted_date = recur_check; } %> <%= recur_check %>
<%= row.title %>
<% }); %>
<% }if(layout == "minimal_overlay_slider"){ %>
<% _.each( rows, function( row ){ %>
<% var recur_check = ""; if ( row.recur_event_display ){ recur_check = checkForDayNames(row, "recur_date"); if(recur_check == ""){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.recur_event_display, "true"); } } else { if ( row.formatted_date ){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.formatted_date); } } if(recur_check == ""){ if(row.iso_start_date){ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.iso_start_date, row.iso_end_date); }else{ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.start_date, row.end_date); } row.formatted_date = recur_check; } %> <%= recur_check %>
<% if(row.address){ %>
<% if ( hide_address_online != 1 ){ %> <%= row.address %> <% } %>
<% }if((row.teachers !== null) || row.email || (row.phones !== null)){ %>
<% var count = 1; if(row.teachers !== null){ %> Teacher: <% _.each( row.teachers, function( teacher ){ %> <% if(count != 1 && teacher !== ""){ %> & <% } %> <%= teacher %> <% count++; }); %> <% }if(row.email || (row.phones !== null)){ %> Contact: <%= row.email %> <% if(row.phones !== null){ count = 1; _.each( row.phones, function( phone ){ %> , <%= phone %> <% count++; }); } %> <% } %> <% } %>
<% if(row.register_url){ %>
<% }if(typeof preselected_course_types !== "undefined" && preselected_course_types !== null){ %>
<% } %>
<% }); %>
<% }else if(layout == "calendar_view"){ _.mixin({ get_course_details: function(all_courses, course_date, limit) { var date_courses = ""; if(typeof all_courses[course_date] !== "undefined") date_courses = all_courses[course_date].slice(0, limit); return date_courses; } }); var all_course_dates = []; _.each( rows, function( row ){ var course_dates = []; date_start = new Date(row.start_date); date_start = date_start.getDate(); if(typeof all_course_dates[date_start] === "undefined"){ all_course_dates[date_start] = []; all_course_dates[date_start][0] = row; }else{ date_length = all_course_dates[date_start].length; all_course_dates[date_start][date_length] = row; } }); var current_date = new Date(); current_month = current_date.getMonth(); current_year = current_date.getFullYear(); DaysOfWeek = jQuery.parseJSON(current_lang_days).current_lang_short_days; DaysOfWeek = _.map(DaysOfWeek, function(val, key){ return val; }); Months = jQuery.parseJSON(current_lang_months); Months = _.map(Months, function(val, key){ return val; }); FullMonths = jQuery.parseJSON(current_lang_full_months); FullMonths = _.map(FullMonths, function(val, key){ return val; }); prev_month_flag = true; if(typeof get_month != "undefined"){ if(get_month == 11){ next_month = Months[0]; prev_month = Months[get_month-1]; if(current_month > (get_month-1) && current_year >= get_year) prev_month_flag = false; }else{ next_month = Months[get_month+1]; if(get_month == 0){ prev_month = Months[11]; if(current_year >= get_year) prev_month_flag = false; }else{ prev_month = Months[get_month-1]; if(current_month > (get_month-1) && current_year >= get_year) prev_month_flag = false; } } %>
<% if(prev_month_flag == true){ %>
<%= prev_month %> <% } %>
<%= FullMonths[get_month] + " " + get_year %> <%= next_month %> <% var set_course_date = ""; var d = new Date(); var firstDayOfMonth = new Date(get_year, get_month, 1).getDay(); var lastDateOfMonth = new Date(get_year, get_month+1, 0).getDate(); var lastDayOfLastMonth = get_month == 0 ? new Date(get_year-1, 11, 0).getDate() : new Date(get_year, get_month, 0).getDate(); %>
<% for(var i=0; i < DaysOfWeek.length;i++) { %> <%= DaysOfWeek[i] %> <% } %> <% var i=1; do { var dow = new Date(get_year, get_month, i).getDay(); if ( dow == 0 ) { %> <% }else if ( i == 1 ) { %> <% var k = lastDayOfLastMonth - firstDayOfMonth+1; for(var j=0; j < firstDayOfMonth; j++) { %> <%= k %> <% k++; } } var chk = new Date(); var chkY = chk.getFullYear(); var chkM = chk.getMonth(); current_date_course = ""; course_date_class = ""; var active_class = ""; if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined"){ current_date_course = JSON.stringify(all_course_dates[i]); course_date_class = "course_available"; } if (chkY == get_year && chkM == get_month && i == chk.getDate()) { var today = i; if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined") set_course_date = i; if(course_date_class !== "") active_class = "active"; %> <% } else { if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined" && set_course_date == ""){ set_course_date = i; if((typeof all_course_dates[chk.getDate()] == "undefined" && get_month == current_month) || get_month != current_month) active_class = "active"; } %> <% } if ( dow == 6 ) { %> <% }else if ( i == lastDateOfMonth ) { var k=1; for(dow; dow < 6; dow++) { %> <%= k %> <% k++; } } i++; }while(i <= lastDateOfMonth); %>
