Have you seen a hamster running on the hamster wheel and thought your life was quite like that—running all the time but getting nowhere? So, isn’t it time to get off the wheel and walk the life you’ve dreamed of?
Sometimes, the bridge between these two lives lies within us and only we can build it. Our personality, an expression of who we are and not just how we look, then becomes a determining factor.
Would you not like to have a say on something that can make all the difference in your life? If yes, then meditation can be the key to transforming your personality.
Feed Yourself with Nutritional Supplements for the Mind – Meditation
How meditation affects different aspects of our personality is quite interesting to know! Meditation to us is supplying electricity to a light bulb. Meditation is quite like the act of switching on the supply. It helps us tap an endless reservoir of energy that we are made of. When we get in touch with our energy core, our filament-like self is charged, and that radiates as the charming qualities of our personality—both physical and mental.
Here are some tips for you to enhance your personality and how meditation will help you with each of these tips
Stop Worrying

Have you noticed that worrying is simply about something that hasn’t happened and letting your fears take over you?
What could work for you is imagining the very worst of the situation that you are worrying out and work on a plan on how to deal with that situation, should it occur. Being prepared for the worst will help you to stop worrying about it and live normally.
Stress is normally an outcome on worrying and evaporates the glow on your face. Meditation helps with stress relief and makes you naturally happy that shows up on your face and hence your personality.
Widen your Horizons

Challenging yourself and heading out towards greater things in life will enhance your personality and make you fearless.
Give Yourself Positive Affirmations

Now to do achieve point two it’s important you have complete confidence in yourself. How do you ensure that? By telling yourself
“I can do it!”
“I feel terrific!”
“I am responsible!”
These are not just words; you can convert these words into an experience. How?
First, have to find what’s holding us back? Failures? A lost chance? Not been able to live up to people’s expectations?
All these moments in themselves can be very overwhelming. But do you notice that these were just moments in our life that don’t exist anymore? They start poisoning our mind only when we keep holding on to them like someone holding on to garbage.
When you meditate, it becomes easier to let go of hurtful experiences. “Meditation can make you feel completely new because you start living in this moment, which is the field of all possibilities”, quotes Priya Rao, Sahaj Meditation teacher.
When you experience how powerful you are, then, needless to say, you feel confident. Meditation makes you experience that confidence and courage.
Discover Your Life’s Purpose
Have you felt good when you did something that you liked instead of something that you had to do as an obligation? Radhika Srivastava, International Faculty, the Achieving Personal Excellence (APEX) program believes that while commitments have their own place in our lives, knowing who we are and what we really want from life makes us aware of our limitations and helps us strive for excellence.
“In meditation, we get in touch with our higher self. You discover your passion, something that gives you a splash of freshness in this mundane life,” remarks Priya Rao.
In a way, meditation makes your life more fulfilling because it helps you hear your heart’s yearning. When you are happy, you can complete even the most mundane of tasks in no time and are also able to find me-time to do things that define you. When you find fulfillment in life, it shows on your face, and in your personality.
Be More Compassionate

An unexpected favor from someone when you are all worked up – doesn’t that make you feel good? It enlivens that "something" within you that makes you happy. That’s one aspect of compassion – being compassionate to the person in front of us.
Another aspect is to be compassionate to the one within. Meditation helps nurture the seed of compassion that is already there. “Accepting that everyone, including us, has flaws helps us love ourselves”, expresses Radhika Srivastava.
An undying spirit of enthusiasm ensures success in the long term and shines through our personality. And a person who is soft on himself and others is always a pleasure to be around.
Deepen Your Meditation
You might decide on a regular time for meditation, even reschedule your day to ensure you do it daily, but sometimes it can just turn out to be a wool-gathering session. Your thoughts are all over the place and you are a bundle of restlessness. Want a sure shot way to dive deep into meditation every time? Practice the Sudarshan Kriya daily. It’s a simple unique technique to drop stress and negative emotions and reconnect with yourself.
Know more on how to be more compassionate
Read more tips in the sequel to this piece