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  1. Standing Backward Bend (Ardha Chakrasana)

    Ardha= Half; Chakra= Wheel; asana= Pose Pronounced: ardhah-chak-rah-asanah How to do Standing Backward Bend (Ardha Chakrasana) Stand straight with feet together and arms alongside the body. Balance your weight equally on both feet Breathing in, extend you ...
  2. Standing Forward Bend (Hastapadasana)

    Hasta- hand; Padah- foot; asana- pose Pronounced: Has-tah-pada-sanah How to do Standing Forward Bend (Hastapadasana) Stand straight with feet together and arms alongside the body. Balance your weight equally on both feet. Breathing in, extend your arms ov ...
  3. Sideways Bending Using Both Arms

    How to do Konasana 2 Stand with feet about 2-feet apart. Balance weight equally on feet. Breathing in, raise your arms overhead and join the palms together, interlacing the fingers to form a steeple position. Keep the arms touching the ears. Breathing out ...
  4. The Angle Pose (Konasana)

    Kona =Angle; Asana = Pose/Posture (This posture is Pronounced as:konah-sanah)   How to do Angle Pose (Konasana) Stand straight with feet about hip width distance apart and arms alongside the body. Breathe in and raise the left arm up so that the fingers p ...
  5. Standing Yoga Postures

    Standing Sideways Bending One arm Sideways Bending Using Both arms Standing Spinal Twist Standing Forward Bend Standing Backward Bend Triangle Posture Warrior Posture Standing Forward Bend with Feet Apart Tree Posture Chair Pose Learn yoga asanas and Expe ...
  6. Yoga for backache- Discover the strength of healing through Yoga

    General reasons for backache*- Sitting or standing for long hours- Sitting or standing in an incorrect posture- Lack of exercise- Obesity- Smoking- Weak back muscles Do you find your hand often reaching out for your upper back? Unconsciously wanting to so ...
  7. Yoga Asanas and Their Poses for Beginners

      "Yoga is not just physical exercises, It's emotional integration, spiritual elevation, with the touch of a mystic element, which gives you a glimpse of something which is beyond all imagination." ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Yoga is a c ...
  8. Yoga In Airplane: 5 In-flight Yoga Poses

    Ever imagined you could do yoga flying in an airplane, at a height of 35,000 feet above the ground? Amazing but true. Let's explore how. Benefits Of In-flight Yoga Release muscle tension Increase blood circulation Relax your mind Soothe the nervous s ...
  9. Yoga for Seniors- Gentle Exercises

    Dinesh Kashikar, Sri Sri Yoga teacher, shares tips on how yoga can help seniors age with grace. We are as young as we feel! Yoga asanas tone up the body, keep our internal organs and the hormonal system in balance, and refreshes the mind and spirit. Hence ...
  10. Lying-down on Sides (Vishnuasana)

    Vishnu: Indian god (the preserver), who is generally seen lying on his sides; asana- Pose Pronounced as- Vish-a-nuh-asanah How to do Lying-down on Sides (Vishnuasana) Roll over to lie down on your right side. Support your head high on the right palm with ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More