<% var get_courses = ""; if(typeof all_course_dates[set_course_date] !== "undefined") get_courses = all_course_dates[set_course_date]; %>
Events on <% if(set_course_date !== ""){ %> <%= set_course_date %> <% } %> <%= FullMonths[get_month] %> <% if(get_courses !== ""){ var count = 1; %> <% _.each( get_courses, function( get_course ){ var image = ""; var thumbnail = ""; if(typeof get_course.image_url != ""){ image = get_course.image_url; image = image.replace("public://", "/sites/unity.artofliving.org/files/styles/blog_promoted_3_box_grid/public/"); thumbnail = image.replace("public://", "/sites/unity.artofliving.org/files/styles/thumbnail/public/"); } %> <% count++; }); %> <% }else{ %> No courses found <% } %> <% } } %><% if(layout == "events_carousel"){ %>
<% _.each( rows, function( row ){ %> <% var programPath = row.link.replace("www.artofliving.org/", ""); %>
<% }); %>
<% } %>'
<% } %> <% if(layout == "column_based_three_horizontal_courses"){ %> <% } %><% if(layout == "events_carousel"){ %> <% } %> <% if(layout == "white_square_with_opacity"){ %> <% } %><% if(layout == "u2"){ %>
<% } if(layout == "white_square_with_opacity"){ %>
<% _.each( rows, function( row ){ %> <% var programPath = row.link.replace("www.artofliving.org/", ""); %>
<% var recur_check = ""; if ( row.recur_event_display ){ recur_check = checkForDayNames(row, "recur_date"); if(recur_check == ""){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.recur_event_display, "true"); } } else { if ( row.formatted_date ){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.formatted_date); } } if(recur_check == ""){ if(row.iso_start_date){ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.iso_start_date, row.iso_end_date); }else{ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.start_date, row.end_date); } row.formatted_date = recur_check; } %> <%= recur_check %> <% if ( row.weekend_timings || row.weekday_timings ){ %>
<% if ( row.weekend_timings && row.weekend_timings != "NULL" ){ %> <%= row.weekend_timings %> <% } else if ( row.weekday_timings && row.weekday_timings != "NULL" ) { %> <%= row.weekday_timings %> <% } %>
<% } %>
<% reglink = "https://my.artofliving.org/" %>
<% if ( row.is_online_event != undefined && row.is_online_event == 1 ){ %> <%= Drupal.t("Online") %> <% } %> <% if ( row.is_online_event != undefined && row.is_online_event == 1 && hide_address_online != 1){ %> , <% } %> <% if ( hide_address_online != 1 ){ %> <%= row.address %> <% } %>
<% if(row.ctype == "762239" || row.ctype == "55116"){%>
<% if(typeof row.register_title != "undefined" && row.register_title != ""){ %><%= row.register_title %><% } else{ %>Register Now<% } %> <% }else{ %>
<% if(typeof row.register_title != "undefined" && row.register_title != ""){ %><%= row.register_title %><% } else{ %>Register Now<% } %> <%}%>
<% }); %>
<% } if(layout == "three_horizontal_courses" || layout == "column_based_three_horizontal_courses"){ %> <% if(layout == "three_horizontal_courses"){ var layout_class = "three_horizontal_courses_owl"; }else{ var layout_class = "column_based_three_horizontal_courses_owl"; } %>
<% _.each( rows, function( row ){ %> <% var programPath = row.link.replace("www.artofliving.org/", ""); %>
<% }); %>
<% } if(layout == "search_tok_courses"){ %>
PROGRAM DAY ADDRESS CONTACT <% _.each( rows, function( row ){ %> <% var programPath = row.link.replace("www.artofliving.org/", ""); %> <%= row.title %> <% var recur_check = ""; if ( row.recur_event_display ){ recur_check = checkForDayNames(row, "recur_date"); if(recur_check == ""){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.recur_event_display, "true"); } } else { if ( row.formatted_date ){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.formatted_date); } } if(recur_check == ""){ if(row.iso_start_date){ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.iso_start_date, row.iso_end_date); }else{ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.start_date, row.end_date); } row.formatted_date = recur_check; } %> <%= recur_check %> <% if ( row.recur_event_display ){ %> <% if ( row.weekend_timings && row.weekend_timings != "NULL" ){ %> <%= row.weekend_timings %> <% } else if ( row.weekday_timings && row.weekday_timings !="NULL" ) { %> <%= row.weekday_timings %> <% } %>
