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  1. Standing Spinal Twist (Katichakrasana)

    The name of this yoga posture, Katichakrasana, literally means rotation of the waist. It gives a nice stretch to the waist and helps in making it more flexible and supple. It takes very little time to do the stretch and it benefits your body in many ways. ...
  2. Yoga Mudra at your fingertips!

    Yoga is generally perceived as a combination of postures for stretching, breathing techniques for calming and relaxation. A general yoga class introduces these yoga practices and while we benefit from the techniques often the deeper and true understanding ...
  3. 5 Tips To Keep Your Metabolism High

    We all age, don't we? The metabolism of the body slows down as we age. So the next challenge is to keep the metabolism going along with the age. On this World Health Day, we bring to you some of the options which one can consider introducing into the ...
  4. What is Swadhyaya?

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 76 Contd. from knowledge sheet 75 Again, you need not make a mood out of it. When somebody has passed away, you cannot say “Okay, now I am going to be happy” and smile and dance. No, you should not do that. The ancient ...
  5. Adho Mukha Svanasana

    Adho – Forward; Mukha – Face; Svana- Dog The asana is pronounced as A-doh MOO-kah shvah-NAS-anna Adho mukha svanasana posture replicates a dog bending forward, hence the name downward facing dog pose. This asana can be practiced by any beginner too and wi ...
  6. The Importance of Tapas & Swadhyaya

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 80 Contd. from knowledge sheet 79   The biggest problem with lovers is that they love each other and start demanding each other. “Look how much I love you. What did you do for me?” or, they say “Do you really love me? ...
  7. Yoga for Kids

    Teaching yoga to kids is a uniquely wonderful way to guiding them into a healthy lifestyle. From a young age, they should be taught how to calm the mind and become more emotionally stable. Kids go through a lot of physical exertion; yoga helps them calm d ...
  8. Change is Inevitable

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 64 Contd. from knowledge sheet 63 There is another story. There was a very great monk who lived in the Himalayas.  He had free access anywhere because people loved him, welcomed him.  This monk would go to the King ...
  9. Getting established in truth and non-violence is yoga

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 67 Contd. from knowledge sheet 66 “ Ahimsa pratishtayam tat sannidhau vairatyagaha ’’ (II Sutra 35) Ahimsa = non-violence; Pratishtayam = established in; Tat = his; Aannidhau = presence; Vairatyagaha = violence will be ...
  10. The truth about lies!

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 68 Contd. from knowledge sheet 67 There is a story about the emperor of Delhi. India was a collection of many small states. So he was an emperor. The emperor of Delhi had a minister called Birbal. He was a clown too. T ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More