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  1. 'World Culture Festival did not damage Yamuna floodplain': NEERI expert gives Art of Living clean chit

    The Art of Living’s gigantic event at the Yamuna floodplain has not damaged the river or the floodplains in any tangible way, let alone in the long term. This statement comes from Dr Rakesh Kumar, environmental scientist, and head of the Mumbai office of t ...
  2. Could Have Gone To A Better Place, It Would Have Cost Me Much Less: Sri Sri

    Siritual guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's three-day festival made headlines as much for his grand show as for the row with the National Green Tribunal and Delhi High Court who said the event was held on the ecologically sensitive Yamuna floodplains. In an inter ...
  3. Moved By Response In India at World Culture Festival, Says Pak Contingent

    The performance of the 100-member strong Pakistan contingent was one of the highlights of the event held on the Yamuna floodplains.  In 2001, the Pakistan chapter of the Art of Living (AOL) Foundation was started with just two teachers and an assistant. To ...
  4. Global Issues: Faith-based & Balanced Persons Can Make The Difference

    The World Culture Festival 2016 in Delhi features 35 years of working for peace - that is what the "Art of Living Foundation" stands for. There is no better description of its purpose than the words of the founder Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: "Celebrate l ...
  5. 2000 Interfaith Leaders to Promote Solar Energy

    As part of the Inter-faith Meet, Spiritual leader and Art of Living Founder Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has called upon over 2000 Inter-Faith leaders of the world to converge on a single platform to support the International Solar Alliance as ‘Internation ...
  6. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar – The Indian Guru Who Wants To Bring Isis To Peace Talks

    "I love you, Gurudev" shouted a female participant from a 2,300-strong crowd. "Haaaan" – came a melodramatic response from the dais signalling a token of acknowledgement and evoking a thunderous applause from the audience. "So, what meditation shall we do ...
  7. Heavy Rains Fail to Mar World Culture Festival, Wash Away Controversy

    From a fan’s point of view, a rain-soaked start to the Art of Living Foundation’s World Cultural Festival was a spoiler. Or was it? Multitudes from around the world had taken their seats in huge stands, settling down for a lavish evening. But few took noti ...
  8. World Chants #SriSri Tune, Cameron Invites Art of Living Chief To Address House of Commons

    New Delhi: World leaders on Sunday hailed Art of Living (AoL) and its founder Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar for holding the World Culture Festival and invited him to their countries. British Prime Minister David Cameron invited Ravi Shankar to address the H ...
  9. We Need Political Maturity, Says Sri Sri As Three-day Event Ends

    New Delhi: Art of Living founder Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on Sunday said parties should not politicise events having a bearing on the country's reputation and suggested that the media has been "harsh" in its criticism of the World Cultural Festival org ...
  10. Mahashivaratri Celebrations at The Art of Living International Center

    Bangalore, March 7. 2016: Thousands of international delegates from 80 countries were part of the Maha Shivaratri celebrations at The Art of Living International Center. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder of The Art of Living performed the Maha Rudrabhi ...