<% } %> <% if ( hide_address_online != 1 ){ %> <%= row.address %> <% } %> <% if (row.register_url == "" && row.course_fee == 0 && row.early_course_fee == 0 && row.recur_event_display == "") { if(rsvp_nid){ var save_seat_url = "../webform-ajax/"+rsvp_nid+"?course_nid="+row.id; %> Save My Seat <% } }else if(Drupal.settings.aol.country == "in"){ %> <% var sub_url = ""; var reg_url = ""; var reg_title = "Interested"; if(row.sao_id && row.register_url == ""){ if (row.sao_type == 0) { sub_url = "india-course-registration"; }else if (row.sao_type == 1) { sub_url = "india-event-registration"; } } if (row.register_url != "" && row.register_url.indexOf("sendemailtoteacher") != -1) { sub_url = "india-registration"; reg_title = "Register Now"; } if(row.register_url.indexOf("www.") != -1 && row.register_url.indexOf("artofliving") == -1){ if(sub_url){ reg_url = sub_url+"/"+row.sao_id; }else{ reg_url = row.register_url; reg_title = "Register Now"; } }else{ reg_url = row.register_url; reg_title = "Interested"; } if(reg_url){ %> <%= reg_title %> <% } } else if (row.register_url) { %> <% if (row.sao_type == 1) { %> <% if (row.info_for_group_required == 1 && (row.max_tickets != 0 || row.max_tickets != 1)) { %> <% if(row.is_paid == true && row.register_url){ %> Register Now <% }else if(row.max_tickets > 1 && row.info_for_group_required == 1 && row.register_url){ %> Register Now <% }else { %> <% if(rsvp_nid){ var save_seat_url = "../webform-ajax/"+rsvp_nid+"?course_nid="+row.id; } %> Save My Seat <% } %> <% }else if (row.course_fee != 0) { %> Register Now <% } %> <% }else if (row.register_url) { %> <% if(row.ctype == "762239" || row.ctype == "55116"){%> <% if(typeof row.register_title != "undefined" && row.register_title != ""){ %><%= row.register_title %><% } else{ %>Register Now<% } %> <% }else{ %> Register Now <%}%> <% } %> <% } %> <% }); %>
<% } if(layout == "u2_register"){ %>
<% _.each( rows, function( row ){ %>
" class="upcoming-city"><%= row.address %>
<% var recur_check = ""; if ( row.recur_event_display ){ recur_check = checkForDayNames(row, "recur_date"); if(recur_check == ""){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.recur_event_display, "true"); } } else if ( row.combined_date ){ recur_check = row.combined_date; } else { if ( row.formatted_date ){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.formatted_date); } } if(recur_check == ""){ if(row.iso_start_date){ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.iso_start_date, row.iso_end_date); }else{ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.start_date, row.end_date); } row.formatted_date = recur_check; } %> <%= recur_check %>
<%= row.title %>
<% }); %>
<% }if(layout == "minimal_overlay_slider"){ %>
<% _.each( rows, function( row ){ %>
<% var recur_check = ""; if ( row.recur_event_display ){ recur_check = checkForDayNames(row, "recur_date"); if(recur_check == ""){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.recur_event_display, "true"); } } else { if ( row.formatted_date ){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.formatted_date); } } if(recur_check == ""){ if(row.iso_start_date){ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.iso_start_date, row.iso_end_date); }else{ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.start_date, row.end_date); } row.formatted_date = recur_check; } %> <%= recur_check %>
<% if(row.address){ %>
<% if ( hide_address_online != 1 ){ %> <%= row.address %> <% } %>
<% }if((row.teachers !== null) || row.email || (row.phones !== null)){ %>
<% var count = 1; if(row.teachers !== null){ %> Teacher: <% _.each( row.teachers, function( teacher ){ %> <% if(count != 1 && teacher !== ""){ %> & <% } %> <%= teacher %> <% count++; }); %> <% }if(row.email || (row.phones !== null)){ %> Contact: <%= row.email %> <% if(row.phones !== null){ count = 1; _.each( row.phones, function( phone ){ %> , <%= phone %> <% count++; }); } %> <% } %> <% } %>
<% if(row.register_url){ %>
