Bhastrika Pranayama | Easy Steps, Benefits & Ways to Practice
Bhastrika Pranayama When we do any physical exercise our body demands more oxygen, which signals the heart to pump...

Prana Mudra | Learn Benefits, Steps & Ways to Practice
Lord Shiva in his Adinath aspect revealed many yogic principles and practices to spiritual seekers. In Hatha Yoga...

Anxiety Relief at Your Fingertips: 5 Yoga Mudras for Quick De-stress
By Sejal Shah | Updated: July 30, 2020 Relief from anxiety is...

Bhramari Pranayama - Humming Bee Breathing
This simple breathing technique can help free the mind of stress...
Meditation for Beginners

Pigeon Pose (Kapotasana)
By Sejal Shah Open your hips and strengthen your back as you move step by step into the supple pigeon pose. Pigeon...

The 7 Chakras for Beginners Explored: Free Your Energy Now
By Sejal Shah Know the science of 7 chakras as outlined in ancient Indian yoga teachings. Awaken your energy,...

How To Make the Yamas and Niyamas Work for You in the Modern World
By Sejal Shah I Updated: July 30, 2020 Practicing yoga is much...

Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique (Nadi Shodhan Pranayama)
A beautiful breathing technique that helps keep the mind calm,...

Lose Weight With Yoga
Often, we blame our genes for us being on the wrong side of the weighing scale, don't we? But give it a second...

How To Do Surya Namaskar
Sun Salutation – The Perfect Yoga Workout If you are pressed for time and looking for a single mantra to stay fit,...

Wind-Relieving Pose (Pavanamuktasana)
Posted: Sep 23, 2018 Wind-Relieving Pose — Pavanamuktasana (PAAH-vaa-naa-mook-Taa-SUN-ah)...

Moon Salutation: Try This Cooling Yoga Sequence Soon
Updated by Sejal Shah The moon salutation, known in Sanskrit...

Crocodile Pose (Makarasana)
Posted: July 3, 2018 Crocodile Pose — Makarasana (Mah-car-ah-SUN-uh)...