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  1. Arunachal Guv Meets with Sri Sri: Suggests Programmes for Officials

    Arunachal Pradesh Governor J P Rajkhowa met with the Art of Living founder, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Itanagar during the latter’s visit to the state. The Governor suggested to the spiritual guru that Art of Living (AOL) should conduct meditation and ...
  2. Art of Living hands over cleaned-up land post WCF

    The Art of Living has completed the clean-up of the grounds where the World Culture Festival was held on March 11-13,2016. The ground will be officially handed over to the DDA on Monday, April 18, 2016. The grounds have been returned by The Art of Living i ...
  3. A shimmer of hope in parched Latur

    The Art of Living has been working on rejuvenating rivers and canals in the Latur district of Maharashtra’s Marathwada region since 2013. Latur district, which has 10 talukas and 1000 villages has been facing drought like conditions for the last several ye ...
  4. Children orphaned by Puttingal Temple fire in Kerala adopted

    Paravur, Kerala: The shocking fire on 10 April, 2016 at the 100 year old Puttingal temple at Paravur left the nation traumatized. But one story emerged out of that unconscionable disaster that brought cheer to many: it was the adoption of two young childre ...
  5. Bringing Relief Inside World's Most Volatile Regions

    New Delhi: At the battle lines, war zones and conflict areas where even relief organizations fear to tread, The Art of Living pitches a firm tent for peace. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, who recently received India’s second highest civilian honour, the Pad ...
  6. Pinoy Dancers Wow Global Audience At World Culture Festival

    NEW DELHI: Around 100 Filipino cultural dancers wowed thousands of global audience with their performance at the recently held World Culture Festival in New Delhi, India. The dancers, who belong to the multi-awarded Buyogan Festival dancers from the provin ...
  7. The World Culture Festival Isn't 'Crony Spiritualism'

    Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s World Culture Festival should be celebrated as a unique expression of diversity. The Art of Living Foundation, a global humanitarian and educational foundation, held its World Culture Festival in New Delhi from March 11 to 13, celebr ...
  8. Apparently Yoga & Politics Do Mix

    There aren’t many places on earth where one can meet Columbia’s youngest Member of Parliament, a former president of Nigeria and a former prime minister of France, hobnobbing not about politics but happiness. They and three million others from 155 countri ...
  9. Leading with Freedom: Lessons on Vision, Engagement, and Being

    As the CEO of a leadership institute that trains and coaches emerging and seasoned executive leaders from Fortune 100 companies and leading business schools, I continually seek examples of leaders who transcend traditional boundaries of sector and conventi ...
  10. One Indian Summer

    MANILA, Philippines – Picture 35,973 artists from 155 countries of the world sharing one stage. Ninety-one performances packed into a three-day run.  One hundred fifty-five volunteer makeup artists lugging around tons and tons of lipstick, blush-on, founda ...