<% }if(typeof preselected_course_types !== "undefined" && preselected_course_types !== null){ %>
<% } %>
<% }); %>
<% }else if(layout == "calendar_view"){ _.mixin({ get_course_details: function(all_courses, course_date, limit) { var date_courses = ""; if(typeof all_courses[course_date] !== "undefined") date_courses = all_courses[course_date].slice(0, limit); return date_courses; } }); var all_course_dates = []; _.each( rows, function( row ){ var course_dates = []; date_start = new Date(row.start_date); date_start = date_start.getDate(); if(typeof all_course_dates[date_start] === "undefined"){ all_course_dates[date_start] = []; all_course_dates[date_start][0] = row; }else{ date_length = all_course_dates[date_start].length; all_course_dates[date_start][date_length] = row; } }); var current_date = new Date(); current_month = current_date.getMonth(); current_year = current_date.getFullYear(); DaysOfWeek = jQuery.parseJSON(current_lang_days).current_lang_short_days; DaysOfWeek = _.map(DaysOfWeek, function(val, key){ return val; }); Months = jQuery.parseJSON(current_lang_months); Months = _.map(Months, function(val, key){ return val; }); FullMonths = jQuery.parseJSON(current_lang_full_months); FullMonths = _.map(FullMonths, function(val, key){ return val; }); prev_month_flag = true; if(typeof get_month != "undefined"){ if(get_month == 11){ next_month = Months[0]; prev_month = Months[get_month-1]; if(current_month > (get_month-1) && current_year >= get_year) prev_month_flag = false; }else{ next_month = Months[get_month+1]; if(get_month == 0){ prev_month = Months[11]; if(current_year >= get_year) prev_month_flag = false; }else{ prev_month = Months[get_month-1]; if(current_month > (get_month-1) && current_year >= get_year) prev_month_flag = false; } } %>
<% if(prev_month_flag == true){ %>
<%= prev_month %> <% } %>
<%= FullMonths[get_month] + " " + get_year %> <%= next_month %> <% var set_course_date = ""; var d = new Date(); var firstDayOfMonth = new Date(get_year, get_month, 1).getDay(); var lastDateOfMonth = new Date(get_year, get_month+1, 0).getDate(); var lastDayOfLastMonth = get_month == 0 ? new Date(get_year-1, 11, 0).getDate() : new Date(get_year, get_month, 0).getDate(); %>
<% for(var i=0; i < DaysOfWeek.length;i++) { %> <%= DaysOfWeek[i] %> <% } %> <% var i=1; do { var dow = new Date(get_year, get_month, i).getDay(); if ( dow == 0 ) { %> <% }else if ( i == 1 ) { %> <% var k = lastDayOfLastMonth - firstDayOfMonth+1; for(var j=0; j < firstDayOfMonth; j++) { %> <%= k %> <% k++; } } var chk = new Date(); var chkY = chk.getFullYear(); var chkM = chk.getMonth(); current_date_course = ""; course_date_class = ""; var active_class = ""; if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined"){ current_date_course = JSON.stringify(all_course_dates[i]); course_date_class = "course_available"; } if (chkY == get_year && chkM == get_month && i == chk.getDate()) { var today = i; if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined") set_course_date = i; if(course_date_class !== "") active_class = "active"; %> <% } else { if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined" && set_course_date == ""){ set_course_date = i; if((typeof all_course_dates[chk.getDate()] == "undefined" && get_month == current_month) || get_month != current_month) active_class = "active"; } %> <% } if ( dow == 6 ) { %> <% }else if ( i == lastDateOfMonth ) { var k=1; for(dow; dow < 6; dow++) { %> <%= k %> <% k++; } } i++; }while(i <= lastDateOfMonth); %>
<% var get_courses = ""; if(typeof all_course_dates[set_course_date] !== "undefined") get_courses = all_course_dates[set_course_date]; %>
Events on <% if(set_course_date !== ""){ %> <%= set_course_date %> <% } %> <%= FullMonths[get_month] %> <% if(get_courses !== ""){ var count = 1; %> <% _.each( get_courses, function( get_course ){ var image = ""; var thumbnail = ""; if(typeof get_course.image_url != ""){ image = get_course.image_url; image = image.replace("public://", "/sites/unity.artofliving.org/files/styles/blog_promoted_3_box_grid/public/"); thumbnail = image.replace("public://", "/sites/unity.artofliving.org/files/styles/thumbnail/public/"); } %> <% count++; }); %> <% }else{ %> No courses found <% } %> <% } } %><% if(layout == "events_carousel"){ %>
<% _.each( rows, function( row ){ %> <% var programPath = row.link.replace("www.artofliving.org/", ""); %>
<% }); %>
<% } %>'