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  1. Warrior Pose (Veerabhadrasana or Virabhadrasana)

    This pose strengthens the arms, shoulders, thighs and back muscles, all in one go. This pose is named after Veerabhadra, a fierce warrior, an incarnation of Lord Shiva. The story of the warrior Veerabhadra, as all stories from Upanishads, has a moral that ...
  2. Yoga – The Natural Immunity Booster

    As the seasons change, the chances of falling sick rise sharply. It’s difficult for our body to keep the pathogens at bay when the immunity levels are down and people around us are sneezing and coughing. Though we cannot shun from being in contact with th ...
  3. Biggest Yoga Class in the African Continent

    20 Nov 2010     Over 700 people, gathered in ominous weather, to experience the biggest yoga class in Africa held in Cape Town on November 20, 2010. The aim was to allow people to experience the unity achieved through yoga.The event was at the Art of Livi ...
  4. The Science behind Stretching

    Stretching has been an integral part of yoga and also exaltation to the yogis. However, it has invoked several questions among its practitioners, scientists and skeptics. Modern science has nevertheless deciphered the technical know-how behind all the twi ...
  5. Understand How Vertigo can be Treated with Yoga

    What is Vertigo? Vertigo is a type of symptom of dizziness characterized by a sensation of spinning and mis-balance due to a disturbance in the sense of balance and equilibrium in the brain. It affects the inner ear, the area that monitors the directions ...
  6. 7 Yoga Asanas to Swim Better

    Swimming is perhaps the only full-body workout activity that helps you burn calories without sweating. Not only does it involve well-coordinated use of upper and lower limbs, but also requires on good breathing capability. Whether you swim for pleasure or ...
  7. Go Green! Spare Yourself! Spare the Fauna!

    Why Should I Become a Vegetarian? Welcome to the Vegetarian World! Vegans are frequently misunderstood as unconventional eaters with an unnatural passion for Earth’s natural resources and are ethically opposed to eating them. While many vegans do feel pas ...
  8. Truth is what we are!

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 69 Contd. from knowledge sheet 68 To be with what is, to be truthful in one's life, to one's heart, one's presence, one's mind, this is following satya. Not the words. Our intention, is it truthful? ...
  9. The world is part of the Enlightened One!

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 63 Contd. from knowledge sheet 62 The next sutra says – “ Tadartha eva drushyasyatma ’’ (II Sutra 21) tad = that; artha = purpose; eva = only; drushyasya = the scenery; atma = existence. “For that purpose only (for the ...
  10. Enjoy the Company You Keep

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 79 Contd. from knowledge sheet 78   “Santoshadnuttamaha sukha labhaha’’ (II Sūtra 42) Santoshat = by happiness, contentment; Anuttamaha = greatest; Sukha = joy; Labhaha = gained. “By contentment, the greatest joy can b ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More